《Immortal Peace》chapter 7


"What!" Zeus yelled, glaring between Percy and Ananke, as he felt a small amount of his power leave, and Zeus noticed, he felt Hera's level decrease slightly, though she didn't look upset, quite the opposite in fact, because Hera had a smile that was just noticeable. Though before Zeus could ask Hera why she was smiling, he was interrupted by the throne room shaking, before all the thrones shifted down one on each side, before two new thrones appeared in the spots previously occupied by the thrones of Zeus and Hera.

"All hail, Perseus and Zoë , King and Queen of the gods!" Ananke declared, though it was ironic, seeing as Zoë was a Titan, but also Queen of the gods. "Now Perseus!" Ananke yelled, drawing Percy and Zoë out of their mental debat that they had just discovered they could have. "You must make your first decision as king." Ananke said, though when she noticed the hesitation she decided she needed to rush him, "NOW!" the primordial of inevitability yelled.

"Ok OK" Percy yelled back." my first order of business is that Zoë shall be respected just as much as I shall be, and she holds as much say in the council decisions as I do." Percy started, earning a smile from Zoë and Artemis, before Percy then indicated for Zoë to take over.

"And our next order is that, should they accept, we are offering Hades and Hestia their spots on the Olympian council back, as the fifteenth and sixteenth Olympians." Zoë said, smiling at the two children of Rhea

"We accept." Hades and Hestia declared as one. Causing the throne room to shake once again before two temporary thrones rose up at the end of the rows.

"Hephaestus!" Percy called out.

"If you could make them more permanent thrones when you have some free time, that would be great." Zoë said, finishing what her husband to be had started.

After receiving a nod of confirmation, the betrothed seemed to relax slightly in their thrones, before they were knocked out of their relaxation by Hera raising a tentative hand.

"Yes, Hera." Percy said, smiling kindly at her, taking his role as king quiet well.

"I have a request for you and Zoë." Hera said, sounding slightly hesitant about her request.

"Very well." Zoë replied, giving Hera a trying smile. "What can we do for you?"

"Well.." Hera started, before trailing off at a glare from Zeus, which earned Zeus a glare from the new rulers of Olympus.

"Do you wish for a divorce from your husband?" Percy asked, still shooting Zeus a glare.

"Yes." Hera replied, expecting ridicule for being a goddess of marriage, but wanting a divorce.

"Very well, on behalf of the council, we declare the marriage between Hera and Zeus to be null and void. May your next husband be more deserving of your love." Zoë declared.

And with that, the marriage was dissolved, and though Hera felt another slight decrease in her power, being a goddess of marriage but not being married, she didn't care, for she was finally free.

"Well then." Rhea said, finally interrupting everything that had been going on with the council and drawing everyone's attention to the fact the Titans were still present, and the Fates and Ananke had left. "Can we get on with the wedding now?" Rhea asked, growing tired of being on Olympus.

"Very well." Percy replied.

And with that, the wedding commenced. The hunters of Artemis were called to first welcome back their old friend and new co-leader of the hunt. But also to play the parts of the bridesmaids. With Artemis holding the role of maid of honor. And Percy called his friends from the seven, as well as Nico, Grover, Tyson, and the stoll brothers to take the place of his groomsmen, giving Grover the place as his best man. And after a while of explaining to all the guests of the party, which included members of both camps, as well as the amazons, and the residence of Olympus and the newly restored Mount Othrys, courtesy of Percy, as well as Percy's mortal family, consisting of his mother, Step father, and sister Estelle. What was going on and everything that had happened. The wedding began. And Percy grew nervous. Not knowing what to do, considering he was marrying someone who he had never even dated, and said someone had only been alive the day before. But as Percy stood there by the podium, standing with his best man Grover, his worries slowly drifted away, and his sadness over the death of Annabeth faded just slightly, which unknown to him was a gift from Rhea, who was helping him to get over Annabeth's death.


