《I Dislike You | s.m.》Avoid


I had Gym next. Thank god that was with Becca. I had to apologize to her. She wasn't answering my calls or texts. She's been avoiding me in the halls and at home. But today, I was going to talk to her.

"Alright, Wimps! I'll be pairing you up for your track assessment. You and your partner will be recording with another pair. You are going to do a 100 meter dash, 100 meter hurdles, and long jump. Boy vs. Girl!" The Coach yelled.

Yes! I just had to hope I'll be with Becca. I scanned the room again, looking for her long brown hair. We all had to wear black t-shirts with the lettered 'WFHS' on them, and paired with red shorts.

"Zoey and Daniel, you'll go with Joe and Mellisa."

"Becca and Kev, you'll go with Jessica and Shawn."

Great! I could finally talk to her! I'll have to go against her while racing. I walked around the room, looking for Becca. Instead, Jessica jumped in front of me.

"Hey, Babe! Ready to win?" She cheered. Her smile made my heart melt more than it should.

"Hey, that's Shawn, right?" A large man appeared in front of me. Even larger than Jared. This guy had to be Kev.

His shirt was suffocating. It was like if he even tried to flex, it would rip off. He had to be at least 6 foot 7 inches. Becca appeared behind him, frowning. She didn't bother with her hair today. It was up in just a ponytail, yet she still looked good.

"Come on, Slackers! I don't have time all day. To the track!" Coach said. Kev walked on one side of her, while I tried to fill the other. Jessica held my hand, forcing me to be attached to her.


Becca was in a conversation with Kev, smiling and laughing as they talked. He towers over all of us, which scares me even more.

"Okay. I'll go against Kevy here, and Shawn can go against Becca," Jessica said. She liked the idea of Becca and I going head to head, probably because she knew I could beat her.

"I'm down with that. Hope you can keep up with this bitch," Becca said, giving the timer to Kev. I gave the stopwatch to Jessica, and we stood at the starting line.

100 meters wasn't that long. Quite easy, actually. I could race Becca, then apologize as we walk back to our partners.




Becca was fast, but I was faster.

Nope, I lied. I wasn't. She beat me by three seconds.

"Becca," I tried to say, but everything that came out was heavy breathing. She jogged back, as if she didn't even try to run two seconds before.

I trudged on, trying to catch up. She just kept going and going! We finally had to time our partners, giving me the chance to apologize.

"Becca, I'm really-"

"GO!" She shouted. Kev obviously won because half way, Jessica started to slow down to fix her bow.

"Becca, please listen to me. It was the heat of the moment. I didn't mean-"

"Didn't what Shawn? What didn't you think would happen? That I wouldn't see it?" She argued. I didn't want to lose my temper. She had a reason to be mad. As if she heard my thoughts, she spoke again.

"But, its not the reason you called me a bitch I'm mad. I could care less about that. Hell, I've been called that so many times, I've lost count. But, It's so infuriating when I give you my time, only for you to end up in Jessica's arms again. Let me paint you a picture here.


"Want to know what she did when you fought Jared? She didn't care about you. She was glad you passed out, so she could kiss Jared again. And she did! I was the one who went to the hospital with you. I was the only one who came to your house to make sure you didn't die and if you were okay!" She was screaming at this point.

"You said Jessica came by and asked if I was okay," I said calmly.

"That was a lie, Shawn. I thought you'd be happy if I said she checked up on you, for me to give you a reason to talk to me, so you wouldn't get pissy at me like you did the day before."

"Why didn't you tell me this before!?" I yelled. This could've all been avoided if she'd just tell me the truth.

"The first time we met. You said you'd believe me, and you didn't. What makes me think you'd believe the rest?"

Ouch. She was right.

"The worst part of all of this was that I tried to be your friend. Through all of this, I was the one that tried to make you happy. Moving sucks. I was new student a few years ago. I thought I could help you understand, and help you get settled because JJ and them did that for me.

"But what did you do? Push me out and went to Jessica instead. Did you know that when I heard you were coming to Western Falls High, that I signed up to tour you? Jessica over heard me talking about a new student and sabotaged my locker.

"Call my ass selfish all you want, but I am done with you, Shawn Mendes. I hope you have a good time having Jessica as your only friend!"

She threw the clipboard on the grass and marched away. Jessica and Kev already walked back and heard half the conversation. Everyone else's groups heard Becca and clapped as she exited the field. They all adorned after her. They shouted her name and cursed mine.

I was so caught up in her words, I didn't even see the tears streaming down her face as she walked away.

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