《Played Out》4. Lean On Me


"I guess it's my turn"

"If you want to I'm all ears"

I sighed while wrapped my arms around his leg. I tried not to squeeze like I did my pillow. I knew I need to talk to somebody and I didn't want to talk to anyone who knew everything. They all said the same things to me already. I felt like Pharaoh might have a different response. I felt like he was really trying to be my friend and I appreciate it.

"I've gotten use to my life not going good. Shit been fucked up for a while. But lately... I feel like the world is on my shoulders and I'm slowly breaking"

"What happen?"

"My mom... my mom died last spring" she sighed "It all happen so fast. She was sick for a minute then one day she was in a coma. A week later... everything stopped"

I knew he felt the tears that had slid onto his pants leg. I wiped my face and took a deep breath. I shook my head before letting him go and standing up. Before I could walk off though, he was standing pulling me into a hug. The hug was strong and protective. It reminded me of the last hug I gave my daddy. It was all I needed to breakdown.

I don't do all that extraness so I just softly cried in his chest. Once I called down he pulled me around the back toward the front but stopped at the Range Jeep at the top of the driveway. He open the trunk and told me to sit down before he went to the front of the car. He came back soon with another blunt and handed it to me with a lighter. I said fuck it and took it from him.

Once we smoke the second blunt I felt relaxed again. I leaned on him with my head on his arm/shoulder. I took a deep breath before speaking again.

"I didn't try to be mean when we first met yesterday"

He laughed "You weren't mean. Rude? Maybe"

"Shut up" I laughed with him "I'm serious"

"I am too. You weren't mean"


"I just don't like adding to my craziness. I gotta take care of me and my sisters while finishing school. When you was talking about getting to know me and shit, I just saw a nigga who wanted some ass trying to waste my time"



"Sorry" I smirked "But that's how I felt"

"No lie though you can't be assume shit about people. That's how you lose out on having good people in your life"

"So you good people?"

"Hell yeah" he laughed "The best actually. Plus I hear I give good advice. And my advice to you" he lifted my chin so I looked at him "Baby girl you gotta stop holding that shit in. I've seen depressed on its darkest day and the worst thing you can do is feed into it. You got 11 linesisters. And now you got me"

I shook my head laughing as I laid back on his shoulder. There was a comfortable silence between the two of us. I decided to check my phone for the first time since we started talking. Shocked was an understatement when I realized we had been out here talking for three hours.

"Damn we been out here forever" I giggled "Let me go get Gianni so I can go home"

"Shit they probably in there fucking or slump"

"Don't wish that on me"

"If they are you can sleep in my room. I can kick it on the floor for a night"

"Why not the couch?"

"I got my baby bro staying here for fall break while my parents went to visit my sister at Loyola"

"I can put you on the floor in your own house"

"I may have my ways but my moms raised a gentleman"

I laughed before getting up "Let's hope we don't have to worry about that"

I pulled his arm rushing him to get out of the car. I let him go when we got to the back door and followed him into the kitchen. A lot of people had trickled out and it was really only the guys who were with Pharaoh at the student union and a couple of girls. I looked around and couldn't find Gianni or Kira. Pharaoh pulled me to Jordan's room and knocked on the door. After a couple of knocks a smaller version of him open the door looking sleep.


"Where Jordan?"

"He said I can sleep in here" he yawned "Him and his girl went to her house"

"Shit" I massage my temple with a hand on my hip

"Aye I think you the girl they was looking for. They said if you didn't leave then call them when you ready"

I nodded before walking toward the kitchen. It was empty so I sat on a stool and attempted to call both Gianni and Kira. After six calls to each, I hung my head and sighed. Just as I open the Lyft app my phone was taken.

"Aye" I looked up to see Pharaoh across the island

"You not about to take a life at 2:45 in the morning baby girl. I told you, you can sleep in my—"

"I'm fine Pharaoh" I chuckled "I'm a big girl. I can get home safely. It won't be the first time"

"Stop being so—"

"I'm good" I took my phone back "Thanks though"

I got up and headed outside while requesting a ride. There were no drivers in the area so it was taking a minute to load. I looked around and saw my LS Yonni unofficial dude tonguing down some K. I shook my head and started to laugh but was cut off my Pharaoh pulling me inside.

He closed the door and before I could speak, he lifted me in the air putting my back against the door. I yelped before hugging his neck in a death grip.

"Pharaoh! Put Me Down! FUCK!"

"I'm not gone drop you ma" he chucked in my ear "I will put you down if you promise to go to my room and go to sleep"


"Then I guess we gone be here all night. I definitely can get use to being between these things!"

"Stop! Nigga put me down! This is kidnapping"

"You grown as hell" he laughed "I'm not letting you leave though. My momma would kill me"

"She won't know!"

"Gianni will!"

"Okay I feel ya dick! Can you put me down!"

"You got five seconds before I straight up hump yo ass" he spoke deeply in my ear sending a chill down my spine "Speak up baby girl"

"Shit! Fine!"

He put me down but kept me against the door with his body. I sighed before pushing him and walking toward the rooms. He called out which room was his so I just followed.

I stood in his room with my arms folded waiting on him to come in. When he finally did he stop and we stared at each other. Well mine was more of a glare but whatever. I gave up with a sigh and eye roll.

"You got another comforter?"

"I told you—"

"Not for me! For you negro!" I sighed "You can sleep on the bed with me if you got two comforters. I can't let you sleep on the floor in yo own house"

"Awwwl you just want to lay up with me"

"And on that note"

I attempted to walk out and leave only for him to grab laughing.

"Chill baby girl" he closed his door "Thank you. I'll get my other comforter. Happy now"


I took my shoes off and sat on his bed bunching the comforter up to one side. He came out and drop the other one on his bed before going into his bathroom. I took the opportunity to take off my leggings because ya girl just can't sleep in pants. Since I was only wearing a sports bra I kept it on with my t-shirt and got under my covers.

When Pharaoh came out of the bathroom, he had on just some basketball shorts. Now regardless of what's going on I'm still a woman and can admit, Pharaoh is fucking mouth watering fine. I shook my head at my thoughts before turning away from him as he got under his cover.

"You're not as hard as you try to act"

"I'm not acting"

"Whatever" he laughed pushing me "Go to sleep"

"Trust you've said nothing but a word"

"Goodnight then baby girl"

"Goodnight Pharaoh"

Pharaoh turned his lamp off leaving his room dark. I closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep. Pharaoh definitely wasn't what I expected. Maybe we could really be friends... best friends even.

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