《UnExpected Odyssey》Cousins+Pearl=Ecstasy.


I was amazed and spellbound beyond explanation when I saw the one who dared to kiss me.

I stared at that one silently not being able to express what I, in all actuality felt or still feeling.

Suddenly that person caught my forearm and pulled me forward and engulfed me into a tight hug and kissed me again on my cheek. Wet kisses to be precise.

And what do you think a tiny tot of five or so years would be capable of.

I blinked my eyes copious times before opening my mouth to say something , nothing but shallow breath came out so I shut my mouth while letting my hands fall nimbly to my sides and sat glancing at the cute one standing in front of me who closed her mouth with her chubby palms and slumping her shoulders shyly.

"Who are you?" I forced those seemingly simple words with herculean effort out of my mouth.

She held a bemused look when saw my blanched form.

She looked at me with a mischievous smile pursing her small lips before squeaking her heart out before me.

"You are so sweet di. I love you so much"She chimed startling me a bit in the process. I eyed at Frankie.

He was smiling mischievously at the one who is now hugging me and kissing me profusely without any break like she has been waiting for eons to shower her love upon me like this.

I slowly disentangled her hold around me and pulled her towards me and made her sit on my lap. I was sitting on a half kneeling position but when she sat on my lap I fell on the floor shielding her and careful that she doesn't fall on floor and hurt herself in the process.

I sat with my knees folding and placing her on my lap and kissing her cheeks softly. She giggled cutely while regarding me for a moment.

"You look so lovely di like a pari. I already love you so much. Will you be my pari di ( angel sis)?" That sweet girl squealed with an exuberant gleam in her baby blue eyes.

A cute smile constantly adorning her innocent angelic baby features.

She resembled an angel, a baby cherub to be exact. She seemed to be a girl of four or five.

She went on talking her heart out like I am her long lost friend. I wondered from which world this cute little thing came . For every single sentence she kept kissing my cheeks and continued talking.

" Sure my little cherub. Before that tell me What is your name sweetheart?" Finally I asked not being able to take in the cuteness overload she has brought along with her.

She looked taken aback for a moment. Her face fell instantly and a gleam of sadness radiating through her innocent features.

"You don't know me? Bhai told me that you love me like anything and will take care of me like the fairies do.And will fulfill any wish of mine. But you don't even know my name. " She said sadly. Her face dimmed a bit she kept her hand on her chubby face and sighed sadly.

I felt bad for being this rude to this lovely girl by asking her name hastily.

"You are cute sweetie. Who won't love you? You are that angelic. Now I am your sis so nothing will change that. Knowing someone or their name isn't important. ( Heart's connection is everything my sweet doll when it comes to love)" I said in an assuring tone caressing her long hair.


And kissing her forehead.

". ( Brother too says the same thing) She said her features regaining the lost radiance again with that single sentence.

Her face lit up at this and she began to play with my chain looking a bit amused.

"You want this?" I asked when I noticed the amused look she was having on her face. She shook her head in response, indicating no.

"I have one for myself. See? " She said raising her chain which looked homogenous to mine. I stroked the charm gently before letting it fall on place.

"Also Mom says that never seek a thing from others. Even they keep that thing with great passion beside them. So it will be rude if we take away their happiness because of our greed or something like that I don't know. Mom always gives me small class on such things. I never get the full meaning still some of her advice manages to get into my brain. In short never ask for a thing which others keep as sacred" She said those big things in a casual childish squeakiness which made me stare at her in reverence.

She is too small for such talks. Still she manages to scoop up the lessons her parents give her at this very early stage even if it is too big and exhausting for her age.

"So sweet of you angel.you are one brilliant angel" I said appreciatively.

She again shook her head in disapproval.

"I am not an angel.I am Khushi. You are the lovely fairy here. My bhai (brother)always says that you are an angel and you will give whatever I ask you, like a pari ( angel). Is that true?" Khushi asked me innocently that I found it difficult to answer her query further.

My eyes travelled every nook and corner of the place trying to gauge out the person behind all this.

