《The Kings Mate》London pt.1 Chapter 31


Malia POV

Once the waiter left with our orders on a note pad we drove right into conversation.

"When did Issac find his mate?" I ask and take a drink of the water with lemon that had begun to sweat making it cold in my hand.

"Um... yesterday before you got here we were walking and stopped at a coffee shop and the barista and Issac locked eyes and we just knew I guess. She said she is going to move over next week so I guess that's exciting." He shrugs and smiles. We laugh.

"Well we'll just have to make her a nice room. I think I already have an idea of what I want it to be." I say getting the image in my mind." I tell him seeing the mental picture in my mind.

"Yeah she's totally lucky. she's getting the last room in the hallway. We had a meeting the day after Jason came and the toddlers are moving into their parents room. Of coarse now most of the new parents just but a house in town but that's not enough. Only like 200 of the 1000 that are in the pack live in houses. It's become so big that we might have to build another pack house." He tells me. Even if he tries to hide it I can hear the stress in his voice.

"I'm sure we'll be alright. I mean biggest pack in the state and we are one of the top 5 strongest packs in America. Of we can figure out how to kick ass then I'm sure we can find out how to make room. Maybe it's time to stop accepting everyone that looks like a good guy." I suggest and put my hand over his and rub circles on it with my thumb.

"Yeah I guess you're right," He says and leans back in his seat. But he leans forward again, "So what did you and Jason do the whole week?"

"We basically just watched movies all week. We did go bowling once." I tell him and stir my straw around in my water. The waitress comes and sets down two salads, smiles at us, then walks away.


"This looks good." I hum and start to dig in.

"I guess if your into greens." Mason says looking at it like it was road kill.

"Come on just try it. Please, for me." I beg and put another fork full in my mouth. The nice tangy taste of the vinaigrette.

"Fine." He breath out. he sticks the fork through the lettuce avoiding the olives and cheese and the tomato's.

He chews for a minute,"What dressing is this?" He asks his eyes screaming panic.

"I think it's vinaigrette." I say looking at it.

"Shit." I hear him mutter.

"What?" I asked alarmed.

"I'm allergic to vinegar." He spits out the dressing and downs his whole glass of water. Couples around us star at us with confused.

I start to dig through my purse till I find my epipen. I through the thing at him and he immediately smashes it into his thigh. He sighs in relief.

"Okay lets get you to the hospital." I throw an amount of money on the table. I grab his hand and intertwine our fingers and walk him out of the restaurant. I see a big cross peaking out from behind a building. I drag him across the street a few cars beep their horn and i give them the finger.

"Well damn Malia." Mason laughs. We head in the direction.

"What." I laugh and stop in the side walk.

"Nothing." He says and kisses my cheek."But you do know that since I'm a werewolf as soon as I injected the epipen my wolf took over. So we don't have to go to the hospital." He laughs. I stare at him.

"So you're telling me we could have stayed at the restaurant and had a nice dinner. But you let me drag you out of there." I tell him and poke him in the chest.

"Yep." he says.

"I can't believe you." I say and cross my arms. I face away. He wraps his arms around me and sways side to side. A smile creeps onto my lips.


"Love you." He whispers into my ear.

"Love you too." I reply giving in.

I grab his hand and smile and lead him through the city. Stopping at shops to look inside the windows. The sun begins to set, just barely, but we're running out of time for the last thing on my list.

"Where are we going?" Mason asks keeping up with me.

"It's a surprise." I tell him.


Mason POV

She drags me down the streets of London. I have to apologize to a woman selling jewelry as Malia knocked over one of her stand things. She murmurs a few curses and begins to pick up her stuff.

We approach a long line, with at least 200 people. Looking up is by far the biggest Ferris wheel I have ever seen in my entire life. I look to the sign that reads, The London Eye. At sunset. I don't care how weird it sounds but it's really romantic.

"We are waiting in this whole line?" I ask. At least 10 more people just added to the line behind us.

"Oh we're in the line?" Malia asks looking around confused. We step out of the line. The family of ten who I now recognize as werewolf nod their head in thanks and i return the gesture. I intertwine fingers with Malia. She holds for a second then pulls away. A small stinging sensation erupts all over my body. I look at her with a hurt expression. She looks through her purse before sighing in relief. She hands me a lanyard that says VIP on it. I flip it over and it has my name on it. This is my conference pass.

"Uh Malia?" I asks.

"Yeah?" She looks up at me.

"This is my conference pass." I point out. She chuckles then smiles at me.

"The pass gets you into anything for free in London." She says. She lets out an aw, and drags me over to a man who seems to be hating life right now.

"Aw the Stone's I was waiting all night for you." The man, Felix, Smiles and lets us into one of the chamber things. The wheel begins to move backwards. It stops a few more times before finally stopping at the very top. The sun cast an orange and pink spell across the sky. The crescent moon halfway to the sky and the stars awakening from their daily slumber. I stand up and pull Malia with me. I look her in the eyes and kiss her. Lights illuminate around the wheel making a soft blue light come through the window.

I break from the kiss and pull Malia close to me. I plant a kiss on her forehead.

I plant a kiss on my mates forehead.



I WANT TO APOLOGIZE FOR POSTING 16 DAYS AFTER I SAID I WOULD. But one thing you should know about me is I procrastinate. I started saying I'll do it tomorrow. That was what 3 weeks ago? So i guess tomorrow is today.

But as the clock strikes 1:30 a.m. i am still wide awake. Oh goooooood, school starts in like 5 hours. I need a salted caramel frappe from Starbucks. Maybe I'll say my name is Merry Christmas. What am I saying the closest Starbucks in like a half hour away. I'll have to make a pumpkin spice coffee while I get ready I guess.

But since this story really needs to move along. I am going to have to speed things up. I have decided to split the date in to 3 chapters because i said a 3,000 word date. and 3 chapters is 3,000 words. It's a long shot but I want to finish the story by Christmas so I can finish a story I've been working on for like almost a year now on my other account. So yeah...




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