《Played Out》Q&A


"Ess do you think you overreacted at all?"

"Ess why do you still love Pharaoh?"

"Why won't you let Pharaoh love you?"

"Why you so irrational?"

"Why don't you like Harmony?"

"Why would you cut off Gianni like that? Did you really expect her and Jordan to break up?"

"Do you think you put to much responsibility on Jordan when it comes to the bet?"

"Will you and Gianni ever be friends again?"

"Would you ever consider giving Pharaoh a chance?"

"Don't you think you and Pharaoh kinda rushed things?"

"Do you regret giving Pharaoh a chance?"

"Why would you agree to the bet in the first place?"

"Why didn't you tell her about the bet once it got serious?"

"Why didn't you fight harder to get Essence back?"

"Does you family know why you and Essence really broke up?"

"Do you think you and Essence will ever get back together?"

"Are you ready or willing to move on from Essence now?"

"If Harmony wasn't pregnant, would you have let her and Essence fight?"

"Are you going to really move in with Harmony?"

"Does Harmony know you and Essence broke up"

"Do you think you'll give Harmony a chance now?"

"Did Harmony ever pay you back the abortion money?"

"How are things with Harmony family?"

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