《A Glitch In The Matrix》28: Escaped Death


Rex stared at the place Evie had been. A small tear slipped from his eye and ran down his cheek. He didn't bother to wipe it away.

"She would've been proud of you, Rex", Fives said as he placed a hand on the captain's shoulder. "Hopefully she's headed to a better place for her now."

Rex nodded, but didn't say anything. The courtyard was deathly quiet as he thought back to Evie's expression. She had tears in her eyes as he had released the trigger, but there was also a smile on her face. He closed his eyes, hoping to clear the memory from his mind, but the action only made it appear all the more real.

"Rex", Skywalker called. "You did good."

"Did I? Or was I wrong in my actions?" Rex asked, speaking his first words since Evie left.

"No. You did the right thing", Fives said, making the captain face him. "She'll be a lot happier now."

Rex looked toward the rising sun. "I hope she will be."


Evie ran through the streets of Coruscant, trying to find somewhere to hide before the Chancellor realized she wasn't dead and sent clones to kill her upon sighting.

"Pst!" someone said as she stopped to take a breather. "Hey, clone!"

Evie looked up, trying to see if there were any other clones around. When there were none, she started looking for the source of the voice.

"Over here!" Evie finally caught sight of a hooded man, who was beckoning her over to him. She placed her hand on one of Rex's pistols as she slowly made her way over to him.

"There's no need for weapons. But you need to get out of sight before you're caught", the man said, turning to leave. Evie frowned.

"Who are you?" she asked. The man paused, and pulled back his hood. Evie's eyes widened.

"I'm a deserter, like you."


Evie sat inside a house, sipping a cup of hot tea. Across from her sat a familiar face, but it was only familiar because it was one she had seen for the past few years.


"What's your name?" Evie finally asked. Before the man got a chance to reply, the door opened. Evie immediately had one of Rex's blasters pointed at the door.

"Sart, we're home", a female togruta said with a small human boy with bright red hair in her arms. She froze when she noticed Evie, and the gun. As Evie studied the togruta, she noticed that the female looked awfully familiar. The clone put the thought in the back of her head and focused on everyone in the room.

"Evie, put the gun down", Sart said, stepping between them. "This is my wife, Shini, and my son, Kedar."

Evie put Rex's blaster away, and sighed. "Sorry about that. I'm just really tense."

"It's alright", Shini said. "I kind of expected something like this to happen. As soon as we heard about the bounty on your head, Sart wanted to find you."

Evie sighed. "Well, you wouldn't have found me if Rex hadn't let me go."

"Let me go put Kedar down for a nap, and then we can talk about what happened", Shini said, glancing at her yawning son. Evie nodded and looked toward Sart, who followed Shini. Evie continued to sip on her tea, trying to relax a bit more.

After a little bit, Sart and Shini returned and sat across from Evie. They were quiet while they waited for her to begin her story.


Evie stared at the her now free hands. The cuffs had fallen to the ground in front of her. She looked up at Rex who was staring at her.

"Go", he whispered. "Hurry, before they come for you."

Evie stood and hesitated. "But they'll know that you let me go."

Rex shook his head. "We can lie, now go."

Evie frowned. "No. I will face my punishment."

"E, if you really do love me, you will go", Rex said sharply. Evie glared at Rex.

"That's not fair, Rex."

"Fine. You want to make it seem like you escape. Punch me and take my blasters. Then stun Fives so it looks as if he didn't have a chance to stop you."


Evie sighed softly. "You're not going to let me win, are you?"

"No", Rex said as his face hardened. "I can't."

"And why not", Evie asked as she walked up to him. She could feel the other clones watching in anticipation. She knew that no one would stop her, even if she told them to.

Rex's face softened as he stared into her eyes. "Because I love you too much to see you die."

Evie's breath caught in her throat as she recognized the words. "Okay", she whispered. She took a step back and smirked. "I gotta admit, Rex, you do kinda deserve this for saying that I wasn't your best friend."

Rex opened his mouth to agree, but didn't get a chance to due to Evie nailing him in the nose. He stumbled back and she grabbed his blasters, setting them to stun and aiming them to Fives.

She smiled at him. "Nighty night, brother."

Fives opened her mouth to speak, but was stopped by her stunning him. He fell to the ground, passed out. Evie ran forward and met little resistance. The resistance she did meet, however, she was able to stun and be on her way.

~present time~

Sart blinked in surprise. "So wait... you were almost executed, but your captain let you go because he loves you?"

Evie nodded. "I know it's against the rules... but I love him too. And while we have a lot we need to work on together, I know that one day, we'll be able to spend our time together."

"Unless he dies in the war, you mean", Sart said sharply. Evie frowned, and nodded.

"Yeah", she mumbled, before she straightened. "Anyway, how'd you know I was a clone?"

Sart froze before he sighed. "I used to serve under General Skywalker as well. I was in the barracks when you walked in after we picked what was left of your squadron up from the Rishi Moon Outpost. Your clothes helped me recognize you as well."

Evie blinked and looked down. "Yeah, I'm gonna need to get some new clothes. And a job. And a place to stay."

"I can give you some of my old clothes", Shini said brightly.

"And you're more than welcome to stay here until you find a job."

"Thank you guys", Evie said. "I really don't deserve this."

Sart perched a smile on his lips. "Anything for a sister."

Evie froze. "Oh, shoot... that probably made my story about falling in love with my clone captain sound really weird, huh?"

Sart chuckled. "Just a bit, but no judgement here."

Evie gave a nervous chuckle. "See, I wouldn't have even admitted to Rex that I loved him if I hadn't found out that we weren't actually related."

Shini tilted her head. "Sart told me that you were a glitch, that you were the only female clone of Jango Fett."

Evie smiled sadly as she looked into her now empty mug. "That's what I thought at the time when I apparently first introduced myself to him. But I have found evidence that proves otherwise."

"If you're not a clone of Jango Fett, then who are you a clone of?" Sart asked. "Or are you even a clone?"

"I am a clone. Just not of Fett. I'm a clone of the Jedi who requested we clones be made in the first place. Sifo-Dyas. The female part is still a glitch though."

Sart blinked. "Do you share any traits with the Jedi?"

Evie knew what he meant and focused the energy around the mug, lifting it up. Shini and Sart shared a surprised glance at each other before they looked back at Evie.

The female clone let the mug drop back down to her hand, and smiled at the duo.

"Got any more questions?"

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