《I Dislike You | s.m.》Puzzle Piece


They all seemed to ponder the question. Elly and JJ sat up, stiffening their posture.

"She never rides at night. She's too sacred," Elly said. She started to shake more than before. JJ cusses and gets up.

"We still don't even know who hit her. It was a hit and run," I said to Elly while walking over with JJ.

"We need to see Becca Devinel. She came in about an hour ago," JJ slammed his hands on the front counter across the room. Elly and I followed behind him.

"Are you family? If you're not, visiting hours don't start till noo-"

"We're her siblings! We- uh, she's our sister," I yelled a bit louder than I should've. The desk attendant looked at us skeptically, but she bought it.

"I'll stay here and wait for G. Make sure you tell Becca we're here," Elly said. Before I could protest, she ran off, trying to search for Gilinsky.

"Follow me please," the assistant escorted JJ and I up some stairs and down a few halls, until we reached a room in the back of the hall.

It hallway walls were white and illuminated the rooms with the fluorescent glow. Machines and carts continued to roll the halls, covering the sound of screams. This place gave me the chills.

"She lost a lot of blood. She might be tired, so don't wake her. Her condition is stable, but doctors predicted that she won't be for long. The handle of the motorcycle jabbed into her left leg and crushed her right leg as well. Tests for infections are being printed as we speak," the nurse said. Her blue scrubs had red stains on them, which gave me more chills. Was that Becca's blood?

"Becca?" JJ and I entered her room, the nurse leaving, giving us privacy. I rushed around to the other side of her bed, hoping she would see me.


"Becca? Becca, it's JJ and Shawn," I took her hand, squeezing it again, hoping she would squeeze back like she did before. A tube was hooked to her wrist and her nose. She was shattered.

"Becca? Becca, please talk to us," JJ pled. Becca didn't move for a few seconds. JJ started to cry again, tears never leaving both of us. A splotch of water fell on the white blanket, making more fall as well.

All of a sudden, I felt a pressure on my hand. I kneeled next to the bed, getting on her level.

"You fucker. I can't believe I lost your stupid bet," Becca whispered. He voice was crackled, like glass shattering. JJ smiled and started to laugh.

"Becca! Becca you're okay!" I yelled. Tears of sadness turned into joy in .2 seconds. JJ ran out of the room, screaming for Elly and G to get up and see Becca.

"Elly and G are here, too? What is it, my birthday?" She chuckled. It wasn't the same laugh I heard a few days ago. It was a forced laugh that hurts to hear. It wasn't right.

"I have a question," she asked.


"How come the things that we cherish the most; praying, making a wish, kissing, dreaming ; we always close out eyes for?"

That was a good question. Ive never thought about that. I didn't want to say I didn't know, because I knew an answer right off the bat.

"Because the things we cherish the most aren't something we feel by looking. We feel it through the heart instead," I replied. She nodded, as if I just made a very good point. After a moment of silence, I spoke up again.

"Becca, I'm so sorry. You were right. I-"


"Hey. Save it for later. I have another question to ask before they drug me again," I didn't want her to stop talking. It's the one thing I wanted to hear.


"Before the ambulance came, on the phone, you wanted to ask me something. May I ask what it was?" I didn't realize our hands were still tangled together in this hospital bed.

"Right, uh. I was going to ask you if you if- you know what? It's wasn't important. It was stupid and you'd laugh," I stumbled on my words.

"Really? Thats what I get for almost dying?" She chuckled again. I could tell she was trying to be fine. But that's the thing...

...she wasn't.

I sighed. "Okay. I was going to say, like, ask you out. I wanted to have a whole speech prepared since the day you came in my room to check on me. But, I'm in love with you, Becca, ever since you told me to stop drooling on the bleachers."

She laughed. She genuinely laughed through the pain.

"I just didn't know it. I didn't want it to be you, because I think deep down, someone was screaming you were danger. Something inside me knew I'd fall deeply in love with you Becca. I fucking love you, and there's no reason why you should even talk to me anymore, considering I'm a hypocritical jackass.

"I just wish I knew it was you. I just wish I didn't even see or feel anything for Jessica the first day I met her. She was the bitch, not you.

"I don't want to leave you Becca. I love you. I'm such a fool for it, but I've fallen for you, and I can't get back up, and I wont."

Tears continued to spread on the blanket covering her weak body. Her cold hands reached for my face. She wiped away the stream, but they came right back.

"Shawn?" I nodded my head.

"Can you come closer? I want to tell you something."

I walked on my knees over to her, scooting over to her face. Her long brown hair was everywhere, sprayed across the whole pillow. Her brown eyes, filled with dry tears and sorrow, looked into mine, as if she was trying to cough out something. She bit her pink, soft lips, as if she was debating something.

I kneeled higher, looking at her from a higher angle. I tried to make out what her eyes said, but I was too slow.

Shorter than a breath, she grabbed the back of my neck, and pushed my head forward with all her strength. Her soft lips met my dry ones, but I don't think she cared.

I kneeled higher, getting a better angle to kiss her. She moved her lips with desire and passion, reaching deeper into my core. Our mouths fit perfectly, like a last puzzle piece in it's place.

It lasted for a long time. My hands found her hair and face, holding her cold cheeks. I could smell the coconut shampoo from her hair, like she just came out of the shower.

She broke the kiss first, in need of air, despite the oxygen tubes under her nose. Wow, I didn't even realize that those were there.

"That date still on the table?"

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