《A Glitch In The Matrix》8: Defense of the Innocent


"Rex, you and the commander need to get back to the tree, now!" Evie yelled into her com-link as she watched a flare go into the air and start heading straight for the two clones.

"Working on it!" Rex grunted. Evie looked through the binoculars to see them running this way. She looked back to where they had been and saw fire eating away at everything living. Her breath caught in her throat as she pulled the binoculars away to look at the two men who were running. They were close enough to use ascension cables. Rex shot his and managed to get up into the air, but Bly tripped and tumbled on the ground. General Secura immediately used her lightsaber to cut a vine and swing around to grab the clone commander. They got back up to the tree with little trouble.

"That's some toy", Ahsoka said warily. "It took out every living them."

Evie stared in horror at the scene before her. She looked back at the separatist camp to see that there were several platoons of droids heading toward the Lurmen village. They were followed by two tanks as well as the third that held the new toy.

"Where are they off to now?" General Secura asked. General Skywalker was the one who replied.

"Probably the Lurmen village. There's nothing else in that direction."

Evie sighed softly as she thought about the furry little creatures. She hoped they would be able to help them.

They began to discuss of a plan of attack. Once they had a plan in place, they climbed down from the tree and began to run over to the station the separatists had in the middle of nowhere.

By the time they got there, it was completely dark. Evie hid in the tall grass with General Skywalker and her clone brothers. She watched as the general used the force to move a rock around, catching the droids attention. This allowed General Secura and Ahsoka to slip past undetected. One of the four droids walked into the tall grass, following the rock and Skywalker sliced the droid in half with his lightsaber. He quickly ran around behind the droids whilst Bly and Rex slipped to the sides, leaving Evie by herself.

As the other three droids approached Evie's position, Skywalker pulled the rock toward him using the force once more. This caused the droids to turn around and at the moment, Evie attacked the middle droid while Bly and Rex took out the ones on either side of hers.

They hurried over to the door and waited for Ahsoka to open it. When it opened, they all hurried inside, hiding behind equipment as to not alert the droids to their presence.

They reached the command center where three droids stood. They took out the droids one at a time. Bly took the first one out, Rex took the second one and the general took the third.


They met up with Ahsoka and Secura, and hurried over to a shuttle where they noticed a few shield generators. Bly pointed them out to General Skywalker.

"Let's take em with us", the general said with a slight smirk. Rex, Bly, and Evie all grabbed one shield generator, whilst the Jedi hurried aboard the shuttle, getting it ready to take off. As soon as they had the shield generators on board, they took off, heading to the Lurmen village.

When they landed, the Jedi were the first off. Evie and her brothers stayed on board the ship whilst the Jedi talked to them. After a few minutes, the Jedi came back onto the ship.

"They don't want our help", Ahsoka spat. General Skywalker rested a hand on her shoulder.

"Calm yourself, Ahsoka", he said. "We're going to help them, whether they want it or not."


Evie stood next to Rex as they kept watch for the droid army from atop the wall of pods they had created. Rex was the one who spotted them first.

"Droids inbound", he called down to the general. Evie added to what he said.

"We've got eight minutes, tops."

Skywalker turned to the people down on the ground. "Come on, guys, let's get these shield generators in place!"

Evie and Rex turned back to watching the droid army, trying to make out numbers. Evie sighed softly as she looked back to the Lurmen village.

"Can you imagine what it would be like to live in such a peaceful village like this one? Not having to worry about the war for the most part. I think I would like that", she said quietly. She wasn't sure if Rex had heard her, as he didn't say anything. She turned back to watching the droids.

"It would be nice, wouldn't it", Rex murmured. "Maybe once the war is over, we could live in a village like this one."

Evie smiled. "Yeah. Me, you, Fives, Echo, and Tup. We could live together for a long time."

Rex seemed like he was about to speak, but wasn't able to when Skywalker called up to them.

"One of you come help us move some pods into place!"

Rex and Evie looked at each other.

"I'll go", they said at the same time. Rex shook his head, handing her the binoculars.

"I'm stronger than you", Rex said. Evie huffed.

"Says who?" she muttered, but let him go help while she continued to keep watch. She frowned when they stopped.

"Um, general?" she called out. "The droid army has stopped approaching."

