《I Dislike You | s.m.》Finale


"What does that mean?" Elly asked. JJ shrugged while I knew exactly what it connected to.

"It's to me. When I got in a fight with Jared, she came to my house and commented on my tattoos." I lifted up my sleeve, showing the ink to them.

"Oh right. I remember her saying she wanted to get one when she turned 18. Her parents would kill her if she got one before that," Elly explained.

"Wait, this doesn't add up. Something's missing. She must've hid the notebook on purpose, so that maybe we would find it," JJ replied.

Silence once again filled the room. But, I could tell we all thought the same thing... she planned the accident.

"No, Becca would never plan herself getting killed. She wouldn't. There must me more clues. Let me see the piece of paper," JJ argued and pushed me over and ripped the piece of paper out of my hands.

"We always go past that one tattoo place. She always stopped in the window because she saw a tattoo she really liked. I don't remember it off the top of my head, but if I saw it, I'd know what one it is," Elly whispered. We heard all of the words she spoke, even if a mouse could hear it.

"Let's go to the tattoo shop then! There must be something there," I started to run out the door, thanking Amy for her time. Elly and JJ came close behind. We all jumped into my car and drove into town, looking for answers.

"This is crazy. My Mom would kill me if she saw me here," Elly hooked her arm into mine, shaking in fear of the ink covered, buff men tattooing a few people.

"Elly, look in the books to find the one she wanted," I whispered. JJ stood on the other side of Elly, helping guide her to the books of drawings you could have permanently inked on your skin.

"How old are you kids?" A woman with a half shaved head and purple hair approached us. She was wearing a black tank top, apron, and ripped jeans.

"Old enough to be here. I have a few tattoos," I say, lifting up my arm. She saw them and scowled, then walked away. She wanted to bust us, but thanks to my parents permission for my seventeenth birthday, I could get tattoos.

"That's the one! This is it. She wanted it on the back of her right shoulder," Elly pointed to an intricate and detailed drawing. It was actually quite pretty, if I say so myself.

It was a feather and at the top, it started to turn into birds flying away.

"Excuse me? Ma'am? Can I get this one?" I got the purple haired woman came over, looking at the tattoo I was pointing to.

"Okay, I can do that. Where do you want it?" She asked.

"My back right shoulder," I said as I took my my hoodie and t-shirt, handing it to JJ.

"Dude! Are you crazy? You're 17! Not to mention we're kinda on a mission!" JJs voice was hushed, but still calm.

"I know. I want it. You can get it, too. I just thought maybe she wanted me to get it," I shrugged my shoulders. Elly looked at me, then at the tattoo.


"I want it, too," she said. She zipped of her sweatshirt and took of her t-shirt, leaving her only in a sports bra and her jeans. She sat in the spot next to me.

The woman started to clean the spot I wanted it on with rubbing alcohol. Another person who was highly tattooed started to do the same to Elly.

"Am I the only one who hasn't gone crazy!?" JJ yelled a little louder.

"Yeah, because you aren't getting one. Come on, it's for Becca," Elly reasoned. JJ sighed, dropped our clothes, and took of his as well.

"Let's get this over with," he sighed again.

Another man came over and started to do the same to JJ. He eyes us specifically, like he knew us, and he was trying to know why.

"You guys don't happen to know Becca Devinel, do you?" The man who was cleaning JJ asked.

"You know her?" We all said in union.

I felt the needle start, burning my back. I've had this feeling before, so it didn't bother me.

"Yeah. Nice gal. She told me that if anyone got that tattoo in the next month, I had to give them something," the man said in a deep voice.

Elly started to yelp in pain, but she held back.

"What is it?" I asked. The man walked away to the back, and came to us with a piece of paper. He handed it to me, and it was enclosed in an envelope. "You can't open it until after the tattoo. That was her specific request."

JJ cried when the needle started to poke him.

Thirty minutes later and we all had the feather on our back right shoulders. I loved mine. Elly stared at hers in the mirror in awe.

JJ was still crying.

We all put out clothes back on, covering the feather. It felt sore, but it didn't bother me. JJ calmed down as we paid and started to leave the shop. We got back into the Jeep and I took the envelope out.

"Well? Aren't you going to open it?" Elly asked. I didn't realize I've been looking at it so long. I nodded and tore open the paper.

I read aloud:

Im guessing I'm writing to Elly, JJ, and hopefully Shawn. If anyone else gets this, go back home and don't worry about this letter. Give this back to Mr. Louchie

If anyone else is with you guys, I owe JJ five bucks.

Nice tattoos. I got one before I left. Now we all match. Thought we should all have something in common. You know, because none of us have the same personalities.

You guys are either, number one, trying to find out where I'm going, or two, wondering where my journal is. If it's both, well, you need to focus on the journal. It tells you where I went.

I bet you guys are looking for answers. I'll give you one. Keep reading.

I left because I wanted to leave Vancouver and see the world. I plan on being in one place, though. I want you guys to join me on my adventure.

