《I Dislike You | s.m.》Protection


"5, 6, 7, 8!"

I heard Jessica's voice boom off the field as she and her group started to march. I walked down from the school, finding a spot on the bleachers. A few people scattered across the seats, some doing homework or writing in notebooks.

I tried to get Jessica's attention, but she looked focused. I sat near the top, watching the identical girls prance around in harmony. My eyes never left Jessica.

"Stop drooling. You look like a lost dog," a voice said. I turned my head down. A girl from my Science and English class sat a few rows down the metal seats. She seemed too focused on writing something that I thought it wasn't her who said anything.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Let me guess. This morning, Jessica said that Becca has something going on and couldn't help you around the school, then she was so nice and her revealed skin mesmerized you,

so now you're in love with her," she said. She continued to write, never looking up. After a brief silence, her brown eyes met mine.

"Are you crazy? How do you know that?" That wasn't so nice to say. But, it was creepy to know that she knew everything that happened today.

"Oh, so you do like her. Okay. Good to know," she wrote something down again.

"Don't write that. I don't like her."

She shook her head. "Lies. Your eyes focused on her the whole five minutes you walked here, and when you sat down."

"Wait, back up. How did you know about Jessica saying that this girl, Becca-whoever the hell she is- didn't show me around?"

"Becca Devinel, nice to meet you," she reached her hand out to shake mine. This is Becca? Where was she this morning? My hand met hers. I should probably thank her for sending Jessica down, otherwise I wouldn't have met her!


"What did you do this morning that you couldn't make it?" I ask.

"I didn't have anything. If I told you, you'd get mad and won't believe me," she continued to write, not looking up once.

"I'll believe you."

I started to walk down, sitting next to her on the cold metal. She finally looked up. Her eyes pondered wether or not she'd tell me.

"Well, your precious little Jessica isn't that nice to me. She personally greeted my friend, Elly, and I with a strawberry yogurt explosion on our lockers. I spent the whole morning trying to clean it."

Fog started to fill my head. Jessica? Why her? I don't think she would do that. She's so nice! Why would anyone do that in general?

"Are you sure it was her? I don't think it couldn't been. She's a nice person," I said, trying to make myself louder than the cheer. She started to pack up, closing her notebook. She grabbed her shoulder bag and started to stand up.

"See? You don't believe me. Have fun with Miss. Big-boobs and make sure you use protection."

I stood up with her and grabbed her shoulder. She continued to walk, ignoring my actions. I jogged to keep up with her, following her off the bleachers and on the pavement.

"What the hell are you talking about?!" I almost screamed at her. Did she just snoop through everyone's life as a hobby?

"Did JJ tell you about how she hasn't had a boyfriend since freshman year?" She asked. Okay, how does she know everything? My feelings toward Becca aren't nearly as nice as anyone I've ever met.

"Yeah! How do you know that?!" I screamed again. A few eyes placed on me, wondering what I was screaming about. She continued to walk forward, not looking back.


"JJs one of my best friends. I know what he says to new kids. We get a lot of them."

"That still doesn't clear up your snarky remarks you made about Jessica and I."

She sighed, and turned to face me. "Just because she hasn't officially dated anyone," she used air quotations around the word 'dated', "doesn't mean she hasn't slept with anyone."

"What does that mean?" I scoffed. Becca Devinel was one of the most unimportant people I've ever met. Who does she think she is?

"Did she pull the 'do you work out?' Or the 'we have a game on Friday, wanna come?" She said in a high pitched tone, imitating Jessica.

"I don't need this, you can leave. I don't want to talk about people behind their backs," I spat. She didn't reply.

"Hey! Becca! I'm talking to you," I yelled again.

"Weird. You just said I can leave. What does it look like Im doing?" I stopped walking. I was following her. My feet stood in a puddle, realizing we stood in the parking lot; far enough that you couldn't hear the cheers.

"Hey, while we're here, mind giving me a ride home? I'd rather not wait for Elly to get done with her homework at the library."

Becca was asking me for a ride? After all the shit she said about Jessica?! My anger started to build up more and more as she talked. How dare she said that about her! Becca is a terrible person.

"What makes you think I'd give you a ride? I don't know where you live," I spat my words at her.

"Well, considering we're neighbors, and carpooling is good for the environment, I suggest that I should offer the Earth less pollution," she shrugged her shoulders.


"We're neighbors?!" I almost shrieked.

"Yup!" She popped the P. I groaned. This was going to be a long two years.

"Don't worry. I barely go outside in the winter. It gets cold. Come on, my Mom is waiting for me to help her make dinner for you guys." She started to walk into the parking lot, and I followed her. She found my Jeep and climbed into the passenger seat, I, the driver seat.

"Please don't tell me we have a family dinner tonight," I groaned. Maybe I could say I don't feel good. Wow, the only reason I wanted out of this wasn't because of meeting people, it was because of Becca.

"Don't be such a baby. I make pretty damn good mashed potatoes."

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