《Played Out》30. Breaking News


I woke up to my phone ringing nonstop. I had just fallen sleep so my irritations was on ten.


"Rao!" I heard Harmony crying "It hurts!"

"What's wrong?" I jumped up getting dressed "Yo water broke?"

"Not yet" she sniffles "But the contractions are like five minutes apart"

"Shit Harm! Why you ain't been called me!"

"I thought it was a false al—Shit!"

"What's wrong?!"

"My water broke!"

I shook my head before hanging up. I walked out my condo and down the hall to Harmony's. We decided not to live together but I paid portion of her part of the bills for her Destiny's place. It was the easiest option that still kept a boundary between us.

When I got to the door, I used my key and headed straight to her room. She was on her hands and knees on the bed crying. She was already in a maxi dress so I grabbed her bags and took the down to my car. Once everything was in the car, I went back inside and picked her up. She cried the entire way to the car before calming down. She got in the back seat to lay on her side as I drove. I called my parents, Destiny, and her mother.

When we pulled up, I rushed her inside and went to park the car. I walked back inside seeing a bunch of doctors running towards the ER. I shook my head before going to the desk to find Harmony. They had checked her in and were calling the doctor. Destiny showed up soon after and we were all just waiting for the doctor. Harmony was trying to handle the contractions better but ended up just crying through them. I started rubbing her back while she laid on her side.

The doctor finally got there after two hours, only to check her and give us another hour before pushing. I stepped out once my parents said they were there. I walked into the lobby of the hospital, only to be surprise to see my parents and siblings sitting a good distance from a crying Kira.

"Hey yall" I hugged my parents and siblings

"Is he here yet?" Heiress asked

"Nah they said she should start pushing in about an hour"

"Is her mom on her way?" my dad asked

"Destiny said she changed her flight to tonight as soon as I called so she should be here soon"

"Let her know we'll pick her up from the airport" my mother added

"I will" I looked over at Kira "Hold on yall"

I walked away until I was standing in front of Kira. I knelt down in front of her causing her to raise her head and look at me.


She cut me off hugging me and crying into my shoulder. I held her and shushed her trying to calm her down.


"Kira what's wrong?"

She pulled away and looked at me confused.


"You don't know?" her voice shook

"Know what?"

"Everything happen so---"

"Pharaoh!" I turned to see Destiny "Come on! The nurse said she can start but she won't without you! Let's go"

"I'm coming" I looked back at Kira "What---"

"Go head" she sniffled "Congrats"

She sat back with her leg shaking, turning to look down the hallway of the emergency room. I got up and headed upstairs with Destiny and ran into the room. We both washed our hands before we each took a side beside Harmony. The nurse started breaking down the bed bottom then instructed me and Destiny to each take a leg.

We pulled her legs close to her chest as they started guiding her through pushing. Harmony was wide open and I almost lost it seeing blood pouring out of her. When they started to see hair, a different nurse ran to get the doctor. The doctor rushed in already in her delivery scrubs and went straight to it. After thirty minutes of pushing, he was out. I felt my eyes water hearing his loud cries. I snapped some pictures before cutting his cord, then followed the nurses as they cleaned him up. He was so beautiful and I couldn't take my eyes off him.

The nurse put him in my arms and my heart smiled. I looked at Harmony who was pushing out the placenta and getting cleaned up. I walked over to her and showed her his face which led to her crying. Once they had her situated I put him in her arms and kissed her head. Harmony told me to get my family so I headed down to show the pictures and bring them up.

I ran down the steps and into the lobby smiling like a kid on Christmas. My mom jumped up first and hugged me. I showed her and my dad the pictures before hugging all of them too.

I told them the room number before looking around for Kira. She was no longer in the lobby so I just went about my business while calling Cole and the boys to come to the hospital too.

I closed my eyes and reopened them hoping the man in a white coat would disappear. I open my eyes again to see him now smiling at me.


"Relax Essence" he check a machine "Do you know where you are?"

"Y-yes" my voice crack

"I'll get you some water and send in your friend. Then we'll talk about what happen"

He walked out and I looked around the room. The last thing I remember was screaming and Mazi pushing me. I looked down and had a wrap around my body and left shoulder. I felt my head and also had a wrap around it. I was beyond confused and trying not to panic.


