《The Kings Mate》Chapter 36


Malia POV

Mason has only been able to remember that one thing. It's been a week. I hate myself for thinking this. But I really don't think he'll ever be the way he was. Right now he is in a meeting about becoming king. The election is in 2 weeks and everything is in his favor. Every single primary across every pack in the world and he only list 4 of them. Their are over 500,000 packs in the world. That's a lot.

I turn the corner and find Cameron walking down the hall eating a Donut. She stops and looks at me.

"Hey Malia." She smiles at me.

"Hey Cam." I smile back.

"I know things have been hard. Do you wanna go on a run to release some stress?" She asks me. I could actually go for a run.

"Yeah I'd really like that." She smiles even wider. She grabs my wrist and she basically drags me down the hall to the back door. Once we reach the out side we split up and shift.

I feel the familiar sensation of my bones shifting and breaking. Fur sprouting all I've my body. I fall forward onto my front paws. I shake my fur. I walk out and Cameron is waiting for me. She nods and I nod back. We shoot forward.

I run and I don't look back. I jump over logs and swerve are trees. Never stoping. I'm running so fast that I don't even feel the ground touch my paws. I hear barking. If it's at me I will never no because I don't stop. I won't stop. I want to run around the world. I want to run until it's all over.

I hear the barking again and a slight whimper. I look back for a second. I no longer see Cameron's gray wolf. I stop and look around some more. She's not anywhere to be found.


Maybe she just went back to the house. I'll just keep running theirs no harm in a bit of exercise.

I turn back around and continue running. This time at a slower pace. I hear a twig snap which makes me slow down even more. I hear another one on the opposite sides of me. I come to a complete stop. I look around.

Maybe I should head back.

I slowly turn around and start to walk back the way I came. I make sure to keep my ears listening for any sound in a 100 feet radius. I hear another twig snap. I start to quicken my pace. I then hear the leaves crunching under some ones feet.

Some ones following me.

I break into a run. I run as fast as my paws can carry me. I run faster then I was running when I came. I run faster then I ever have and most likely ever will.

I look back for the slightest of seconds and crash into something that knocks me back a few feet. I get up immediately and look what is was. A giant wolf with fur darker than night stands towering over me. I start to back away and bump into someone else.

I look at them and they are just about the same size except this one has a faded gray coat. I start to back away side ways with my tail in between my legs. I start to whimper as they close in on me. I hit a tree. I turn around and far the tree and try to use my claws and climb up the tree. I only become successful at leaving deep claw marks in the tree. They are almost at me. I slowly turn my wolf body and back away in a diagonal direction. I turn around and bolt out of there in one swift motion.


I get ahead of them by at least 40 yards. But I'm not fast enough. The big gray looking one tackles me to the ground. He claws at my sides and I claw at his face. He growls at me and I snarl at him.

A tall male, who I assume was the black wolf, steps out from behind a tree. In all of his glory he commands,"Shift." As he says the words his eyes turn from a gray to a pitch black.

The gray wolf gets off of me and sorta circles me growling.

I shift back into my naked self. I try to cover myself up best I can. But with all the cuts and gashes on my body it's hard.

"Aw look at this. Looks like we got ourselves a little play thing." The man with the gray eyes says. He comes up to me and gives me a devilish smile. He kicks me in the head knocking me into oblivion.


When I wake up I'm still naked but no longer bleeding. I try to stand up but am yanked back down. I lift my hand up in front of me. Silver shackles burn at my wrists holding me back from leaving this chamber.

I look around for any thing but find nothing.

The only thing I can think of comes right out of my mouth.

"HELP! SOME ONE PLEASE HELL ME!" I yell to no one. I wait but no one comes. Tears form in my eyes and I wipe them with my hands. This only causes the pain to increase.

I hair some one.

"Hello?" I asks

"Why hello." The man from earlier says sporting the devilish grin.

"Why am I here." I ask him with as much power and hate I can muster up.

"Because I need to get rid of some anger and stress." He smiles harder with his evil looking eyes.

He comes closer and kicks me in the stomach. I fall forward in pain. He unlocks my hands while I'm distracted. I try to get up but he kicks me even harder in the side. Breaking a few ribs in the process.

He takes his belt off and starts to his me in the back with it. I can feel gashes being made on my back. I whimper in pain as the blood runs down my back.

He whips me for what feels like hours before black dots dance in my vision.

"Please..." I whimper "Stop."

But the last thing I hear before I black out is

"No. Cause this is the most anyone's ever going to touch you again."




Okay yeah I'm horrible but I'm going out with a bang.

So I've decided that after this there will only be 3-4 more chapter left plus the epilogue. It's been one long year and I think it's time to end it.

So please forgive me for my long time of absence. I'm back and I'm ready to finish this book up.




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