《The Kings Mate》Chapter 29


Mason POV

School had to be closed for a week due to all of the snow. But luckily for me I had an emergency meeting in London I had to attend to. Also luckily I left the day before the storm hit. The bad part; Malia isn't with me. Jason is leaving in two days so she said she'll be their soon with Cameron and Nico. Once every one found out I was going to London they just "had" to join me.

So I as I sit on the stage with camera's flashing, werewolf news crews recoding my every move. But if I want to be King I gotta do what I gotta do.

"Mason Aromas Stone please step up to the podium and explain how you plan to run the werewolf nation if you win." The King says. I clear my throat and step up the podium.

"Well I plan on making the weaker packs stronger. I plan to get every mate less wolf a mate by every year holding a ball here in London. Every Mate less wolf will attend. They will be provide with the round trip plan ticket. The rogue packs will be given houses and proper living. They can't help that their pack either treated them poorly or kick them out. No wolf will go home less. Hunters will not be a threat if I can get the right equipment to the packs that need it most. If the alpha of the pack does not treat their pack with respect they will be sent to a camp for 2 years to teach good alpha habits. Their Beta will take control of the pack. Alpha wolves will no longer be able to battle for the packs. If one of the wolves wants a pack that bad he or she can form their own. All wolves will respect humans no matter who they are. Unless they are hunters. That is all. Questions." I finish off the speech I prepared on the plane. I let out a quiet breath.


The press jump at the opportunity for questions. I rub my hand over the black stubble that has started to form over my face. I probably have to go buy a razor at one of the hotel gift shops.

"Mason! Mason! Is it true your mate is a human?" One of the writers yell.

"No. she is a werewolf. She just was a late bloomer. She'll make a great queen." I say my face serious.

"Mason! Are you going to drop out of high school if you win and become king.?"

"No I can technically graduate right now. I have earned all my credits. BUt I'm going to stay with my mate and my friends." I respond. I go to answer another question but the kings loud booming voice fills the room.

"That is all. The press meeting is over for today." People sigh and start to file out of the room. My friends rush up to the stage and they engulf me in a great big hug.

"You did great! You're totally gonna win this thing!" Payton says enthusiastically.

"So what's going on for the next two days?" I ask Parker.

"Tomorrow you have a free day but the next day you have a photo shoot with a pack stars magazines." Parker says checking the note pad the Beta's were given for their Alpha's

Pack stars is a Magazine for werewolves that shows the best and strongest packs of the world. Itt also talks about celebrity's that are werewolves. Because my poles are much higher than the other candidates I will be on this month front cover page. So right after the photo shoot I have an interview with the magazine. Life is getting a whole lot harder.


2 days later.


The make up lady named, Carla, fixes my tie on my suit and adds powder to my cheeks that's suppose to bring out the sharpness of the bones. I was told not to shave off the scruff because it looks "sexy" but it's just itchy and I want it gone.

"Mason please stand in the middle and give me a sophisticated pose." The photographer commands and I follow his directions. I put my hands in my pant pockets and turn my side to the camera and give a small smile.

"Great. Great. Now give me a celebrity look." He says I raise my eyebrow at him."You know how they don't smile." He says. I can hear him mutter amateur under his breath. I try to copy yht face he told me and I guess he likes it cause he says, 'this is front cover material!'

"Now get one with your mate." he says looking at him camera.

"But she won't be here for another." I tell him.

"Oh am I early?" I turn around and Malia stands in a beautiful deep blue dress with black heels and s heart locket necklace. And she wears the most prettiest thing of all. The big smile that's plastered across her face. I run to her pick her and swing her in a circle. I hug her tight when I stop sinning and then I kiss her with a passionate kiss and then pull her back into the tight hug.

"I missed you so much." I tell her. I can feel a wet drop of water seep through my shirt. She's crying.

"I missed you more." She sobs.

"I love you." I tell her and squeeze my eyes shut.

"I love you too." She says. I look at her and put my hands on her cheeks. I wipe away her tears with my thumbs. I place my fore head on hers and close my eyes taking it all in. I feel a flash go off. I look over to the camera man and he is looking at the sneaky picture he took.

"This looks great guys. Going into the magazine." he says and switches to his computer.

I laugh quietly and turn back to Malia. I kiss her once more and then put our foreheads together and just enjoy the moment for a little longer.



Hoped you liked the chapter.

But how about that cute moment between Mason and Malia.

Alright well I don't really have much to say about the chapter but maybe you do. So how about a





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