《Volturi kings mate》31


Mayas pov:

The days after their proposal was pretty much a rush! Since they wanted to marry me as soon as possible, they have planned a few things and i only needed to pick out the things that I liked the most. I also do have to say that they did an amazingly good job with their picks! All of their ideas looked and sounded perfect, but I needed to pick the ones that suited us all the best. Alice was a huge help throughout the whole thing. Only an hour after my mates lovely proposal she was standing in front of me. Informing me on how she had seen it and wanted to help me with the planning. Typical Alice! My mates seemed to be extra happy ever since I agreed to become their wife. Alec and Jane, my perfect kids also seemed way happier and calmer than they usually were. I don't know though if it is because of my wedding or the fact that I was able to got through to them with our talk. Whatever may is the reason in the end though, i simply am happy that they are happy as well. A knock on the door let's me look up in wonder. I thought I had to sleep on my own tonight? Alice was adamant to fulfill every cliche that is out there and made sure that my mates won't sleep in the same room as me this night. Tomorrow surely is going to become hectic, but it also is going to be perfect. I just know it is going to be perfect! That is at least what I am hoping for.

„Come in." I say quietly as the knock comes again. When I see my wonderful children standing in the doorway I smile brightly at them before opening my arms to indicate an hug. Of course they rush into my arms and purr happily against my neck.

„We thought we can stay with you tonight since we know how you hate sleeping on your own mother." Jane says softly, making me squeeze them a little tighter into my chest.

„Thank you! That means a lot to me." I sigh in relief. Really not a huge fan of sleeping alone.

„You two are the best kids ever! I never dared to think of ever getting such amazing children. I love you two so unbelievable much!" I tell them in a whisper. Trying really hard to not start to cry but it is really hard, my emotions are riled up really much.

„We Love you too mother! Ever since you took us in we finally found someone that cares for us. Someone that loves us unconditionally. For that we are going to be forever grateful." alec says just as quietly. I can see both their eyes filled up with tears as well, seems like I am not the only emotional one today.


„That is my job as your mother my sweethearts. To make you both feel all the love that you deserve. And I promise you that won't ever change. Not even my wedding tomorrow will change anything between us. The both of you will always be my top priority. My mates know that and fully understand. They see you as their children as well. So please don't ever think that you are intruding or that you can't come to me whenever you want or need to." i tell them. Hoping that they believe me. Needing to know they understand that i won't ever stop loving them and also that this wedding won't change our bond in the slightest. To my luck my mates are really understanding and even told me to simply say a word if I want to spend more time with my children and that they won't ever try to push my children away. This was the most important thing they have ever told me, in my eyes at least. Their I love you's of course are pretty much as important though!

„Thank you mother! And we also know that already. Your mates came to us and told us how important it is for them to know that we are accepting of your wedding and that they hope that we will also accept them as fathers as well. Master Marcus also promised us that they will never interfere on our bond nor will they ever try to separate us." Jane says shyly. Smiling brightly at them. Of course my lovely mates talked to them. They are so sweet and thoughtful.

„That is Good to know! I also wouldn't of married them if you wouldn't of liked the idea of it. Family will always come first." I tell them before a yawn leaves my mouth. My children giggle a little and make me lay down. After draping the blanked over my body they once again cuddle me Form either side.

„Good night Mother." they softly whisper and kiss my cheeks simultaneously. Sighing in content and happiness, I feel my eyes falling shut and my body getting heavier before I am out like a light.

„Alec! What is that? Is it hurting our mother? Should we get her mates?" janes panicked voice was heard through my still sleep dazed brain. Not really understanding what she is talking about since nothing is hurting or bothering me at the moment.

„I don't know." alec sounds just as worried as his sister and that was the reason I slowly open my eyes. Needing to make sure my children are safe!

„Mother!" they both nearly shout out in relief!! I look from one to the other, still not understanding what they were so worried about. The room looks just like always.