"They're not going to charge us", Skywalker said. "If they can hit us from long range first, that's what they're going to do. But if we can withstand that weapon, we'll draw them in."


Evie nodded and looked back through the binoculars. She noticed them loading up the weapon.

"We might want to power the shield generators, sir. They're loading their new weapon."

Just as she finished speaking, they fired their weapon. The general order everyone to power the shield generators, which created a barrier around the entire village. The fire from the blast rose up against the shield, giving the village and orange glow. When it died down, Evie returned her gaze to the droid army through the binoculars.

"They're getting ready to charge", she called. The Jedi climbed over the pods quickly, looking at the oncoming droids. Rex and Bly joined her atop the pods, before all three climbed down to join the Jedi in front of the pods.

"We've got to stop then before thet get through the shield", General Skywalker said. They all stepped through the shield, and Rex handed Evie a rifle as soon as she put away the binoculars. The Jedi ran ahead, whilst Evie and her brothers stood just outside the shield.

She helped take down any straggling droids, which there weren't many. Soon the first wave was done with, and Evie used that time to take a deep breath. She didn't get much time between the first and second wave to relax and soon she was firing carefully planned shots at the droids.

They were forced to retreat as the droids advanced. Evie fired one last shot before she hurried through the shield and over the pods. They took their stand in the middle of a clearing in the village, ready and waiting to shoot the droids. It didn't take long for the clankers to break through the pod wall.

Evie was firing at the droids before she paused for a moment. She turned and fired, hitting a droid that had been about to take out a shield generator.

"They're going to the shield generators", she yelled out. "We need to protect them for as long as we can!"

Evie stood her ground in front of one, whilst Bly and Rex each went to another. She continued shooting droids, but eventually she had to dodge out of the way as one tried to shoot her. It destroyed the shield generator, and shield started to withdraw.

"Mine must've been the last one left", Evie muttered. She continued shooting down droids, silently wishing Hevy was here with his heavy fire blaster. He would've taken down these droids no problem.

Evie growled and started shooting at the droids with new fervor. Soon, however, she was surrounded. She continued to fight, even as the blaster fire rained down around her. A blast hit one of her arms, and she was forced to drop the rifle. She grabbed one of her small handheld blasters, and continued shooting the droids. A droid shot her leg and she fell to one knee.

She felt a blaster touch the back of her head and she froze. She closed her eyes, and waited certain death but was surprised when she heard a blaster go off, but nothing happened to her. She opened her eyes and saw Rex standing there with a blaster to held out. A droid was fallen behind her, and Ahsoka and General Secura were taking out the droids that had surrounded Evie. She smiled at Rex.

"Looks like you've managed to save me this time", she smirked, as she tried to stand up. She stumbled, and looked down her leg. It was oozing blood from her wound and she winced.

"This is going to take longer to heal than my sprained ankle", she grimaced, looking back at Rex. He laughed, and helped her walk over to General Skywalker and the others.

Wag Too saw her and instantly made her sit down so he could help her with her arm and leg. As he wrapped her leg up, Evie looked over at Rex who had taken his helmet off. He was discussing something quietly with General Skywalker. Evie couldn't help but smile at the concerned glanced Rex would send every now and then in her direction.

Once Wag Too finished with her wounds, he walked over to Ahsoka and Skywalker while Rex came over to Evie and helped her up.

She gave him a soft smile, but he didn't see it due to her helmet.

"I'd take off my helmet, but with my injured arm, it's kind of hard to", she said, an amused twinkle in her eyes.

Rex chuckled, and gently pulled her helmet off. Her hair was wet with sweat, and it clumped together weirdly. Evie raised her non-injured arm and felt her head. "Ew. Definitely gonna need a shower when we get off this planet."

Rex smirked, and ruffled her hair. "I don't know, Glitch. It kind of suits you."

Evie rolled her eyes. "Don't call me Glitch, Rex."

Rex smirked, but once he caught sight of her gaze, he sighed. "You really don't like that name, do you?"

Evie gave him a sad smile. "When we get the chance to talk about it more, I'll explain why. Maybe then you can also explain how Ahsoka got the nickname of Snips."

Rex nodded. "It's a deal, Evie."

Evie smiled and looked up at the sky just as three republic cruisers appeared in the sky.

"Good to know, Rex."

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