《The Kings Mate》Chapter 38


Mason POV

One week later...

Malia hasn't woken up since we found her. Apparently I had to be shot in the neck with a tranquilizer dark because I wouldn't leave her and would try to bite any one that came near her. I haven't been able to leave her side. It physically pains me to leave. I have started to remember everything about her. The her eyes sparkle when she smiles, or how when she is stressed about something she talks with her hands, or how when she's sad and tries to cover it with this fake smile.

"Mason," I turn around and my mom is standing behind me. "I brought you some coffee."

I mutter a thanks and take a sip. I set the cup down next to me. I grab Malia's hand and rub circles on her palm with my thumb. I turn to look at my mom.

"Do you think you could step out. I want some time alone." I ask her.

She smiles at me. "Of course honey. And Hey, she'll get better. I know she will." She rubs my back and leaves the room. I look back at Malia and my heart aches at her condition.

4 broken ribs, her right leg is broken in four different places, she needed just over 80 stitches in her back, her lung is punctured, and she has a giant gash across her stomach that is too large to me stitched together. Everything she went through pains me horribly. I can only imagine what she is going through.

"Hey Malia," I clear my throat. "I uh, I know you probably cant hear me but I love you so much. I miss hearing your voice. I miss seeing your beautiful eyes. I love the way that when you laugh you get creases by your eyes. Or when your happy have you have a spring in your step and your voice is more sing songie. And when you wanna say something but don't know how you bite your lip. and how you show so much love for everyone and how you were so accepting to the werewolf stuff. I love you so fucking much Malia. I couldn't imagine life with out you. P-please get better. Malia please, I-I need you." my voice cracks and tears slip out of my eyes. Suddenly a surge of energy and warmth washes over me like a wave covering the sand. My vision darkens. Thousands of images flash through my mind in an instant. I can remember everything that forgot. I remember singing in the car with Malia then being hit from my side. I remember jumping out of my seat and covering Malia. Then I passed out. I remember taking her on our first date. I remember showing her around on the first day. I remember hearing her shift from outside of her house. I remember looking for her for hours on end when she was in heat. I remember everything.


"Malia, I remember everything. I remember when i first fell in love with you. I remember when I said I found the one and worry covered your face. I remember every moment of everyday we spent together. It would be really awesome and cliche if you would wake up now."


Malia didn't wake up. She didn't wake when I cried her name. She didn't wake up when I told her I loved her I loved her over and over again. She just didn't wake up. Life isn't like some teen romance. Where person A professes their love for an unconscious person B and then person B miraculously wakes up. That's just not how life works.No matter how much you can hope and dream things just don't work like that. So here I sit staring at Malia's beautiful face while she sleeps.

I can almost sense somethings wrong just as her heart monitor starts beeping like crazy. The door bursts open and a doctor and three nurses rush in. They push me out of the way and start to work on her. I hear them say something about surgery.

"What's happening?" I demand as they rush out the door and i follow them.

"Malia's Lungs are failing. She is starting to get worse. We think because she was human she isn't able to heal right and because of everything she is healing as if she was a human." they say and push her bed into a room with really big door. The one turns around and puts her hand on my chest.

"I'm sorry Mason, but you can't be in here while we are operating." She says then closes the door in my face.

I don't know how long I stare at the door. Seconds. Minutes. Hours. But I wait for her to come out. and when she does she doesn't look the same as she did when she went in. She looks bruised and broken and sickly.

I follow then as they wheel her into the ICU. The one nurse stops me again.

"Mason you can't be in here either." She looks down at her clip board and starts to turn around to go in. I grab the back of her shirt and spin her around so she's facing me.

"Listen here, I am her mate. I need to be with her if I'm not she could get worse and you know that. I am your Alpha and this is an order. Let. Me. IN!" I yell at her. she starts to shake and lets me in. I follow her scent to her room. I walk in just as some one leaves. I stop in the door way. She has tubes connected to her in what seems like every spot.


I fall to me knees. Tears flow out of my eyes. I pound my fists onto the ground and scream as I cry out in pain. If she dies I don't know what I'll do with myself. I cry harder and louder. The security guard comes in and drags me out of the room. I struggle to get out of his grasp but I finally succeed. I try to run back but feel something stab into my back. Electric shocks run up and down my body making me fall to my knees. they put handcuffs on my hands and try to drag me out but i snap them in a second. I can feel my eyes turn dark. I roar a angry roar.

"MALIA!" I yell as the now 5 security guards try to drag me out.


Malia POV

I open my eyes and look around. I stand up and turn in circles. I in a white room with no windows and one door.

Where am I?

I walk through the door and then its just white. Nothing beyond, nothing near, there isn't anything anywhere.

Suddenly a flash of black comes from the middle of the room. Heavy black fog swirls around some one or something. I feel the need to walk towards it. I fog starts to disappear and a woman stands there.

"Who Are you? Why am I here? What is this place?" I ask her. She chuckles

"Hello Malia, I am the moon goddess. You are here because you are dying. This place is where wolves like you come when they deserve a second chance." She smiles down at me.

"Why do I get a second chance? If I was suppose to die wouldn't I just die?" I ask

"Your mate needs you. You are destined to be a queen, a Luna, and a mother. Your mate Mason is useless without you. He is very strong and power full," She raises her hand and a bubble shows up of mason struggling with security guards pulling him back. He screams and tears run down his face. "But without you, he is nothing. He's weak and not king, Alpha, or father material. If you died he would probably be dead within a week." She tells me. I stay quiet and just look at the bubble. Mason breaks away but falls to the ground. That's when she waves her hand through the image and it disappears.

"Get ready for your second chance." Before i can reply she waves her hand and a force pushes me down. I fall through the floor and am summered in darkness.


Mason POV

After a day they let me back in. SO I sit next to her bed holding her hand.

"Malia, i love you so much. I understand if yo want to... if you want to give up." A tear falls out of my eyes. I use my hand to wipe them away. "It's okay. You don't have to hold on anymore." A sob escapes my throat. I put my head on her bed. "I Love you. It's okay. Y-you can go."

"I'm not going anywhere Mason." A whisper says. I raise my head and look at her body.

Her eyes are slightly open and they are looking at me. She gives me a small smile.

"Malia." I say quietly and squeeze her hand. "Thank god I thought I lost you." I say and tears fall out of my eyes.

"Hey Mason?"


"I love you.'

"I love you too."



Okay so that is the last real chapter. Their will be an epilogue. I'm not sure when but it'll be one of these days.

Hope that ending wasn't too horrible.

Oh! I made a Instagram and Twitter account! So follow me for updates about this book or any books to come


Twitter: LMR_Wattpad

i don't have much to say so ill just say

how bout a





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