《A Glitch In The Matrix》Prologue


"You want... a clone of yourself?" a tall silver skinned being asked apprehensively. The man who requested the clones be made nodded.

"Yes. But I want him to be mixed in with the other clones. He is not to know that he isn't a regular clone."

The silver being frowned. "That may be difficult, as he will most likely look different from the other clones."

"I know", the man said. "But I want it to be so. I want to see how a clone of myself can handle being singled out because he is different."

The silver one sighed, and nodded.

"Very well, Master Sifo-Dyas. It will be done."


"Something isn't right with that one clone", one of the several beings muttered as they studied the baby that was growing in one of the tubes. "Besides the fact that it's not a regular clone, it looks like it is not male."

"But that isn't possible", another one said.

"No", the lead being said. "It is not. Keep a close watch on that one, see if anything changes. When it is ready to be born, we shall see how we are to continue."


"It is definitely female", someone in the group stated as she watched the child in the tube. "But why is it female and not male?"

"We do not know. But as Sifo-Dyas requested, we shall treat her like any other clone", the lead one said.

"Should we implant an inhibitor chip?"

"No. If she becomes a Jedi, they will find out. That is too great a risk to have."

"But what will we tell the Jedi when they come to see the progress of the clones?"

"We shall tell the Jedi when they come to collect on their clones that she is but a glitch in the matrix."

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