《The Kings Mate》Chapter 30


Mason POV

"So how did you two meet?" The interviewer, Mackenzie, asks.

"Well Malia transferred to my school and I had to show her around so I knew the moment I laid eyes on her she was my mate." I tell her and wrap an arm around Malia and pull her closer to me.

"This was before I knew I was a werewolf so when I saw his eyes flash blue I was actually a little weirded out." Malia giggles. I smile at her and she smiles.

"Alright well Malia, since you were not at the campaign meeting I have to ask you one question. How do you plan on leading if you become queen?" The interviewer asks the mandatory question. Her pen ready in her hand and voice recorder set up to record anything she may miss.

"Well I want to make sure every pack is safe and that the pack is following the safety precautions." Malia says listing the things we informed her about before he interview started.

"Alright... Thank you for your time. The new issue's should be up in about 3 weeks. You'll get 10 copies. The pack house will get 200 for the pack store." She says and shakes our hands smiling. We smile back at her.

Ah the pack store. The only place to buy were wolf things like clothes that don't rip when you ship or fur dye. You'd be surprised at how many purple, red, and green wolves we have. I don't even know why we sell this stuff

Malia and I hold hands as we leave the building and get into a black car that is going to take us back to our hotel for our last night in London.

"Hey do you want to go out tonight?" I ask Malia as the car slows to a stop then continues again.

"Yeah. But since you always plan these great nights, it's my turn to plan one." She says and the car stops in the front of the hotel. We thank the driver and get out. We start to head for the elevator.

"So you want to plan the date?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yeah. You all ways take me to these great places so I wanna take you some where too." She says and we step into the elevator. I push the floor 12 button. We shoot up through the floors before the elevator stops on our floor.

"So what would you have planned for us this evening?" I ask her and we walk down the hall to our room.

"I can't tell it's a surprise." She smiles.

"This is us." I tell her and stop in front of the door. Oh she's gonna be surprised when I open this door.

I put the key card into the slot and then pull it out and the green light flashes. I push the door open and stare at Malia with an amused expression.

"This is out room?" She says surprised. The suit had 5 bedroom so everyone was staying here. It had a kitchen and a room with this big TV with every movie anyone could possibly think of. A bathroom connected to every bedroom and 1 in the TV room.

"Well since we are sharing the room with Parker, Payton, Cameron, Nico, and Issac it's more of an apartment. It's has 5 bedrooms 6 bathrooms a tv room so everything 8 teen agers could want." I explain the "apartment" and guide her to our room.


The king size bed sits in the middle with a flat screen at the foot of the bed hung in all its glory on the wall.

My suit case sits on the corner Malia's brought in when she arrived. I like to think of it as the kings bedroom from Cinderella. What I have a sister who loved princesses. I'm not ashamed.

"Do you like it?" I ask her and turn to her. I shove my hands in my pockets.

"Oh I love it." She responds a smile brighter than then the sun on her face.


Malia POV

"That sounds great! You come up the greatest date ideas." Cameron gushes and falls back onto Payton's bed.

"Yeah, can I be your mate." Payton jokes and I laugh.

"No. Sorry I'm taken." I laugh.

"Alright well your date is in 2 and a half hours. Go take a shower so we can get you ready." Payton says and stands up.

"Alright." I say and stretch my arms and walk into the bathroom.

I turn the shower on to medium and the water falls from the celling. I look at it and think of a water fall. I grab a towel and hang it over the towel rack thingy and strip down to my naked body. I step into the shower and let the water warm up my cold skin. The weather was starting to get worse here. Winter in London is too cold for my liking. Last time I checked it was snowing. Not hard but it was snowing.

I scrub my body clean of any dirt that could have gotten me. I shave my legs and under arms and sit in the warm water contemplating if I wanted to get out. But Cameron's fist banging on the door answers my question. I stop the water and step out of the shower. The cold air bites at my skin and it makes me shiver. I wrap the white fluffy towel tight around my bare skin and step out of the shower.

The girls are on their phones. Probably texting their mates who are across the hall in Issac's room.. I look at the dress that was laid out for me. A red lace dress with long sleeves with a V neck. Black flats sit on the ground along with my undergarments,

I turn to them and point at the clothes, "These aren't mine."

"Oh they're mine," Payton says. "We looked through your suit case but it's just a bunch of light and dark blue dresses for nice clothes."

"Oh yeah I guess because it's my favorite color it's like the only color dress I own." I laugh quietly. "Did anyone text Mason telling him it's formal?" I ask and Cam nods her head her eyes glued to her phone.

"Go get dressed we only have an hour and a half left." Payton starts to push my and the dress back into the bathroom and she shuts the door. I frown but drop the towel and pull the dress up not being able to reach the zipper. I walk back out and has Payton to zip me up and she does. I think her and she sends me to the desk that's In the room. A s blow dryer, straightener, and curling wand is plugged in.

