《I Dislike You | s.m.》Motorcycle


I stayed home again for the second day. I felt a lot better yesterday, but I wanted to avoid everyone for as long as possible. I had a large cut just above my eyebrow that needed a small bandage, but nothing too detrimental.


I stared at my phone in confusion. School didn't get out for another hour. As I sauntered over in nothing but basketball shorts, I reached my window in my room and opened it.

"Hey, Loser! Want to do something our parents would totally kill us for?!" Becca yelled. Because I was on the second floor, I had to make out what she was saying.

Becca was on a machine that was made to kill humans.

A motorcycle.

The air outside wasn't that cool, in fact, it was quite warm for a mid October. I yelled back, giving my response.

"Hell no! I don't want to die!"

"Come on! Don't be afraid! I can ride this baby blindfolded!" She yelled back. I sighed, conjuring up a plan to go down and talk her out of killing ourselves.

"I'll be down in a minute!" I closed the window and found a maroon hoodie. I pulled it over and grabbed my phone off the charger and rushed downstairs, slipping on my shoes.

"Come on!" She grabbed my wrist when I came out the door. She surprised me that she was off the machine, ready for me to join her on the ride to the heavens above.

"I'm not sure. I came out here to talk you out of-"

"Shut up and put this on," she handed me a black helmet. She put on a larger helmet, covering her whole face.


"Get on! Come on, please?" She said underneath her mask.

"I'll look like a loser holding onto the back of you!" I complained, but yet, I climbed on. What made me do it? No clue.

"Hold on tight!" She yelled. My hands were loose around her waist...until she moved forward. I was soon clinging to her for my life.


I heard her laugh as she rode down the road, turning every few empty streets, towards the busy roads that lead to town.

I wasn't going to lie, she was a good driver, using her eyes, and not trying to crash. When I finally realized we weren't going to die, I opened my eyes.

It felt like flying, but better. The wind brushed past my face, cooling my neck. I started to loosen my grip on Becca, mostly because I realized I was probably cutting off her blood flow.

She went faster, going almost 60 miles per hour. I didn't know where she was going, nor did I care.

I yelled a few 'wooo's and 'yeah's into the air, and Becca would yell as well. We drove around for a few minutes, and eventually pulled into the school parking lot. Everyone just started to exit the building, as if on cue.

Becca sat there, waiting for me to hop off. I did, and I un-clicked my helmet and put it on the hook where it sat before. I saw JJ, Elly, and Nash exit at the same time. Nash saw us first and started to walk over, as did the rest.

Becca took the keys out, taking longer than me.

She put up the kick stand and stood, straddling the bike.

Just as JJ reached us, I saw Jessica's eyes on us. She was holding a few books and didn't focus on the girls she was talking to. She started to walk over, but she stopped dead in her tracks. Her mouth dropped.

I looked at JJ. His mouth was open as well.

I looked at Becca.

It all happened in slow motion. She was taking her helmet off, still straddling the machine. Her hair flipped back, feeling the breeze for the first time. She took her hands, which had leather gloves on them, and made her brown -and long- hair go to one side. I didn't realize how sexy she looked.

She wore a red t-shirt underneath a badass black leather jacket. She wore skinny, high waisted jeans and made her ass pop, and combat boots on her feet.


She hopped off the machine, placing the helmet on the seat. She walked over to us, dumbfounded at out expressions.

"What? Do I have a bug in my hair?" She asked, searching her long hair.

"No! No, no. Becca, where were you today?" Elly asked.

Nash, JJ, and I's mouths all snapped shut, realizing we were probably drooling an ocean all together.

"I skipped. Didn't feel like going. My Mom lets me off the hook one time a month," she said.

"I came back because I needed to talk to Cam. I need to ask him for my History homework. Where is he?"

"At the field. I just saw him. I'll show you. Shawn, you coming?" Nash offered. I nodded my head, walking next to Becca.

I didn't realize how tall Becca was. She was about 5 foot 9 inches. Nash and I still towered over her, but she was taller than most girls.

"Shawn! Baby! You're okay! I'm so glad you're here! Are you staying for cheer practice?" Jessica appeared by my side. Her hair was in a bun today with a jeweled headband. As always, she wore her cheerleader uniform to school.

"Uh, I was just stopping by with Becca. I'll make it up to by coming to the game tomorrow if you'd like," I offered. I felt bad that I couldn't stay, seeing how happy she was to see me.

"Oh, that's a shame. I'll see you tomorrow then, Babe. Hey Becca, surprised that death metal machine you were riding didn't fall over, being the fat pig that you are," Jessica sneered at Becca.

"I'm sorry, Shawn, did you hear that? Sounded like a dumpster truck. Or wait, was it a lip injected bitch who keeps thinking she owns everyone? The world may never know," Becca said.

"Definitely the second one," Nash spoke up. Jessica stopped walking, then I stopped, and so did Becca and Nash. Jessica's arm were folded, her lip pouting. Her eyes glistened as they started to fill with tears.

"Well? Aren't you going to tell Becca to stop?" She spat. She looked at Becca who seemed to be laughing.

"You starred it, Miss. Dumpster Truck," Becca snapped.

"See! She did it again! Shawn, she isn't being nice. Like you said, she's being a bitch," Jessica started to whine. I stood frozen.

"Woah, woah, woah. You called me a bitch? Or is that Jessica talking?" Becca's arms were now folded. Nash seemed to look at me like he was Becca's overprotective father she never had.

"No I-"

"Oh, he did! Monday night. I have the texts," Jessica pulled out her phone and opened iMessage. Becca took the phone and tapped on my name.

"Well, looks like for the first time ever, I actually like Jessica for telling me something. Have fun at the game, Shawnie," Becca gave the phone back to Jessica and started to walk away.

"Why are you so mad? It's not like you haven't heard it before!" I shouted, trying to get her attention. She stopped walking away with Nash. She turned around and walked closer to me.

"Please, Shawn. Please tell me what I did that caused me to be the bitch. And yeah, you're right. People have called me that before. I don't enjoy it though. If anything, I've been so nice to you though. I tried to help you, but like always, I'm the bad guy. So why don't you and Lip Injections over there go to your happy-pappy game tomorrow, and let's just pray you don't end up in the same bed together."

She turned around, facing the opposite way. Nash still faced me. I was about to ask him to talk to her for me, but he spoke up.

"Not cool, Man. That was Becca you were just yelling at."

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