„Mother! Your back. It looks like feathers. Like wings!" Jane says with wide and frightened eyes. Realizing what they got so worried about. They like no one else ever saw my angel wings. Usually I let them out when I am alone. I guess since I am this emotional because of the wedding they have come out on their own accord.


„Shh, don't worry you guys. It's completely normal for me and it also doesn't hurt at all. Calm down you two." I softly tell them and they slowly seem to calm down. But they still are looking at the wings in irritation.

„There is a reason I was always called the angel of war my sweethearts." I inform them softly. Not wanting for them to panic once again. Realization slowly creeps up on their faces.

„We thought that was just a nickname because of your looks. Never would we of thought that you are an actual angel." alec says is astonishment. Jane slowly is reaching out a finger towards my wings but stops and pulls his hand right back.

„It's ok sweetheart. You can touch them if you want to. It won't hurt me, just be careful to not pull any feathers out." I tell her since she looks a bit frightened again. Both of them slowly reach out once again and softly caress over them. I need to hold on myself to not start to purr or moan since it feels really lovely. Never have my wings gotten such a sweet caress. Whenever someone saw them they tried to pull some feathers out or even cut them off of my back. No wonder they have died at my hands right away. That also is the reason why I made sure to never show them anyone anymore.

„They are really soft." Jane whispers with a smile. Both their eyes glistening in excitement and wonder.

„I have never seen something as beautiful mother." alec says and kisses my cheek lovingly. Smiling at the both of them.

„Thank you my sweethearts. No one has seen them for a very long time, and those who have seen them are dead now." I tell them and see them both nod at me with an understanding smile.

„With those wings you look even more like an angel than you look anyway mother." Jane says making me giggle at her.

„Thank you sweetheart." I say and kiss her and Alec's cheeks.

„I am afraid we need to get ready now." I say and feel myself getting nervous again. What if my mates suddenly change their minds? Or they don't like what I decided on. Even worse, what if they hate the wedding dress!?

„Calm down mother. Your mates have been running around the whole night wanting to make sure everything looks perfect and just the way you wished. They even knocked a few times to ask us if you are still there. They were afraid you change your mind and run away." alec tells me with a chuckle. And just like that I am calm again. Of course they won't leave me. The four of us are destined to spend our whole existence with one another.

„Thank you for calming me down. I am going to shower real quick. Are you getting ready here as well or do you need to go to your rooms?" I ask them with interest. Honestly hoping they will be staying but I won't make them if they don't want to.

„We are just getting our clothes and than we get ready here as well. Both of us showered already while you were sleeping anyway, so please just take a relaxing bath mother." Jane says with an honest and encouraging smile.

„You two are the absolute best! I love you and thank you!" I tell them, kiss them once again on their cheeks and than make my way to the bathroom. Just when I have shut the door, there was a knock coming from the other door.

„Masters. How can we help you?" alec questions making me smile once again.

„We just wanted to ask if our mate is fine. She still hasn't run off, has she?" marcus worried voice gets panicked. I guess he has seen the empty bed and is thinking the worst.

„I am in the bathroom you three. Need to look good for my soon to be husbands." I softly say and hear their heavy sighs.

„You wont need to do anything than princess since you are the most beautiful creature we have ever laid our eyes on." caius tells me and I know he is currently smirking. My giggles were heard everywhere I assume since I hear them chuckle along with me.

„We can't wait to see you in your wedding dress darling. Soon you are going to be our lovely wife and my brothers and I can't wait for that to happen." aro says with such honesty it makes my heart beat even faster than usual.

„Neither can I. But now you need to excuse me and my children, we need to get ready so they need to get their clothes and I need to take a bath." I tell them and turn the handle to start getting the bathtub full.

„We will get your clothes you two stay with your mother. Till later my love!" marcus says and shortly after the door falls shut again. However only seconds later it got opened again to hand over my children's clothes. When the bathtub is finally full with warm water and bubbles, I lay myself in and sigh happily. In only a few hours I am going to marry the loves of my life!

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