《Played Out》27. Trust No One


I looked at my phone to see Pharaoh sent yet another text to "check on me". It was almost six at night and he had successfully texted me all day without me realizing it. I wasn't as mad a Pharaoh because I truly didn't believe he slept with Harmony but ignoring a clear boundary that should be set was just plain disrespectful. My line sisters and I were doing community service and chapter business all day so I didn't even get to dwell on the situation. I barely got to tell Kira and Gianni but they got the tea the minute we had a break.

"It's him again huh?"

Kira spoke pulling me from my thoughts as we headed to my our Tre's house for girls night. I sighed before nodding my head and locking my phone.

"It's okay to talk to him" Gianni said

"A piece of me knows I'm being overly sensitive b—"

"We ain't say all that" Kira side eyed "I ain't gone front like I would have fucked everybody up if I was you. That shit was disrespectful. Especially since y'all ain't been talking"

"And he could've at least let you know before he allowed her to stay" Gianni continued "But you trust your man and y'all can talk it out"

"I want to" I sighed "I'm not as mad as yesterday and I know he wants to talk. I just—Ugh I can't stop thinking about what she said"

"Girl that snake ass hoe probably knew it wasn't him" Kira rolled her eyes "I don't believe shit she say and wouldn't trust her with air"

"Damn air sis" Gianni and I cracked up "I gotta agree though Ess. Harmony is a fake ass hoe with an agenda and she not letting go of Rao that easy. I'm sure"

"Fuck her" I hugged "I'm not even worried. I'm gone go over there in the morning so we can talk everything out..."

"Everything?" Gianni asked surprised

"Yep" I looked out the window "I just wanna clear all this shit up and move on. It's hard being mad at the person you wanna talk to the most"


We laughed as we pulled up and headed inside. Everyone was already there and chilling when we walked in. Everyone spoke and hugged before we all sat down. I sat on the floor against the wall with Kira beside me. Gianna was across from us sitting in front of her front on the floor.

"Alright ladies" Sasha, our Ace, spoke "y'all know we have to plan our Deltaversary but a few sisters have need to hash some shit out"

"Damn again" Kira huffed

"Chill" I laughed pushing her

"Anyway! Y'all know the rules but let's agree once again: whatever happens here stays here and once we leave, the problem is left behind"

"Agreed" we all spoke

"Alright I'm opening this up to whoever wants to speak first. Get whatever off yo chest but be direct with it"

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against the wall as I listen to them talk. We always had little petty things happen amongst us but the great thing about us was we could usually just talk it out. I wasn't fully paying attention until someone cleared their throat.


I open my eyes to see Yoni standing up. I was honest with Divine, she was amazing but she was definitely childish and overdramatic most of the time. They were perfect for each other though because they was Divine to a T. She looked around before she finally spoke up.

"I just want to say if you got a problem with me or got some shit to say about me and what I do... bring it to me. Everything y'all be saying gets back so why the fuck you talking about your line sister is beyond me anyway"

"Bruh if somebody said something speak up" Gianni rolled her eyes "You always wanna say some but never talk direct"

"Bet!" She looked at me "You got a problem with me?"

"Excuse me" I laughed "Yo Yoni you got the wrong one sis! I love you but you are not a typical topic of conversation"

"So you wasn't out with Divine yesterday? Talking shit about me?"

"What?!" I stood up "Girl I got a whole boyfriend that is his friend! Fuck I look like being somewhere with Divine?!"

"He came back from being with you when I saw him though?"

"Because he took me the fuck home! You can chill with yo insecurities! Don't nobody want that nigga but you! If anything he just the homie by association!"

"But you out here talking to him about me?! You can stop the fake ass innocent shit! You a foul ass bitch and I'm tired of it"

"What yo mouth Yoni" Kira and Gianni stood up

"Fuck y'all! Y'all always defending her ass"

"Because she ain't do shit" Gianni got loud

"Aye chill y'all" I sighed shaking my head before looking at her "Yoni what do you think I said? Because we can clear all this up"

"You telling my nigga! My nigga of two fucking years not to be with me! Like what type of shit is that?! You supposed to be my sis—"

"Okay stop!" I rolled my eyes "That's not even what the fuck I said! I told him that you were worth more than the bullshit he doing! Shit he been doing before we ever met! I was venting about something between me and Pharaoh and told him that they always fucking over females with no regard. I specifically said and I quote 'Maybe you should try being the man she deserves' so miss me with all that shit you talking! You calling me out my name when I'm defending yo dumb ass so a nigga can see you for more than the dick eater you act like"

"Yooooooo" Kira pulled me back

"Whatever! At least my nigga want me! Yo with a nigga that only talk to you for a fucking bet!"

"What?" I moved Kira out the way "What did you say?"