"Okay this is going to take a while." Cam sighs and goes to work at drying my hair. She starts to straighten it and I scroll through instagram.


"Hey look at this picture of Avery and Michael." I say and show my phone to the girls. It was snowing and they were out side and Avery was smiling with her arms wrapped around Michael from behind.

"Awe." They say in unison.

"How long has it been since they met?" Payton asks.

"Like 2 months." I say and continue to scroll through the pictures.

"Oh. My. God." I say shocked.

"What?" Cameron asks and puts the straightener and picks up the curling wand.

"Issac posted a picture like 6 hours ago with a girl and the caption says the new love of my life. Did he find his mate?" I turn around and look at them both. They look at each other then back at me.

"I'll go ask him. Payton take over for me." Cameron says and Payton takes the curling wand from her. She runs to the door and shuts it behind her.

"So do you think that he actually found her?" I ask and stare at her in the picture.

"Maybe, Issac has always been a jokester. I mean he would walk up to some of the girls in school and say they were mates. They never were of course. But they way he was kissing her cheek makes me think she might actually be the one." She says and untangles one of the strands of hair it falls into a bouncy curl.

I look at the screen and notice the blue streak in her jet black hair and her dark brown eyes twinkle in the light of the sun. How her lips are a little on the smaller side. how their is a black strap that goes across her body and the black case that shows she plays guitar. She's cute.

The door swings open and Cam casually walks in hiding the smile that I could tell was just on her lips.

"So..." I drag on turned around in my seat. She smiles and nods her head. She starts squeeling and jumping up and down.

"Okay I'm done turn the chair around so I can do your make up." Payton says smiling. So, I swivel my chair around.


I waited in the lobby holding the black clutch tightly in my hand. He's 5 minutes late. I start to look around and sigh. I walk over to a couch and sit down waiting for Mason. The elevator ding. My eyes dart In its direction but it's a woman and her two kids. A little girl and an older boy listening to music on a pair of beats. Looks about 17. I realize I'm staring at them when he stares back at me. I quickly divert my attention and take my phone out of the clutch and press the power button. 7:07. I let out a sigh. The elevator dings again and it's Mason. He's out of breath and he is looking around frantically. I stand up and his eyes finally land on me. He lets out a sigh of relief and smiles and walks my way.

"You're late." I state and cross my arms over my chest.

"I know and I'm sorry. But, I'll explain later." He says. I look at the ground and move my foot around the tile floor. I smile sheepishly and look up. He pulls me into his arms and kisses the side of my head and holds me tighter. I spot the kid that I was previously staring at staring at us. HIs cheeks redden and he looks away. I wouldn't normally admit this but, he was fine. His brown hair and brown eye's reminded me of my old dog hash brown. Weird name, I know. Hey don't judge I was like 4 years old. He died 2 years ago cause he was like 5 years old when we adopted him. So he was pretty old.

"Ready to go?" He asks letting goof the hug and we just hold hands.

"Yeah." I smile excited for the date I planned. I drag him out of the hotel and we walk down the street. (A/N I have never been to London and when I was doing research I couldn't find any thing that stood out to me so the restaurant is all made up by me)

I stop in front of the étoiles dans la nuit. French for stars in the night. Built in 1989 family owned. Owners from America but grandparents from France. So it serves a varies types of fancy food. We walk inside and I say my name. The hostess tells us to follow her. She guides us to a nice little spot by a big window on the second floor. A huge window over looking London sits next to us providing the perfect view. I look through the menu and decide I want a steak salad.

"So can you explain to me now why you were late?" I ask him and trace my finger over the glass full of water that was sitting here when I got here.

"Okay so me and the guys were goofing around the hotel. We were on the stair case and Parker tripped me and I fell backwards all the way down 3 flights before stopping because I had finally gotten grip. So normally I had a bunch of cuts all over my hands because no one uses the stair case so the railing was old and chipped. I had gotten blood all over my clothes so I had to wait for my hands to heal before I could get ready." He explains to me. I nod my head. He certainly isn't lying because he looked me in the eyes the entire time he said it.

"As long as your okay, that's all that matters to me."

"So, what events do you have planned for me tonight?" He smirks and I smirk back.

"You'll just have to wait and see."



pretty long chapter right. One of the longest in the story.

Well I hoped you liked it this chapter took me like all day to write I was working on it on and off.

Got any ideas for their big big date please comment your ideas. And if you live in London and you're reading please tell me any exciting thinngs their is to do. I mea I already know what they are gonna do but maybe if I see something I like I can add it and give the person credit.

Welp I'm tired so please





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