《A Glitch In The Matrix》9: Glitch


Evie huffed as she glared at Rex. "My leg is almost healed, Rex! I don't see why I can't go with you on this mission. Fives and Echo get to go and I haven't been on a mission with them since Rishi!"

Rex sighed. "I know your leg is almost healed, but until it's completely healed, you can't come with. And as much as I would like you to come with me on this mission, I can't exactly go against the medic's orders. Besides... you know how Kix gets when you disobey his orders."

Evie huffed, and looked away from Rex. The clone captain sighed again. "Look, I'll tell you all about the mission when I get back. But promise me you'll listen to Kix and his orders."

Evie remained silent and refused to look at Rex. The blonde haired clone sighed. "Evie. Look at me."

"Don't wanna", Evie pouted. Rex let out a deep sigh, and made Evie look at him. Her eyes were filled with anger and sadness.

"Promise me that you'll listen to Kix", he said. Evie looked down and sighed.

"I promise I'll listen to Kix."

"And you can't use that weird thing where you get people to say what you want them to say", Rex added. Evie growled softly.

"Fine", she spat. Rex sighed and pulled her into a hug. Evie didn't return the hug.

"Thank you, Evie. When we get back, me, you, Fives and Echo will go to the clone bar and talk about what happened, deal?"

"Deal", Evie said quietly. Rex pulled away, and gave her a smile.

"We'll be back before you know it", he said. Evie attempted to return the smile, but failed. Rex's smile faded.

"We'll be okay, Evie", he said. "We're all strong."

Evie looked up at him, not bothering to hide the tears in her eyes. "I know... I'm just worried that something will go wrong and that one of you will be injured or killed."

Rex sighed and pulled her into another hug. This time, Evie returned it. "None of us will get hurt, Evie. I promise."

Evie smiled softly, and pulled away from the hug. She brightened her face and pushed Rex away.

"Go on now", she grinned. "Or you're going to be late and the general will be mad at you."

"I'm already late", Rex muttered. Evie playfully gasped.

"Rexton!" she cried. "You're actually late for once."


"Rexton?" Rex asked, an amused smile on his face. Evie shrugged.

"Just slipped out of my mouth."

"I kinda like it", Rex grinned

"Okay, so I'm not using that one", Evie mumbled. Rex laughed before he finally started leaving the empty barracks.

"I'll see you in a few weeks, Evie", he called back. Evie gave him a soft smile.

"See you, Rex", she said quietly. As soon as he disappeared, her smile faded and she hugged herself. These next few weeks were going to be very quiet for her.


"Rex!" Evie grinned as she spotted the familiar blue and white armor. The man took off his helmet and grinned at her as well. Evie was wearing her casual clothes, as she had no reason to be wearing her armor. She hadn't been on a mission in a few weeks and she couldn't wait to be back on the field.

"How was your mission? Was it a success?" Evie asked. Rex shrugged.

"It went well", he said. "So, yes, it was a success."

"Evie!" Two familiar voices cried out. Evie turned to see her brothers rushing toward her.

"Echo, Fives!" she grinned, pulling them into a hug. "Have fun on the mission?"

They both start chattering about it, and Evie laughed. "How about we go to 79's and then you guys can tell me all about it?"

Her brothers stopped talking before rubbing the back of their heads. "We can't. We only have a few minutes before we're being sent on another mission."

Evie turned to look at Rex, her eyes narrowing. "What about you? Are you going on another mission in a few minutes?"

Rex shook his head. "Nope. I'm all yours."

Evie grinned. "Yay! I get to spend time with my best friend!"

Fives and Echo shared a glance, both of them smirking. "We'll leave you two alone then."

Evie rolled her eyes at her brothers antics. She shouted after them. "He's also my brother, you dimwits."

"We know!" Fives called back. "We aren't judging you!"

Evie glared at them, and turned back to Rex to see him snickering. She huffed and glared at him too. He almost immediately stopped snickering.

She walked past him, making sure to ram her shoulder into his. "Come on, Rex. We have a lot we need to talk about."

