《The Kings Mate》Chapter 37


Mason POV

Pain radiates all over my body. Sweat drips off of me. Like some one covered me in wood and burned me in it. I shoot up in my bed gasping for air. I look around and I'm all alone. That means this could be either 2 things;

1. Malia is missing

Or 2. She's screwing around with another wolf.

I pray to the goddess that it isn't the second one.

I burst of the door and run straight down the stairs. I run out side and see Cameron running towards me in her wolf. She looks panicked.

She shifts back to her human and trips and I catch her. Her being naked doesn't affect me. We've been friends out whole lives it not unnatural for Wolves to see each other with out clothes. It's just not normal after the person finds their mate.

"Cam, what's wrong?" I ask her. Tears start to run down her face. And she's panting and blubbering. I take my t shirt off and give it to her. She mutters a thank you.

"Cam what happened?" I ask again and she looks at me with fear in her eyes.

"Malia. T-They took her. I couldn't do anything I-I'm sorry. They were so fast and big. And I I I-I'm sorry." She cry's harder and I pull her into my chest and hold her tight.

I look around me and spit some one.

"Taylor. Bring Cameron to her mate. I have to call a pack meeting." I command to the blonde. She nods her head and takes Cameron and try's to soothe her with her words. I go to the side of the house and push the call button that'll send an announcement to everybody in the pack.

"Urgent pack meeting. Everyone please report to the auditorium. If anyone skips I will personally pick a punishment and deliver it myself." I say into the speaker and then pull my finger away from the button. I pull the door open so hard that it almost rips off the hinges.


I get to auditorium in seconds and go straight to stage. The whole pack is here. I go right to the microphone in the middle.

"Malia has been captured-" some people in the audience gasp me start to murmur to the others around them. "Silence!" I say with my alpha tone. Everyone automatically stops talking.

"Every male that's older then 16 will help search for her. Their will be 20 search groups. Their are approximately 590 males above the age of 16. That means their will be about 29 of you in each group. I will lead the head group. The head group will consist of Myself, Parker and Issac and the top warriors and trackers. Your groups with be posted in an hour. For the rest of the woman and children. You will lock yourselves in the house. We don't know who these people that took her are and we don't know how many they are or how strong they are. We can't afford to loose one member of this pack. Alright. That is all. You are dismissed. Except for Parker, Issac, and the top 10 warriors and the top 5 trackers."

Everyone leaves except for those 18 people. They all walk up to the stage and wait for commands.

"We leave in ten minutes. You have 5 minutes to pack a bag. If you aren't in the back by the 7 minute mark you will be punished. Understood?"

"Yes Alpha." They reply.

"Go." I say. They dismiss and run back to their rooms.

I use my alpha advantages and am done packing with 2 minutes to spare. I run down to the supplies room and grab two tents and head out to the back.

Everybody but Issac is there.

"Where's Issac?" I ask Parker.


"He's saying goodbye to his mate." Just as he finished he stands next to us.

"Okay," I announce gaining the 13 wolves attention. "We will travel with the 3 trackers in the front. We will be in a triangle. I will be the point. I want Parker and Issac to be the second 'later' you could call it. From their we will go from the top two warriors to the last of the top ten. Got it." They all nod their heads and say yes alpha.

"Let's move." We all shift and get into formation. I howl into the air. The trackers smell around before on of them catches the scent and he runs forward. We all follow right on his tail. I almost pass him a few times. We pass out of our territory and go onto neutral territory. The one stops and sniffs around for a while before going off into another direction. I look up at the trees and see all the claw marks that cover the trees. I look at the gross and see blood scattered in places around all the trees. I growl and feel my wolf take control and my mind go black.


3rd Person POV

Mason's wolf goes into over drives and strays from the pack. They all bark at him and go after him barely being able to see him. Parker takes his place in the triangle and they go as fast and they can. When the stop they are at a building that's half above the ground and half under. They all look at each other before continuing in. They travel through the halls. They follow the sounds of barking and pain filled howls. When they finally reach the source of the sound Mason is curled up next to an unconscious and naked Malia. Blood was almost a pond forming around her. Gashes littered her face and body. One could only imagine what was going through Mason's wolves mind. She look like something a shark went through. She looked as if her body had given up but her wolf was holding on for one little morsel of hope that her only love would find her and nurse her to health. The only problem being Mason is too powerful to handle her. He'd crush what ever was left by accident and she'd be dead. She was missing for a time of 8 hours and she already looked liked she had been with the monsters for 8 years. Their was no way she'd be able to walk correctly or talk correctly for a while. She looks dead. But if you stare at her you can see her struggle to breath.

The small pack had shifted and had gathered in a circle around her. Mason looked at him and his eyes turned a murderous red. Gone with the black void that were his eyes. His eyes were hungry for the bitter taste of blood. Didn't matter whose or what. If anything were to get near her he would rip them to pieces without hesitation.

Right now he was unstoppable. Get near him and you will immediately be creating the Greek god Thanos. God of death. But right now Mason looked as if he was Thanos. And he is not a force to be reckoned with.

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