《I Dislike You | s.m.》Jared


"Yo! Shawn! Over here," JJ yelled from across the front of the building. The bell didn't ring yet, and I just stepped out of my Jeep. He waved his hand in the air like a five year old, and the other hand held a sub sandwich from Subway.

"Dude, it's not even eight and you're already eating lunch," I pointed out.

"Nah. Becca owed me a 12 inch sub from a bet."

There's that stupid name again. She's everywhere. She's taken over my life and it hasn't even been a week!

"You and Becca are friends?" I asked curiously. She must be more popular than I thought.

"Yeah! Elly and her are the best! Have you met them? Do you know what? You get to sit with us at lunch today. Consider being added to the group," JJ said triumphantly.

"Wow, that's cool! Thanks JJ. I'll have to tell Jessica she doesn't need me to saunter around her anymore," I chuckled, but those words hurt. I wanted to sit next to her, but I needed more friends.

"Damn son, you really do follow Jessica like a puppy. Becca was right," he said and took another bite out of his sandwich. Why was Becca talking about me to JJ?

"What was I right about? Not like I haven't been before. Pay up," Becca appeared behind me, holding her hand out to JJ. He groaned and fished a five out of his pocket.

"What's with all the bets?" I asked. I specifically asked JJ, but Becca spoke up.

"JJ and I always have bets. I gave him the sandwich because I made him a deal if I'd beat Jessica to you. JJ said that I wouldn't. Hence the sandwich," she put the money in the back pocket of her skinny jeans.

"Wow. That's pretty childish," Jessica appeared behind me, supporting herself on my shoulder. I couldn't help but agree, but JJ's my friend. Becca was not.

"Jessica, go take you and your lip injections somewhere else please," Becca spat sourly. Jessica gasped loudly and covered her perfect lips.


"I would love to leave, but I can't because your cow body is blocking my way!" Jessica spat. I could tell Jessica didn't have lip injections, and Becca wasn't fat. I mean, she wasn't as skinny as Jessica was, but probably only by a few pounds.

"Girls! Can't a guy eat his sandwich in peace?" JJ yelled, going in between the girls to stop fighting.

"Becca, I heard the Witch Convention is down the street, I think you got the wrong address," Jessica spat once more. Becca growled at her. Jessica eyed JJ up and down, and smacked the sandwich out of his hand. It splattered on the floor.

"Come on, Shawn. Don't hang out with these people. I'm here for you. Let's go inside," Jessica took my hand in hers and pulled me towards the door. I looked back a JJ. He was on his knees and screamed up at the sky saying 'WHY GOD WHY!? NOT MY SANDWICH!'

Becca crouched next to him, rubbing his back. She looked up at us as we walked away. Her eyes looked as if she was about to cry, but she held back. Then, I did the thing I'd never thought I would say to Becca Devinel.

I mouthed the words 'I'm sorry.'

Jessica waited for me at my locker to walk to lunch with me. Many kids flooded the hall, but I could still find her golden hair in a high ponytail. Today, she had a large bow clipped next to her ponytail. It was so adorable.

"Hey, Shawnie. I'm happy it's lunch. It's one of the only classes I have with you! I'm so excited," she squealed. Her arm linked with mine once more. Her touch was as soft as a new pillow that just came out of the dryer. Warm-but not sweaty- and cuddly.

"You know, I think I'm going to sit with JJ today. Not that I don't love talking to you, I just need to make more friends. I mean, you're one of the only," I said as we approached the lunch room. I thought it was kind of romantic that she was the only one on my mind and that I depended on.


"What? I'm the only friend you have? How sad. Go be a mama's boy and make some friends you loser," she pushed her hand out of mine and smiled. It was a funny joke. I smiled back.

"So wait, Jared did what?!" I heard JJs voice boom across the whole room. I found the table he was at. Only one chair was left.

JJ, Gilinsky, a red head (which I assume is Elly), and Becca were the only ones I recognized. A few other kids filled in the seats, mostly guys. I sat down next to JJ and another kid. They all seemed to be looking anxiously at Becca.

"Jared punched the guy in the gut and helped me climb the fence. Then, with the car he stole,

took me to the open field and we-"

"Becca! Don't tell me you made out with Jared in the Kissing Field and you didn't tell me with smut," Elly smacked Becca's arm. Who the hell was this Jared guy?

"No! Chill, and then we started to walk around and we got caught for trespassing, but I knew the cop. His name is Greg. Nice family. Two boys and a girl." Becca finished and took a sip out of a smoothie.

"That's it? You didn't get arrested?" I said. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy.

"Guys, don't worry. He's new. He doesn't know about Jared," JJ stood up and put his arms up like he was defending himself. Everyone 'ahh'ed as if they just understood a terrible joke.

"Jared is my boyfriend," Becca said. She smiled and looked down. Becca had a boyfriend!? Why was she getting rides with me then? Wouldn't he be jealous? Is he here?

"He goes to East Prep," a brunette boy said.

"He's HOT," Elly took a bite out of her salad and Becca hit her elbow in Elly's ribs. Elly let out a small 'ow' and rubbed the spot where Becca hit her.

"Becca has a record of escaping the law one way or another. Jared is always getting them in trouble, and Becca's always the one to get them out," another blonde exclaimed.

"JJ, what we at?" Becca leaned back in her chair.

"That's-" he took a crumbled piece of paper out of his pocket, "36 times you got away. Also, I'm winning bets by two. But you might be up one more if Jessica calls you anything associated with a barn animal again by Friday," JJ said.

"Shawn's friends with Jessica," Becca said. She put her shoes on the table, facing to her side. She took another long sip.

All eyes were on me. JJ spoke up again.

"Chill! She forces him around. I won the bet that Jessica would beat Becca to showing him around. It's not his fault he's been hypnotized."

There was a silence for a while. It was almost like they knew something I didn't. I scowled at Becca, and all she did was stick out her tongue. It was a lavender, due to her purple smoothie.

"By the way, that's Matt, Cam, and Aaron. You already know Gilinsky, Me, Becca, and Elly. Then that's Nash and Taylor," JJ pointed out everyone. I smiled and told them I was Shawn, although I think they already knew that.

"JJ?" Becca spoke, clearly not paying attention for awhile now.


"I just won another bet."

Becca was staring in the distance. We all looked over to the front of the cafeteria. Jessica was there, and so was a a really tall and buff guy. They seemed to really enjoy each other. Jessica was playing with her hair, but didn't expect what came next.

"Why is Jared kissing Jessica?"

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