《I Dislike You | s.m.》Jessica


"Come on, Shawn. It's your first day! Don't be late!" My mother yelled from the bottom of the stairs. I jumped up, realizing I slept in.

I grabbed my black t-shirt and skinny jeans from the floor. They still smelled decent, at least that's what I thought.

I had a few tattoos that covered my arms, but nothing out of the ordinary. Not like skulls of blood, but things that mean something. Like the guitar on my forearm, and a lightbulb on my bicep.

"Thanks Mom, love you," I say, taking the brown bag from the counter containing my lunch. I raced out of the house, jumping into my car and turning the ignition.

The ride to school was deathly quiet. My anxiousness and worry filled the atmosphere around me, making me dread moving to Vancouver. I just needed to finish my Junior and Senior year. Then, I was free.

I was thinking about going back to Toronto for college, so I could see my friends again. This Vancouver thing isn't working out for me so much, even if it's only been 24 hours.

I pulled my Jeep into the nearest space, and walked to the front office. It was cold for an early October Monday. There was no sun. Just grey clouds.

"You must be Shawn Mendes, the new student. I'm Mr. Rodgers, Western Falls High School's principal." A man around the age of 50 greeted me at the front office. I shook his hand as he eyed me up and down. I think he noticed my tattoos.

"Here's your class schedule, and I have a student here to show you around. Her name is Becca and she-"

"Sorry I'm late, Mr. Rodgers!" A girl no taller than five and a half feet brushed passed the door, her cheerleader uniform flowing as the drift parted the rooms.

"Uh, Good Morning, Jessica. Where's Becca?"

"She had something come up. Mind if I show him around for you?" Jessica asked in a velvet voice, as if her words floated on water. Her blonde hair flowed down her red crop top with the letters 'WFHS' on the front. Her matching skirt cut just in the middle of her thigh, showing much skin.

"I was hoping Becca could, but of course. Please show Mr. Mendes around," Mr. Rodgers announced. Jessica smiled and opened the door.

"After you, Mendes."

I stumbled for a moment, trying to find words. Jessica was the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on. Nothing like I've seen in Toronto. Her blonde straight hair bounced as she walked, going in different directions. Her top hugged her sides as if it was specially fitted for her. And, she had the breasts of a goddess.


"Mind if I see your schedule?" She asked. I handed the piece of paper that Mr. Rodgers just handed to me, and she scanned it.

"We only have Gym together. That's a shame. This is your locker," she said pointing to a grey metal locker. We stood still as she continued to talk. "I know where your classes are. Some of my cheer friends have them." Her pink lips moved and smiled as she talked. I'd kiss those lips all the time if she'd let me.

"Speaking of cheer, we have practice tonight.

Would you mind coming to watch? We could use the support," she asked. She flashed me with her pearly white teeth, making me smile as well.

"Uh, sure! Yeah, uh, I'll go," I say a little to enthusiastically. Great going, now she'll never ask me to anything again.

"Cool! Well, here's your first class. Science III. I'll be down the hall if you need anything. I'll come by after class is done. Have a great first day, Shawn!" She smiled once again that left me frozen and struck. I was left drowning in my own drool after her.

The bell rang and I took the only open seat next to a blonde haired guy. He was talking across the aisle to a taller and brown haired boy. I set down my books and started to wait for the teacher to start.

"Good Morning, Class. We have a new student in class. Everyone please welcome, Shawn."

The teacher reached her hand out to me and everyone's eyes followed her movement. I did a toothless grin and nodded a bit. What else was I supposed to do? They all started to snicker about me, making me tense up. What were they saying?

"I'm Jack. Call me JJ. Thats my friend, Jack, but you can call him Gilinsky," the blonde said to me. He pointed to his friend he was previously talked to. I smiled and greeted them as well. They seemed pretty open to the idea of me.

"Both your names are Jack?" I asked.

"Yeah. We've been friends since kindergarten. But, we're always looking for more people without the name Jack" Gilinsky said. The teacher started to talk so we hushed down.