And again, the time flew by, Estelle walked out, flower basket in hand and looking incredibly adorable, especially considering how young she was,and as Estelle reached the end of the rows, Zoë walked out, looking every part the, Persian princess that she had ever looked before. And when Zoë took her spot next to Percy, and both Atlas and Artemis leveled Percy with glares that said hurt her and you're dead, Hera began the ceremony. And when it came time for the kiss. Neither truly knew what to do. But Zoë, being the independent Zoë that she was, took the initiative and pulled Percy down for a quick kiss to end the ceremony and get on with the party. And with that, the young rulers of Olympus became known to all, as Perseus Jackson, and Zoë Nightshade Jackson.

"Now what?" Zoë asked, flopping down onto her throne, thoroughly exhausted after the wedding.

"Now." Percy said, giving Zoë his signature trouble maker smirk. "I give you your wedding present"

Zoë sat up straighter, having always been a fan of presents. "A present you say?" She asked, sending her own smirk towards her husband.

"Oh yeah." Percy replies, before snapping his fingers and summoning a mortalized Heracles to the throne room.

"What is the meaning of this!" The son of Zeus roared, only to be ignored.

"What is this about?" Zoë asked, sending Heracles a distasteful look.

"Well, you see Zoë, after I told the council the story of Riptide, and Heracles betrayal, they voted to strip away his immortality." Percy replied. Smiling widely at his wife.

"Oh really?" Zoë asked, an evil smirk beginning to appear.

"Oh yes." Percy replied. "And I figured that you would just love to have a part in finally ridding this world of him" Percy continued, sending a hard glare at Heracles.

"Oh I am all for this!" Zoë said, standing up and summoning a pair of hunting knives.

"Zoë." Percy said, stopping her in her tracks. "Might I request that you use your symbol of power?"

"You mean my bow?" Zoë asked, sounding slightly put out.

"Yes." Percy replied. Still smiling. "I promise, it will be worth it.

"Very well." Zoë replied, before summoning her bow and sending a quick shot straight towards Heracles little soldier and effectively castrating him.

"AAAAHHH!!" Heracles cried out. Grasping the area where his most prized part used to be held.

And after Zoë had her fun of kicking the shit out of Heracles for a few more minutes, she decided to end him and put an arrow through his head, only to suddenly feel an increase in strength.

"What the..." Zoë said, looking towards Percy, obviously confused by the sudden increase in strength. "What happened?"

"Well Zoë, I was messing around with my abilities during the party, and I found that I can see and slightly control fate. So, as an additional wedding gift, and made it destined for you to seize full control over Heracles domain of strength upon killing him. You are now, a Titaness of strength" Percy replied, smiling like mad and earning an ear piercing squeal of joy, and a chaste kiss on the lips, from Zoë

After a few minutes of Percy sitting back in his throne, stunned by the kiss, and Zoë sitting on her throne, blushing a deep gold, Zoë decided to ask another question which had been bothering her.

"Hey Perseus." Zoë said, snapping Percy out of his daze

"Wha... i mean, yeah." Percy replied, shaking his head to clear it. "What's up Zo?"


Zoë scowled at the new nickname, but also couldn't hold back the blush creeping into her cheeks.

After Zoë managed to fight back her blush, she cleared her throat, before continuing with her question. "With Riptide gone, what is your symbol of power?"

"OH." Percy said, obviously not expecting the question. "It's Annabeth's Drakon bone sword." Percy replied, pulling said sword out of its scabbard.

"Where did you get this?" Zoë asked, gently taking the sword from her husband's hands and admiring the craftsmanship.

"Tartarus, actually." Percy replied, drawing a look of surprise from Zoë, who didn't even know that Percy had gone to Tartarus. "It's a long story."

"We have time." Zoë replied, wanting to hear this particular adventure.

"Very well then." Percy replied, before he went into the long story of his trek through Tartarus. Including every part, not wanting to start off the marriage with any lies between him and Zoë.

And after a very long time of Zoë listening and Percy explaining everything about his time in Tartarus, the story ended. And Zoë was left in shock.

"So.." Zoë said, shifting awkwardly. "You can control poison?"

"It appears so, or at least the water in the poison." Percy replied, expecting Zoë to be distrubed by it, much like Annabeth had been.

"And you can control blood?" Zoë asked, seeming to be in a slight daze.

"Well, the water in the blood at least." Percy replied, growing worried that he had already scared off his wife.

"Cool!" Zoë replied, suddenly snapping out of her stupor, "We are going to have to find a way for you to practice these powers, in case another war rises!"