Rex chuckled. "That we do, Evie... that we do."


When the duo arrived at the clone bar, Evie was the first one in. She accidentally bumped into another clone, who almost immediately recognized her.

"Glitch?" he said, his voice demeaning. Evie tried to ignore him, but he called out to the entire bar. "Guys, look! Glitch is here!"

Evie growled and slammed the clone into a wall. "I thought I told you not to call me that", she snarled. "My name is Evie."

The clone laughed. "Yeah, right. Everyone calls you Glitch nowadays. Cuz that's all you are. You aren't a clone. You're just a glitch."

Evie raised her arm to punch him, but Rex stopped her. "Evie. It's not worth it."

"You're right", she sighed, relaxing. She turned away, but the clone's next comment riled her up.

"See! I knew she wasn't a clone. She can't even punch someone else so how could she hold a blaster?!"

Without a second thought, Evie punched the clone in the nose. "Shut up", she snarled as she pulled her hand away. He looked at her in surprise as blood dripped down his nose. She turned to Rex.

"Come on, Rex. Let's get out of here", she muttered, walking out of 79's. She walked over to the edge of the platform and sat down, staring out at the city. She sighed softly, and brought a knee up to rest her head on. Rex sat down next to her, but remained quiet.

"He's the reason you don't like being called Glitch, isn't he?" Rex finally asked. Evie sighed.

"It's not just him. It's every clone that I've ever met", she whispered. "They've all called me Glitch at least once, and not in a nice way. Not like you say it now."

Rex frowned. "That's why you were about ready to bite my head off when we first met."

Evie chuckled softly. "Yeah. I really was. I was already annoyed at you at that point, but then you called me Glitch. It's not a new insult to me at all, but it still hurts. And it's all because I'm female and not male. That's the only reason why they call me a glitch."

Rex pulled Evie into a side hug. "If you want me to stop calling you, Glitch, I'll stop."

Evie smiled. "I would like that, yes."

"Then you shall forever be Evie to me", Rex said, slightly dramatizing it. Evie rolled her eyes, and shoved him slightly.

"Dork", she said, but a smile was on her face. She pulled out the drawing Hevy made for her. As she looked at it, she couldn't help but laugh softly. "You know, I can remember when each of them stopped calling me Glitch."

"Care to tell me the story?"

Evie smiled. "Hevy was the first one to stop calling me Glitch. It was during a training simulation. I had saved him from getting shot, much like I've saved you. It wasn't the first time I had done so, but it was the first time he really took notice. I remember he had called out a thanks to me. He almost said Glitch, but he changed it to Evie. After that, he always had my back. He forced the others to call me by my actual name, and when they started doing that... we grew closer together. Soon, there was nothing we wouldn't do for each other."

Rex rested a hand on her shoulder, and when she looked at him, she saw he was looking at the picture.

"Hevy seemed like he was a good guy", Rex said. "I wish he hadn't needed to sacrifice himself to save all our brothers on Kamino."

Evie smiled sadly. "You're not the only one who wishes that. We were all very close. Fives and Echo miss him just as much as I do. Same goes for Droidbait and Cutup. We miss all three of them."

Rex smiled. "I don't blame you. I've lost a lot of good men over the course of this war, many of whom I was close to. We lost a lot of them on Geonosis."

"You fought in the battle of Geonosis?" Evie asked in shock. Rex nodded. Evie let out a breath of air as she stared at him in awe. "So you've been alive since before the start of the clone wars."

"Yep", he said. Evie smiled.

"Wow", she said before changing the subject. "Oh! So I've told you about why I don't like the name Glitch, now you gotta tell me about how Ahsoka got the nickname of Snips."

Rex laughed and began to tell her about the battle of Christophsis, and how he met Ahsoka. Evie listened intently, laughing at Ahsoka's nickname for Skywalker. They talked and laughed for hours, not leaving the side of the platform until much later. Both Rex and Evie left feeling much happier than they had felt in a long time, but neither one would admit that it was because of the actions of the other.

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