《The Kings Mate》Chapter 35


I wanted to post something. And it isn't the longest thing in the world. But at least it's something. I hope you like it

Mason POV

I left the hospital a week ago and I barely can remember anything. I really only remember the election and King stuff. I can tell Malia is starting to break down. She refuses to leave me. I feel terrible. Theirs nothing I can do to help her. I look over to my left. She lays there quietly sleeping. Taking in breaths then letting them out. It's hard to tell how I feel. I know I love her. I just can't put pieces together as to why. Other than her being my mate. Theirs no distinct things like a lip bite or the way her hair falls just the right way.

I slowly and quietly get up off the bed and leave my room. I sneak down the dark hallways trying not to wake anybody up. I walk down the stairs to the first floor. I put my hands in my sweat pants pockets and make my way out side. I begin to walk into the Forrest. I take turns here and there before I make it to some sort of collapsed rock cave thing. The longer I stare at it the more my head starts to hurt. But soon it feels like a bullet went through my brain. I fall to the ground and press my hands to my ears. I push as hard as I can to make the pain go away. And then suddenly it stops.

I open my eyes and look at the cave thing. A memory of Malia running past me and into the woods starts to play I my mind. I relive chasing her into the cave but then it collapsing on one end and the other. I remember thinking I lost her. I fall to my knees.

I remembered something.

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