After a few minutes he came back in with a nurse who had some water and Kira behind them. She ran over and hugged me crying into my shoulder. Once she let me go I look to the doctor who sat down beside my bed.

"Where's my cousin" I spoke first

"Mazikin is fine. He just got out to surgery"


"Do you remember what happen?"

"All I remember is a bunch of screaming and tires screeching before Mazi pushed me and everything went black"

"Well apparently someone was shooting. Your cousin took a bullet in the chest and leg. You got caught in the shoulder probably while falling" I shook my head in shock "Everything went black because you hit your head and have a concussion"

"Did anyone call my aunt—"

"I called her" Kira grabbed my hand "I saw it on the news and called you but the hospital answered. The twins are still with their friend"

"This is crazy"

"Well we are running a few more test now they you're awake and you'll need to stay for a few days. Your cousin is in recovery but we got him in the room right across the hall. Police will be here to take statements from you both"

I nodded "Thanks"

"There is one more important thing though Essence" he looked worried "Can I speak to you alone"

"Just... just give me a minute Kira" I nodded "Go wait for Mazi. I don't want him to wake up alone"

"We ran a few test on your blood as we do all emergency surgeries. One of them includes a pregnancy test...."

"I'm not following" I waited for him

"Essence you're pregnant" I covered my mouth as well feeling tears roll from my blurred vision "You have extremely high HGC levels... we did an ultrasound to be sure of how many months and it's showing you at around 17 weeks"

"No" my voice was in a whisper "No, no, no, t-that's t-t-that can't be right"

"I know it's hard to believe but the numbers don't lie" he sighed "I'll see if they can get a portable ultrasound up here and you can see for yourself"

He turned and left the room without another word. I laid back thinking about Pharaoh for the first time in two months. I pushed him out of my head and forced myself to focus on other things. The one time I did think about him, I went to his graduation without anyone knowing.

Memories of us having sex flashed in my mind. There was no way I could be four or five months pregnant. I hadn't missed a period, I was losing weight... It was impossible. Doctors told me it was impossible.

After an hour or so sitting in my room, confused and slightly panicked, the doctors came in with an nurse and a machine. The doctor left the room while the nurse removed my grown and rubbed the wand across my stomach. She taps some buttons before she turn the screen to me.

"There baby is" she said softly "19 weeks and some days"

"Fuck" I whispered

"I'll give you a minute"

She hit some more buttons before reach under the machine and handing me a picture. She wiped me off before walking out taking the machine with her. I looked at the picture so confused. This was an impossibility. I wasn't supposed to be able to have kids or get pregnant. My body was permanently damaged after.... this was impossible.

I wiped my face and sighed trying to think and figure it out. I put the picture under the pillow before turning over and laying down. A knock hit came with Kira appearing shortly after.


"They don't know what's wrong" I shook my head as I lied "My white bloods low but not cancerous low"

"Damn... that's good though right"


"Sooooo" she sat down "That means we can turn up once you leave"

I laughed shaking my head "Kira stop"

"I'm serious" she laughed too "And I needed to see you laugh again"

"How's Mazi"

"He's knocked out. The nurse came in a few minutes ago and said he won't be up for a minute because of the sedation drugs they gave him"

"As long as he okay" I sighed "My dad gone flip when he find out Mazi got shot"

"Mazi?! AND YOU FOOL" she laughed "Yo thug daddy don't play bout his baby girl. You already know he gone be pissed"

"He'll get over it though"

"Yeah I'm sure finding out you okay is better than finding out you got shot and whatever else"


Kira and I talked some more before she left to meet up with my auntie and get me some food. I felt bad lying to Kira. She became the only person I had outside of my family... but I couldn't tell her the truth without knowing what exactly I was gone do. It was all just way to much for me to think about.

"Mommy" I spoke looking up at "I really need your help with this one. I don't know what to do... and I don't think what's on my mind right now would make you proud... but it's the only option that make sense to me... man I wish you were here"

I shook my head before laying back on my side and going to sleep. There was nothing else I could do, especially while I'm in the hospital. Just as I drifted off, I sat up and buzzed the nurse requesting for her and the doctor. When they came, I made sure to tell them no one was to know about this pregnancy thing even if asked. They both seemed uncomfortable with my request but agreed and explain that they could not violate HIPPA anyway. I let them go and drifted off to sleep again, praying to wake up with a better option than what was on my mind.


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