By now I was intrigued to know more about this bhai of hers who praises me to heaven and stars without my knowledge.

Except my brothers and kids here there was not even a trace of a new body in this place which could be calculated as this lovely kid's brother.

I took a look at Khushi and to my utter shock her attire resembled mine. Even her hairstyle resembled mine.

"Oh my your dress and accessories look a replica of mine" I gasped in surprise.

She giggled at this while kissing me and like something dawned on her she became instantly silent and stared at a particular space intently. I tried to follow her gaze but to no avail. That space was vacant.

"Where is your bhai?" I tried to make some sense out of what she said by enquiring about her so called bhai.

"( look! There he is)"Khushi chimed exultantly while pointing her chubby forefinger towards the entrance. I noticed that she was using her left forefinger.

I flipped my head instantly without wasting even a second to get the glimpse of her brother fearing that If I let even a minute slip he will vanish in the thin air.

To my great surprise I saw Dave weaving his way towards us with a jubilant smile playing across his face while his hands held out in the gesture for Khushi to join him.

"Oh ! You? Dave! What made you spin the tale that I am some fairy" I asked when my initial surprise having worn out of me.

Dave just smirked at me.

". ( That is it. Who calls a witch an angel?) Dave time to check your discriminative power." Alvin's taunting voice trailed behind me followed by the voice of dragging a metal chair behind me. I rolled my eyes when I heard Alvin mocking at me.


Khushi reflected my expression, but cutely, which made me giggle while high fiving with her and Dave.

"Sweetheart come to Vin Dada! (Brother) " Alvin cooed at Khushi while extending his hands towards her.

She locked her arms around my neck and lay her head on my shoulder snuggling close to me.

".( Vin you are scaring the child away) Be human at least to a tiny tot you big fellow" I snapped at him turning my head towards him for which he chuckled with a rare twinkle in his eyes while viewing me and Khushi for sometime.

I held her close protectively while shooting deathly glares at my wacko of a brother. Alvin gave me a lop sided grin while turning his attention towards Frankie.

Poor boy! Now starts his count down that Mister Alvin Alexander Silvester Xavier has shown the mercy to turn his attention solely towards him.

" Hey champ! How are you doing Kiddo? All well?) " Alvin enquired casually while ruffling Freddie's hair gently.

Freddie nodded with a wide grin.

"That is my champ! . ( so how about highfiving ) Alvin asked raising his hand for a high five. Freddie nimbly raised his hand and touched Alvin's hand lightly and Alvin caught his hand gently and trapped it inside his hands.

They went on rambling about all the oddities in the world. Boys ! They are just good for that. I viewed them for a moment before turning towards the oodle of happiness who has locked her arms around my neck.

"Wanna have a piggy back ride sweetie?" Dave asked with a sweet smile.

She giggled cutely while looking at me like seeking my permission. I was wonder struck by this behaviour. No one ever cared or considered to seek my permission before doing something. Also I am the young one in the family excluding Dave.

Dave is for sure a sweetheart but even he never gave it a thought as such.

I blinked not knowing what to say.

"( shall I go?) " She asked me in a pleading manner. And the way her face went melted my heart like a caramel.

Aww.. She is so sweet.

I hugged her and planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Why not darling? Go and have fun"I said exuberantly. Dave turned around lowered himself to our level.

"Hop in Khushi" Dave said and Khushi locked her arms from behind Dave around his shoulders and when Dave made sure that she has settled on with ease he got up.

"Take Care of her Dave. Be safe for yourself too" I said while Dave smiled at me knowingly.

"You will never change di (sis), will you?" Dave said gleefully.

Yeah I am very protective when it comes to Dave. He is my youngest cousin. So I always keep him under my protective radar.

"You know that well, don't you?" I shushed him with my payback question.

It seemed like they are great friends from a very long time. The way they interacted only suggest that point.

"Will see you soon pari di ( angel sis) " saying so Khushi kissed her palm and blew the kiss towards me.

I caught it with my hands and pretended to swallow it. Also I gave her a flying kiss back.