"So, Shawn, what girls do you find attractive? We can give you the scoop about them," JJ said, smiling devilishly.

"Dude quit doing that to new kids. That sounds gay. 'Scoop'? Nobody says that," Gilinsky sneered. They both bickered quietly as the teacher continued to lecture. That was my queue to listen and start the class.


"...as you can see on this graph of biotic and abiotic factors in biomes.."

I tired to focus on the words the teacher spoke, but nothing was making me focused. Distractions laid before my eyes in every corner of the room.

A girl in the corner was hunched over, looking outside, and I think she had ear buds in. She had brown hair that cut down to her mid back. It was lightly curled, covering a green army jacket. Her friend, a red head, was looking my way. When we met eyes, the friend looked away and nudged the girl. The girl took out an ear bud and asked what the red head wanted. She whispered something, and the girl looked my way.

A red rose to her cheeks and she elbowed her friend in the ribs. I couldn't help but smile. I already have girls fighting over me? How adorable.

I wrote down a few notes in class, wishing for the bell to ring sooner. I wanted Jessica to take me to my next class. I wanted her. No, needed her. That sounds weird, but I wanted to talk to her. Well, she's one of my only friends here.

Make up your damn mind, Shawn.

The bell rang and I sprang up from my seat. JJ followed me to my locker, asking once again if I liked anyone.

"Theres this girl, but I'm not sure I totally like her." That was lie. I think I've fallen for her and it hasn't even been a day. I'm out of my mind. It's just a crush, but she is beautiful.



"Oh, no no no no. Not Jessica. She can't be toyed with. Nobody had dated her for the past two years, except Clay, who unfortunately moved to Montana freshman year."

I frowned at the fact she hasn't dated anyone. Was anyone good enough for her? She seemed to be friendly to me. Was it that nobody asked her, or just that she kept rejecting people?

"Oh, well, it's just a little crush. She's not my type anyway." Another lie.

"Who's not your type?" Jessica appeared behind me as if she was there the whole time. I jumped and scratched the back of my neck. What should I say? If she knew I was talking about her-

"My cousin, Ruby. She's in town and I asked if he wanted to date her," JJ cut in. He was lying. Why didn't he tell her the truth? It was probably for my own good.

"JJ, stop trying to hook your cousins up with everyone. Ruby must be in need of a make over if you keep asking people if they'd like to date her, and keep rejecting her," Jessica sneered, then giggled. JJ must use the 'cousin Ruby' lie a lot.

JJ shrugged and I grabbed my books from my locker. I slammed it and followed Jessica. JJ winked at me, and found Gilinsky down the hall. Once again, I was now clammy around Jessica.

"You have Trig next. Thats next to my class on the second floor," she exclaimed. We found a stairwell, and I listened to Jessica talk about cheer practice.

"We have a game this Friday. You should attended. It might be cold, so make sure you bundle up!" She smiled once again. Was she always this nice? Why has nobody asked her out yet?!

As we climbed the stairs, she was in front, going up each step gracefully. I looked up at her, trying not up peak up her skirt. I mean, when I looked, it was right there. Legs and all.

"Mr. George isn't that bad. He's pretty chill. You'll like him as a Trig teacher," she exclaimed. We reached the top, walking down the hall.

"Thanks again for taking me to my classes. I'll have to find out where yours are so I can return the favor," I thought out loud.

She let out a laugh. God, she sounded like an angel when she laughed. Her head flew back, along with her hair. I didn't realize it was parted and flowed down her spine. It only went down to the beginning of her torso, and was cut perfectly.

"That's very kind of you, but let's stick to your own schedule first," Jessica giggled as she talked. She pushed me a little, her hand on my bicep. Her hand lingered a bit, then she spoke up.

"Woah, do you work out? This is pure muscle," she asked in awe. Barely any people were in the hall, all scattering to class. I couldn't tell if she was flirting, but I didn't get a chance to reply.

"The bells about to ring. I have to go. See you at lunch!" She flew down the hall, her ass moving side to side. I didn't look long, I swear.

Jessica was the prettiest girl I've ever laid my eyes on.

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