《The Kings Mate》Chapter 34


I would like to dedicated this chapter to for her great comment, "O my gosh update damn I'm not reading anymore of your books!" She's was so kind to tell me update damn the moment I got off break. 😊

Must say this will be a short chapter

Mason POV

When I woke up their was a nurse in the room. She stared at me and then screamed for a doctor. When a doctor came in he informed me what happened.

"You were hit by a car going 95 in a 75 speed limit area. The driver was killed on impact. But you and your girlfriend survived. Your girlfriend seems to be fine. But right now she is... frightened. But you were injured very badly. You had a collapsed lung, a few Brocken ribs, and a Brocken arms. Plus a bunch of gashes across your back. It seems that they're on your back because you covered Malia with your body." He informed me just 5 minutes ago. He walked around and checked everything while I just stared in shock. Malia? Who was this? Girlfriend? I've never even had one.

"Doctor?" He seemed surprised that I called for him.

"Yes Mason?" He asks and stops what he was doing. And started writing something down in the clip bored.

"Who is Malia?" He stops writing.

"Malia is your girlfriend." He says and sits in a chair.

"No. I've never had a girlfriend." I say and fur my eye brows together. What is this man talking about. I've been waiting for my mate I would never get a girlfriend before finding my mate.

"You mean you don't remember?"he asks and starts furiously scribbling on a new sheet of paper.

"What is their to remember?" Is he crazy.


"I'm going to ask you a few questions is that alright." I nod my head. I take in a big breath of air through my nose. He's a werewolf. I also feel a tingling sensation on my nose. I look down and see the plastic air thing in my nostrils.

"What is your full name?" He asks.

"Mason Aromas Stone."

"Who are your Parents?" He asks and continues writing.

"Beth and Jaccob Stone." I reply.

"What are you."

"I'm a were wolf. And I'm destined to be the next King." I tell him and sit up. He stands up.

"I'm going to inform everyone of your condition."

He walks out the door and closes it behind him. I hear muffled voices.

"What do you mean he doesn't remember?" I hear some one scream. Theirs more muffled talking.

"I'm his mate! Why doesn't he remember me!" The person screams more. Theirs more muffles talking.

"Let me see him."

"Let me see him please!"

"You don't understand just let me see him!" The voice screams. I hear a bang and then the door flies open. A girl with beautiful brown hair and brown eyes walks in. A tall but still shirt frame. She's in a hospital gown. Half of it falling off her shoulder. She has tears running down her face. I feel like I know her. But I don't remember her.

"Mason?" She asks in almost a whisper.

"Yes?" I reply.

"Do you remember me?" She asks.

"No, no I don't."


She sat in a chair and sat with her hands in her face, motionless for the past 25 minutes. And I stared at her.

"So you're my mate?" I ask. She lifts her head and looks as me.


"Yeah." She scoots towards me.

"How did we meet?" I ask. She stares for a moment before softly smiling at me.

"Well around 6 months ago I moved here. I went to the school guidance office and you were their to give me a tour. When you look at me you looked shocked and your eyes flashed this bright electric blue. I was human but I knew you'd change my life. And you did you changed it so much." she says and a tear rolls down her cheek.

"What were we like?"

"We were like two peas in a pod. We never left each other's side once I shifted for the first time. You became my life. We were powerful together. Without you I was lost. You were my best friend and my mate." She starts to cry harder. A small sob escapes her lips.

"Come here." I say and scoot over.

"What?" She says and looks at me shocked with tears still coming down her face.

"Come here." I say more dominantly. She slowly walk up to me and lays next to me.

"I don't remember you," she starts to cry harder as I say this. "But I know I still love you. I can feel it. I can feel my wolf trying to get closer to yours. I can feel him yelling at me to try to remember. My memories may be gone but my love for your sure isn't. If anything is stronger." I tell her. She puts her face into my chest. I wrap my arm around her and giver her a kiss on the top of her head then lean back into the pillow. After a while I feel my eyes close.

Malia, I will remember you.

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