She laughed and caught my kiss with her one hand while other hand gripped tightly on Dave's shoulder

. Bye! Frankie!" Khushi squealed in her sing song voice while waving her chubby palm at Frankie.

Frankie gave a meek smile while waving his hand limply.

"Bye Khushi" He said in a faint voice.

Dave gave Frankie a one arm hug while patting his shoulder.

"I will be over there near the garden Di" saying so Dave walked out of the hall while talking random gibberish to Khushi.

I sat stupefied of all the happenings ,out of nowhere a child pops out and declares that she loves me and I am her angel sis. And in a wink she vanishes like a fairy. Now who is the real fairy me or she.

She is the one who provided me with a bliss let it be for a few minutes. But the mirth her presence brought is inexplicable an experience.

"Vin? Shall I ask you something. " ( Will you be able to give me the right answer)

Vin leaned forward while placing his elbow on his lap and fingers lacing together placed under his chin all the while staring at me with racing curiosity.

"( Try me) Alvin said but his eyes held a suspicious stand as to what stuff I am gonna ask and suffocate him with answering me.

"Who is that child Alvin? She behaves like she had known me from time immemorial . I am totally flummoxed yaar." I asked while sighing bleakly.

"She is Khushi" Alvin said a bit hesitantly while letting his eyes roam all around his milieu warily.I narrowed my eyes at him and shot him a warning and stern glance but he ignored me.

"That I too have known in this small spell I spend with her, you genius. "I sneered at him. Alvin just played with his golden bracelet.

"Tell me more about her. She seems so close to you guys. The way she showed faces at you and other things just suggest how close you guys are. Tell me now who she is? And how she knows me this much? " I demanded Alvin.

"That is not my story to tell girly. Some others story and you will know real soon. By the way did you like her? Isn't she cute?" Alvin asked with a mischievous spark in his brownish hued eyes which resembled the hue of Steeve's eyes.

"Cute? Who wont love this tiny tot in form of joy and purity.Well, she is a bundle of joy and tiny cherubim. I love her already. It looks like a piece of me is joined together when I met her. Not an exaggeration but you will never know Vin how it feels." I said with a dreamy sigh.

Alvin covered his mouth with his laced hands trying to hide the smile which threatened to spill its radiance all over his features. But the sprinkles of radiance his smile has thrown could be seen weaving its sparkling magic in his eyes. I smiled dryly at him while slumping my shoulder a bit in defeat.

I leaned back and sat leaning against Vin's legs staring ahead casually trying to disentangle the mystery knots my life has made out of small incidents that happened in my life recently. I felt a hand on my shoulder patting me comfortingly which I recognized as Alvin's.

How ironical isn't it those who cause confusion and conundrum in our life just pose themselves as our redeemers. I sighed bitterly.

I touched Vin's hand softly. He placed his other hand on my head.

"Cheer up girl! Time for some gala" Alvin said while wolf whistling and shaking my shoulder and head playfully. Like trying to shake away my detrimental state by doing so.

He stood up slowly while warning me to sit without support and moved to other side and began to chat with other kids making them laugh and howl with his little stupid hijinks. Alvin is always a matter of amusement to kids here.

He is really great at making others happy even at the cost of himself. This is what I love about Alvin. He is a good human. Yeah he doesn't know how to behave gently to his sister but I guess he will receive his mending lessons from me real soon if he doesn't take any initiative to change himself.

"( sis you are so lucky) " I heard the faint voice of Frankie from my side. But his voice had the lacing of smile within it. I knew it when he is jovial and when his voice undergoes disquiet state.

I turned my head and held a confused smile at him.

"Why do you think so?" I asked still confused and clueless of what he really meant by producing that statement.

Frankie smiled while fiddling limply through the sort out Rubik's cube on the table in front of him.

"You have loving brothers like them and everyone who happens to cross your path loves you like you are a treasured possession. Actually you are So Lucky akka." Frankie said incoherently but I understood every single word he uttered.

I watched him in amazement.

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