"Say what now?" Percy replied, truly baffled by Zoë's response.

"You can't just block off these powers, you need to learn to control them, so that when the next war comes, and there most likely will be more wars, we have every advantage we can get. Don't fear your powers Percy, embrace them and make them yours." Zoë replied, handing back Percy's symbol of power, and causing a sudden burst of power to flare up in the throne room.

"Very well." Percy said, staring at his symbol of power, "I dub this sword, Τραύμα από μόσχο, or Moskstraumen." Percy declared, before he listened to what his wife said, and officially claimed the sword as his symbol of power, and embraced his title and king of the gods, and the god of power.

And as the sword began to hum with power, and Percy laid back down on his throne, thoroughly exhausted with how much power it cost to fully claim his symbol, he suddenly sensed an immortal flashing into the throne room.

"ZEUS!!! WHAT HAVE YOU DONE!" a shrill voice yelled, drawing the full attention of Percy and Zoë, who instantly noticed the sheer amount of power, that seemed to both be rolling off the figure, as well as being drawn into them. "THIS IS YOUR FINAL MISTAKE ZEUS, I WILL..." They suddenly stopped, as they realised that Zeus was in fact, not in the room. "Um... who are you?" The figure asked.

"We were going to ask you the same thing." Zoë said, standing up from her throne, and gesturing for Percy to do the same thing.

"I am Perseus Jackson, god of loyalty, humans, combat, and power. And the new king of the gods." Percy said, stepping level with Zoë. "And this is my wife, Zoë Nightshade Jackson. Titan of hunt, moon, archery, and strength. And queen of the gods."

"What?" The figure asked, before they suddenly took on the distinct form of a female. "A Titan queen of the gods?"

"Yes. I believe that is what my husband said." Zoë replied, shifting slightly, and summoning her symbol of power.

"Who might you be." Percy asked, noticing Zoë's unease and not wanting her to do anything rash.

"Oh, so sorry. I am Chaos, creator of the universe and everything in it." The female, now identified as Chaos declared.

"Oh. Well, it's a pleasure to meet you." Percy said, earning a smack to the back of his head from Zoë

"Show some respect." Zoë hissed. Before going into a deep curtsy.

"I did, I said it was a pleasure to meet.." Percy stopped, as he noticed Chaos was no longer female but now a male. "Them.."

"Sorry about my husband, he's an idiot." Zoë replied, pulling out of the curtsy. "What can we do for you?"

"Oh nothing, I just thought Zeus had somehow increased his power, twenty times. " Chaos replied, before they suddenly went on a long tangent about Zeus always trying to get more power and Zeus always begging them for more power. And by the time twenty minutes had gone by, Percy was rubbing his head.

"Ugh, ok ok I get it. This is seriously giving me a migraine." Percy replied, before Chaos started another smaller tangent.

"Oh you think you have a bad migraine. You should have seen my first migraine, I believe you earthlings call it the big bang. And boy did that kill when it occurred." Chaos replied, before they seemed to get lost in thought and suddenly vanished from the throne room.

"Ooooookkkkaaaaayyyy." Percy said, staring at where Chaos was in confusion. "Hopefully we don't need to interact with anymore higher beings today"

"Your wish shall not be granted!" A disembodied voice yelled, seeming to come from the farthest wall from them.

"Oh great." Zoë said, smacking Percy on the back of his head, again. "You just had to say something."

"Sorry." Percy said, rubbing the back of his head. "And who are you."

"That doesn't matter!" The voice yelled, helping them to pinpoint the voice to a small crack in the wall.

"Oh great." Percy said, rolling his eyes. "Zoë you know what to do?'

"Of course." Zoë said, rolling her eyes as well, before summoning a roll of duct tape.

"What are you doing?!?" the voice yelled.

"Taking care of a pest." Percy said, summoning his own roll of duct tape.

"Well that looks ugly." Zoë said, looking at the giant mess of duct tape that was placed over the crack.

"Definitely." Percy replied, chuckling happily. "Now how about we go home?" Percy asked.

"Home?" Zoë replied, sounding confused, having not heard a word about them having a home built.

"Oh yeah! You're going to love it!" Percy declared, before he grabbed his wife's hand, and they vanished. In a flash.

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