"Not so high and fucking mighty now huh? You worried about me and my man when Pharaoh only talk to you because Divine bet him he couldn't fuck! He don't even want yo fat ass! He got a whole baby on the way with somebody he been with way before you! And you really believe he want you! Tuh! Deal with that before you want to step in my fucking business"


The room was silent as everyone stared at Yoni and me. I couldn't believe she actually said that shit, that she would stoop so low... and that I actually kinda believed her. I thought about the first day I met Pharaoh and almost all out interaction there after. I was definitely not the typical chick he went for and he really didn't even know me. I couldn't deny the possibility... and it made me see red.

"Wow" I shook my head "And you proud that you just said that shit? So you telling me that you my FUCKING LINE SISTER sat around knowing a dude was doing me foul and wasn't gone say shit? But now that you mad and want to feel better about yo shitty situation... you bring it to the table in front of everyone... You are truly a sad hoe ass bitch! Fuck you Yoni! And fuck this! This supposed to be a sisterhood! I've never talk foul on you and did ANYTHING to hurt you! What he chose to do with my words are on him but I said nothing but beautiful things about my 'sister' deserving better! But you know what! Yo ass deserve all this fucked up shit he gone do to you!"

I grabbed my bag and headed out the door. I could hear them arguing more but I was gone. Kira caught up to me and pulled me to her car. Gianni came out and I finally got in but I refused to speak on it. My mind was racing around Pharaoh. I had to know the truth. Once we got to my house, I jumped out and got in my car. I drove off hearing them call my name but i had to know now.

I pulled up and jumped out my car barely parked on the curb. I ran to the door and started banging as hard as I could. I could see Kira pull up but I continued to bang on the door. It finally opened to a confused Jordan. I pushed pass him and walked into the living room to see Pharaoh, Lucca, and Divine. My anger rose and I could feel the tears welling in my eyes.

"Yo what's wrong?" Pharaoh jumped up

"We need to talk... now" my voice was low and laced with anger

"Ess!" Kira and Gianni walked in

"What's going on?" Jordan asked



"Talk to me" he look concerned

"Tell me it's not true" my voice shook "I need you to stand there and tell me that this wasn't a bet! That you didn't put a price of my body for shits and giggles"

All the guys looked shocked but Pharaoh's face quickly showed regret. I shook my head feeling the tears roll without my control.

"Essence please let's—"

"So how much was I worth?" I chuckled dryly "How much was my pussy worth to you Pharaoh?!"

"It wasn't like that Essence! It started with the bet bu—"

"How could you?!" I backed up "What did I do to you? To any of you? And then y'all sat in my face like my fucking friends! Like you fucking love me!"

"Baby I do love you!"

"Fuck you Pharaoh! You're exactly who I thought you were! And here I was coming to apologize to your bitch ass! Coming to be the open girlfriend I thought you deserve!" I was shaking as I spoke "I HATE YOU!"


"You're dead to me!" I stared in his eyes "I hate every one of you!"

He shook his head as tears fell. I turned around to walk away only for him to grab me.

I quickly slap the entire fuck out of him. I looked at him then all of his friend who looked equally as guilty.

"Don't ever come near me again!"

"Baby please!"

I stared at Pharaoh standing there crying as hard as I was. It hurt so much because my love was real the whole time. Everything was a lie. I shook my head before walking out and getting in my car. I sped away to go home. I turn my phone off before I ran in my condo. I broke down as soon as the door closed.

I sat in my living room floor crying for hours until I fell asleep. My heart was broken... but worst than that. I felt my soul die. Pharaoh didn't have to be perfect but he gave me hope that life does have good and there was light at the end of the darkness. Knowing just how wrong I was felt like the end of my world.

I followed Essence out the door but she ran to her car and drove off. I screamed before punching the door making a dent.

"I can't believe this shit" Kira shook her head walking pass me and heading out "G you coming?"

"Give me a minute"

I shook my head and walk toward my room. I couldn't stop the tears from leaving my eyes.

"You don't get to run away" Gianni yelled at me "Y'all really fuck over my friend like that?"


"Shut the fuck up yo!" She yelled at Jordan "I can't believe you!"

"I wasn't—"

"Save it! I'm done with this and you! And you!" She turn to me "Thank you! You have proven to Essence that she can trust no one! You won a fucking bet just to break her?! Did you ever think how she would feel once she knew?! Now she's done with everything! It ain't just about you! Y'all got my line sisters ready to fucking fight each other dude!"

"I didn't—"

"And the saddest part" she shook her head as tears fell "you don't even know how bad you truly fucked up because everything she was ready to tell you... you'll never know now"

"W-what did she—"

"Don't worry about her no more"


"I'm serious Jordan. It's over. You're just like them..."

She wiped her face before walking out the door. I shook my head and walked to my room. I could hear my boys calling my name but I just closed the door and sat down. It felt like my chest was caving in and I couldn't breath. I laid down and just let the hurt hit. I couldn't do anything but cry.

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