Elly, I guess you took these losers here. Round of applause to you. But, Shawn must be there as well, because he knew about the cold hands. Round of applause to you, too.


JJ, as for you, I'm guessing you probably thought these kids are crazy for getting a tattoo before the age of 18. I'm glad you let the needle touch you.

Now, because JJ hasn't guessed a clue yet, here's one he'll know:

where the KIte Set Sail

"JJ, do you know what that means?" I asked.

"The letters K-I-S-S are capitalized. Kiss. What do you guys think?" I continued. I kissed Becca, but this was JJs clue.

He wiped his eyes with the back of his knuckle. He sniffed and spoke again.

"Uh, no. The only thing I can remember with a kite is when Becca and I had a picnic in the Kissing Field. It was like, three years ago."

"JJ! The Kissing Field! We have to go there. There must be something. Let's go, Shawn!" Elly yelled, we all put on our seat belts, and I started the car.

"Where is this field, exactly?" I've never been to this place before, but I remember Becca saying something about it when she was with Jared.

"I'll give you directions," Elly said.

"So let me get this right: Becca was leaving to this mystery place, and wanted us to find her. She left us hints and made us get a tattoo. Now, we have to go to the Kissing Field for the next hint and find this journal. But, Becca said she'd be waiting for us. So, this journal is the only thing that's there," JJ clarified. He rubbed his temple, his face still splotchy.

"Yup. That's what I got from all of that," I said.

"Wow, okay great. Becca really knows how to push my buttons," JJ replied.

"Becca must have gotten the same tattoo before she left. That's new. I thought she would've said something. Take a right here," Elly said, looking out the front window.

I turned right, and we went out of town, going further west. We continued going down the road for about ten minutes. Each second I drive farther down, we became more isolated.

"Pull over here. We might have to walk," Elly announced. I did as I was told, and put the Jeep in park, and turned it off.

We all got out, staring to walk up a steep staircase made of rocks. Once we got up, I had deja vu, and I remembered it from a dream.

We ducked under a fence that had signs saying 'No Trespassing.' A large tree stood in the middle of the field, although this time, there was no girl. I started to panic. How come I've never been here, yet my dream looked like this? Elly noticed my panicked expression, and asked what was wrong.

"I-I've been here before. In my dream, Becca was here," I spat. She seemed to feel guilt tripping over her. She put her hand on my left shoulder, trying to be a comfort when all she did was give me pity.

"I knew you loved her. I could see it the first day I met you. At the table. I remember the way your eyes were," she whispered so JJ didn't hear. He was running around in the field, cursing and kicking the long grass. We didn't want to bother him. He seemed pretty angry.

"You did?" I asked surprised. I didn't like her then, in fact, I still liked Jessica at the time.

"Yeah. It was cute. And in Science on your first day, I saw you, and told Becca that I think she should date you. She elbowed me in the ribs and said 'he wouldn't like me. besides, I think he's my new neighbor. he's too cute to like me.'

"I thought it was obscured that she would think you wouldn't like her. Everyone at that damn table liked Becca or had a crush on her one time or another," Elly scoffed, but she smiled.

"What? Even JJ?" I couldn't think JJ could like Becca like that.

"Yeah. The last clue was about a kite, remember? Well, in eighth grade, Becca told me that JJ took her here and they flew kites. It's a festival every year. Becca loved it. She liked it because it could fly, but it wouldn't get lost. It would always return to the Earth.

"JJ told Becca that he liked her under that tree the same day. Becca told him that she didn't like him like that, and it was just a crush and it would go away, but it didn't. JJ wasn't heart broken then, though. He understood Becca the most out of any of us, and that was good enough for him."

JJ started to tired out, now only waking and kicking the grass as he made his way over to us.

His fresh tears wiped away as he came back, hugging his body.

"I think we should go home," JJ said.

"We just got here, and we didn't find anything. I think if we should hurry, let's look by the tree. Maybe there's a clue," Elly suggested. We all nodded and followed her down the grass.

The grass swayed at the winds movements. It wasn't that windy now, but it was still pretty cool.

We approached the tree, eyeing it carefully so we didn't miss anything. Looking around it, we came across something we didn't expect. Or should I say, someone.

"You guys came."

We all got startled by the unknown and new voice from behind the tree. A girl with blonde hair walked around, facing us.


"Yes. It's me," she said. She had a sweatshirt and dirty jeans, mud covered her face. Her once golden hair, now darker from the shade and dirt. It looked like she's been here for a while.

"Before you say anything, here's the journal. I found it under some beaches here. I recognized her handwriting." Jessica passed over the red notebook, and placed it in my hands.

"I have answers," she said. All of us were speechless. "But once I tell you, all of you have to swear on your lives you never saw me. Deal?" She stuck out her hand to JJ. He looked at us, then shook her hand.

"Okay. I didn't read that notebook, but I know who hit Becca," she explained.

"What? Who?!" I screamed. She didn't move her mouth, but the words that came out, I will never forgive her for.

"It was me."

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