《I Dislike You | s.m.》Eight Days


Let's just say my mom wasn't happy I left in the middle of the night... and that I'm not going to school today.

Becca's parents got back from Peru as soon as they heard the news that she was in the hospital. They're at the hospital; Amy, Tim, Aaliyah, my Mom, Dad, and I think Elly went in today as well.

I slept in, due to the fact I wasn't sleeping for the last 48 hours. I was quite mad when I saw the time- 10:32 am - because I wanted to get to the hospital and see Becca.

She wasn't getting better or worse. She just kinda sat there, waiting for her body to stop bleeding. She couldn't walk or move, so her family and I visited her a lot.

Today, I decided to bring flowers to her. I bet they'd cheer her up. Although she's gotten many gift baskets and balloons in her room,

I got her eight roses, for each day I've known her.

God, just eight days- including today- that I've known her. That seems really short to fall in love with someone.

I drove to the hospital with a smile. Becca told me she loves my smile when I see her. I always laugh when I'm with her.

She's the only thing I care about.

I parked near the entrance, jogging to the front. My blue hoodie and kakis were the only thing keeping me warm, yet I was still shivering.

I walked up to second gate, ready to greet everyone and say good morning to Becca.

When I reached the lobby where I was over 24 hours ago, making calls to Elly and JJ, my smile that Becca loved dissolved.

"Aaliyah? What's wrong?" She ran up to me, crying in my arms, I hugged her and hoped this wasn't about Becca.


"There was an infection. Her body couldn't take it," she sobbed and started to sit down. Elly came around the corner, her eyes filled with tears as well. JJ's arm was around Elly. He was crying, too.

I dropped the roses. My knees laid across the cold dirty floor. She was gone? No. This is a sick joke. This isn't right. She's still alive. She still has a chance.

"They unhooked her an hour ago," Elly came over to me and kneed on the floor next to me. JJ sat on the floor as well.

"No, you guys. She's still alive. They didn't-"

"Shawn," Elly's hand touched my shoulder. I got up, escaping her pity movement. JJ jumped up like lightning and ran to the nearest wall. He started to bang the light blue plaster and screamed.

"NO! FUCK THIS. YOU CANT TAKE HER AWAY FROM US!" He cussed and punched and kicked the chairs. Elly ran over to him, calming him. She soothed his hair and held his face in her hands.

"She didn't deserve this. She was the best thing that happened to me," JJ sobbed.

"She was the best thing all of us had," Elly whispered.

I couldn't stand this nonsense. I knew she was still here. She had to be. I grabbed the roses and started to run down the hall. I turn towards her room, ready to see her reading a book her Mom brought from home. I was ready to see her smile light up when I opened the door.

There was no bed.

No machines.

No Becca.

Mom and Dad stood by Amy and Tim as they cried on their shoulders. They had empty tissue boxes and overflowing trash cans.

Aaliyah was right.

"Shawn! There you are," my Mom walked over to me, holding my cheeks in her wrinkled hands. Her eyes looked dry as well. She was crying.


"Mom? What-"

"She's in a better place. Baby, I'm so sorry. I know you were friends and-"

"Friends? No, Mom. We loved each other. I loved her. Don't you dare think that we were just 'friends'. She was the most beautiful person I've ever laid my eyes on. She smiled when she was in that bed, she laughed when I was next to her. I loved her. I loved her so much-" I trained off, giving up at my own words. She wiped the fresh tears that fell from my face.

"Hun, we moved here last week. Don't be ridiculous. It was just a crush-"

"No! No it wasn't. Those were the best eight days of my life! Becca was the one who helped me make friends! She was the one that made my head in the clouds! She was the one that gave me a reason to believe."

Amy and Tim were listening to my screams. I didn't care what they thought, or how rude I sounded. I just wanted Becca.

I remembered the first time I met her. I was watching Jessica's crappy cheer. Becca sat there writing in a red notebook. She told me why she didn't tour me that day.

"I didn't have anything. If I told you, you'd get mad and won't believe me," she continued to write, not looking up once.

"I'll believe you."

I remembered the time where she helped me fly. On her motorcycle, we flew together. Like two birds going rouge.

Becca would say that was stupid. Birds going rogue. They always stay with a group. They never leave other birds behind. I laughed at the thought of her scolding at me for thinking such false information.

Nash, Cam, Matt, and everyone else showed up later that day. They all broke down with each word they heard. I think JJ took it the hardest. He wouldn't stop kicking and punching things, a nurse had to escort him outside. That didn't stop from kicking the trash cans, though.

I didn't see how life could be the same. Becca, the girl I loved, is dead. Deep down, that's why I didn't like her in the beginning. I knew she was trouble. I knew she was going to hurt me.

I knew Becca would kill us all.

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