《Volturi kings mate》32


Mayas pov:

After a relaxing bath I get myself ready for my wedding. I still can't believe it! Today I am going to marry my three mates! My beautiful and amazing mates!! Now I only have one tiny problem. Well, kind of big problem but I don't want to get myself too worked up!

„Sweethearts? Could you come here and help me real quick?" I ask while still trying to get my wings to cooperate and get back into my back. The door gets thrown open rather quickly, they surely have heard the panic in my voice.

„Mother? Everything alright?" alec asks. He keeps his eyes on my face. Such a cute boy he is. But I wouldn't off let him come in if I hadn't put on some robe.

„My wings. They don't want to get back into my back. And I can't put on my dress with them still out." I tell them. Already feeling my eyes filling with tears in fright that I won't be able to wear my dress.

„It's ok mother! We will find a way. Just take a few deep breaths and let us think for a moment." alec says soothingly. Jane already looks like she is deep in thought.

„Would it be bad to make two slits into the back of the dress? That way your wings could go through them." Jane asks a bit unsure if that would be alright with me or not. After thinking it through for a few minutes I slowly nod at her.

„I guess that could work. It's time my mates see my real form anyway. Even though I am rather afraid they won't like me that way." I say in determination before the fright got back to me. Both my wonderful children hug me right away from both sides while whispering sweet nothings to me.


„They will Love it! They love you more than anything!!" Jane says with an encouraging smile on her pink lips. She obviously is completely ready for the wedding, just like her brother. Both of them look absolutely beautiful!!

„You two look incredibly beautiful!!" i tell them proud that they are my children. They seem happy about my statement, which of course makes me happy!! A knock on the door let's us all look back towards it.

„Who is there?" Jane asks sternly. Her face pushed in a scowl which makes her look really threateningly.

„It's me. Alice! I saw the problem and want to help with the dress!" Alice bell like voice rings around and makes me smile softly. Of course she saw my problem in a vision! That's just how Alice is!

„Come in Alice!" I say and only a second later I am engulfed into a tight bone crushing hug.

„I saw you in the dress with your gorgeous wings out and let me tell you, you looked absolutely breathtaking!! Your mates are going to go crazy!" she happily rambles off while hugging both of my very shocked looking children.

„Where is the dress? We should get to work!" she adds with a wide smile on her excited face. Alec hands over my wedding dress and Alice right away got to work.

„See, everything will turn out perfect mother! Just like you deserve!" Jane says with a soft smile and twinkling eyes. Kissing her and Alec's forehead in thanks before I look what Alice is currently doing with my dress. However the second I turn towards her she is already standing in front of me.

„Let's get you in your dress. Jane and I need to get your wings threw the holes." she says pretty giddily. Alec kisses my cheeks once more before excusing himself from the bathroom to give me some privacy along with the two girls.


„Please be careful with my wings. It really hurts to loose a feather." I softly say to which the two quickly nod in agreement.

„slowly!" Alice instructs Jane Who try's to follow the directions Alice is giving right to the dot. And just like that I have my wedding dress on! Looking into the body length mirror I smile at what I see. Alice was right! The dress along with my wings look breathtaking!

„Wow! Mother you look incredible!" Jane whispers with astonishment and awh. Alec as if sensing that we have finished reopens the door and also let's out a quietly whispered wow.

„Do you think my mates will like it? What if they change their mind when they see my wings?" I ask a bit afraid. Yes I do think that it looks perfect but my mates? Maybe I should of shown them my wings earlier on? This whole thing is so confusing!

„Mother, please believe us. You look incredible and your mates will absolutely love it! I am sure they will love your wings. They already see you as their angel. So your wings will only intensify that!" Jane says soothingly and I also can hear the honesty in her words. Taking a few deep breaths to calm me down again. My mates hug themselves into me and start to purr since that always helps me calm down. A soft sigh leaves my lips as their purring really seems to work and calm me down again.

„Your kids are right Maya. I have seen your wedding already. Your mates are going to absolutely love your dress and your wings." Alice tells me with an encouraging nod towards me. So after a few more deep breaths, I link my arms with both my children to start to walk towards the garden where my wedding will be.

„Just don't leave my side. Ok sweethearts?" I ask my kids still a bit worried but way calmer than before. Alice has already bounced off to find her mate jasper who is surely waiting already for her.

„we will never ever leave you mother! We love you way to much for that. So we do hope that you won't ever leave us either!" Jane softly answers me. I only smile brightly at them! They love me!! I often said that I love them but never have they retuned it. Only ever saying that they love me too but never have they said I love you! Right now I feel like I could reach the stars that's just how happy I am right now. I stop right in my track an pull them into a tight hug.

„I love you two so much!!" I whimper out. Trying really hard not to cry but it really is a hard task not to!

„We know Mother! And we love you!" alec says and kisses my cheeks just like his sister.

„We should go to the garden now. Otherwise your mates will get even more antsy than they surely are already!" alec says with a chuckle, of course making me giggle along with him and my daughter. So after another tight hug we once again start to walk towards the garden and therefore towards my waiting mates.

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