《A Glitch In The Matrix》Author's Note



Well, here we are. The end of this book. It certainly was a wild ride, if I do say so myself. I'm so sad to say goodbye to Evie. She quickly became one of my favorite characters. I hope you enjoyed reading this book. Because if you did... then...










You're probably gonna murder me for this.















But I really wanted to see your reactions.






















This isn't actually the end of the book.

















There's still a lot more to come.







































What it is, I have no idea. This was written before I continued the book.






















But anyway... I hope you forgive me for this horrible and cruel joke.

















But I really really wanted to see your reactions.























Please comment how you reacted to my fake ending and then continue reading the book.


































If you actually read all of this, you're awesome.






























I'm literally just trying to make you squirm as you continue scrolling until you get to the end of this note.



























































Have some baby Yoda.


































Congratulations, you made it to the end of this chapter. Comment if you read through this entire thing.


This was all just for sheer amusement. I just wasted a couple minutes that you could've spent reading the next part of the book. Hehe.

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