《I Dislike You | s.m.》Bitch


"Good evening, Mr. and Mrs. Devinel," I greeted Becca's parents. I had to change into a longer armed shirt and nice kakis, covering my tattoos. My parents allowed me to get them if I still would make nice family appearances.

"Oh! Please call us Amy and Tim," Mrs. Devinel cheered with glowing eyes. She hugged my Mom and guided us to the kitchen. Their house was very nice. It was kinda big, but not a corner of it was less homey than the other.

"Excuse us. Becca should be down here already. We had a mishap with one of the blenders, and she had to change. Becca, Darling?" Amy yelled for her at the bottom of the stairs.

My sister walked down the stairs. She came over here and hung out with Becca before hand. Great. My sister is friends with the most annoying girl at school. Mother and Aaliyah started to take their seats, I followed. My Father was taking to Becca's Dad, and followed suit with taking a seat. They didn't seem to pay attention to Becca's Mom. None of them did.

"What?!" That stupid voice called back. Stupid? What that all I had at come backs? More like putrid and ugly voice.

Come on, Shawn. Don't be so mean to her. Be NICE and she will be nice back... hopefully.

"Our guests are here!" Amy called.


Not a moment later, Becca walked down the stairs wearing a baggy sweatshirt and black Nike shorts. Her hair was piled on the top of her head, a few pieces flew out, framing her face.

"Darling, couldn't you have dressed up a bit nicer?" Her Mom sneered. Becca shrugged and walked to the table.

"Nah. I don't look good if I don't want to." Wow. She was so rude! Who says that to their parents?


Amy didn't seem to be happy. She took a seat next to her husband, and one seat laid open next to me.

"Hey there, Shawn," she smiled. Out of the seven seats here, it just happened to be next to me. Great.

"So, you kids have any classes together?" Becca's Dad, Tim, asked. I just started to fill my plate with food, and Becca spoke up.

"Science and English. At least, that was what we had today. Schedule changes every other day," she said, passing the mashed potatoes to me. I took a bit, then passing it to my mother.

"The Midddle School here sucks! I have Mr. Stevens," Aaliyah said. She sat next to Becca, looking at her while she talked.

"Mr. Stevens? Yeah, he's crap. One time, he told us on that last day of school he would give us a fun day. We spent that day cutting out coupons for him," Becca laughed, and Aaliyah joined.

"So, what activities are you thinking about at the High School, Shawn?" Amy asked. Both the Fathers paid zero attention. They were taking about hockey, as per usual. Wish I could join them, but I sat away from them.

"Uh, I heard there's a really good music program. I was thinking about looking into that," I said, whipping my palms on my pants, trying to calm myself. Why was I so nervous?

Becca's drink spat out while she was taking a drink. Luckily, she spat out the the side, missing me. Her Mother shook it off, like it was normal. Aaliyah was laughing, throwing her head back.

"That's great! Becca actually organizes that program. She plays piano and sings!" Amy cheered up.

"I DO NOT SING, NICE TRY MOTHER!" Becca yelled across the room while gathering some paper towel. She cleaned up the floor, but I thought she should wait because I might hurl. The one program I might do, she's in.


After a while of small talk, I started to focus on eating. My plate was filled with mashed potatoes, bread rolls, turkey, and asparagus. All of it tasted great. Especially the potatoes. I knew Becca made them, so I tried to complement something else.

"This turkey is amazing, Mrs. Devinel," I spoke up over Father talking to Tim.

"Well, I would say that to Becca! She made almost everything here," Amy looked at Becca and she smiled.

"Hey! I made the rolls!" Aaliyah piped in.

"What can I say, I'm just really good at cooking food," Becca said and winked at me. Did she just wink at me? No. No way. My palms got sweatier.

I wish Jessica was here. She'd know how to dress nice and act appropriately. She wouldn't spit out her drink. Jessica was actually pretty. Better than Becca will ever be.

Becca is pretty, though. She's just not as pretty as Jessica.

Did I just think Becca is pretty?

After thanking them for the dinner, we all went home and separated. Dad went to watch TV, Mom started to fold laundry, and Aaliyah went to her room, and I to mine.

I started to finish the last of my unpacking when I got a text message.



How did she get my number? Oh wait, I sat with her at lunch today. She asked for my phone and she typed in a new contact.


I couldn't stand lying to her, but if she knew I left with Becca, I wouldn't have a chance with Jessica. Besides, if Becca's story was in fact true, Jessica and Becca obviously don't get along.


She texted again right after that.


I laughed. I wasn't the only one who thought that.

I hope she would agree.


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