《Chubs | KSJ》Teacher Yoongs


"Hey Hoseok!" I gleam excitedly, bouncing up to him behind the counter at 7/11 after school.

He looks me up and down in concern. He grabs my face, looking at each side in inspection.

"What?" I giggle.

Hoseok drops my face, backing up "Who are you? Why are you so cheery? The Momo I know does NOT bounce like a giddy bunny."

I giggle more, pushing his shoulder "Oh Hoseok, sure I do!"

He pushes my hand away. "No. You don't"

I sigh, placing my head on the counter, dreamily looking in the distance.

"Jin's my boyfriend now.."

"huh?" Hoseok questions with a hand to his mouth "I thought you guys were already dating?"

"No,.. but now we are!" I grin, excited to finally talk about it "AND HE KISSED ME!!"I jump up and down.

"NO WAY!!" Hoseok squeals

Hoseok jumps with me, equally excited.

"Jesus, who are these squealing chipmunks?!" Jungkook yells, walking into the store.

I'm so happy, I ignore Jungkook's snarkiness and reply with a grin "The new girlfriend of THE ONE. THE ONLY. KIM SEOKJIN!!!!!" I yell, going back to squealing and jumping with Hoseok.

Jungkook winces "Aish, shut up, you're making my ears bleed." He dumps his school pack behind the counter, avoiding our jumping circle.

"You're just jealous of our dear Momo's happiness!"Hoseok hugs me "congratulations Momo" He pats my cheek, proud.

Jungkook rolls his eyes, buttoning on his work shirt.

"It's okay Kooki, you'll find someone." Hoseok pats him on the back

Jungkook chuckles "I'll FIND someone?" He huffs "Please, I could get any girl with the snap of my fingers. Haven't you seen my muscles?" He flexes, kissing one of his guns.

I puke.

Hoseok looks in disgust "ew."

"Speaking of muscles, hows working out with Yoongi going Momo?" Jungkook asks me.

I groan.

"Wait, you're working out now?" Hoseok asks, inspecting my flabby arms as they jiggle in the wind.


"If that's what you wanna call dying, then yes. yes I am." I reply with disdain.

"Can I come?" Hoseok asks, suddenly excited.

I stare at him a moment, convinced he's insane.

"Why?" I ask in disbelief.

He shrugs "I don't know, seems like fun!"

Fun?Ha! Nothing's FUN with Yoongi. There's only tears. and a lot of them!

I look at him, confused. "suuurrre?"

When Hoseok said he wanted to come, I don't know what I expected. But, it certainly wasn't THE ENTIRE GANG SHOWING UP TO WATCH ME DIE!

I look around at the odd bunch. Junkook, seething in the corner, per usual. Hoseok, in brightly colored workout gear, stretching with a giggling Jimin. A screeching Namjoon, crying in pain as Tae pushes on his back, forcing him to touch his toes. And Jin, pulling my hair into a ponytail.

What is this mess?

Yoongi walks in and stops, surprised at the uninvited guests.

"GOOD MORING TEACHER!" Jimin and Hoseok say in unison, bowing. Tae joins in half a beat late, saying gibberish, but trying.

Yoongi looks around scarred, slowly walking to the front "Who the f*ck are all of you?"

Namjoon opens his mouth but Yoongi cuts him off.

"Actually, shut the F*ck up, I don't care."

Jungkook snorts.

Yonngi glares at him "Hey f*cker, you can shut up too."

Jungkook's eyes widen like a deer in headlights, instantly regretting his laughter.

Wow. Suddenly I love Yoongi.

Hoseok spits in a giggle, his eyes twinkling.

Yoongi throws his clip board at him, straight in the shoulder, shutting him up. Hoseok sits down in shock.

"Anyone else?" Yoongi says boredly.

I press my lips together, suppressing my laugh, not wanting to meet the same fate.

"Great." Yoongi sighs. "So Momo, since you're weaker than my grandma and I'm afraid you might actually roll over and die if you do the extended warm up, we're going to do something different. What would you like to do?"


I stare "-wait." I point to myself "I get to choose?"

Yoongi nodds.

I smile, looking around like I've just won a million bucks. "Well," I start. "there's this exercise that I actually really enjoy... It's a cross between a lunge and and a crunch.."

Yoongi looks confused, thinking through all the exercises he knows "What's it called?"

I look into his eyes daringly "Lunch."

Jin burst into laughter, hitting my leg, delighted in my joke.

I wink at him, proud.

Yoongi blinks in annoyance. "Yeah, you've lost your privilege." He sighs. "Since we have a bunch of children here today, we'll play a kid's warm up game.

Hoseok raises his hand

"Yes, kid with the very loud outfit." Yoongi points

"Hoseok." Hoseok clarifies

"Don't care." Yoongi mutters

"You work with childern?" Hoseok asks


Hoseok purses his lips "Some how I don't see that working out well."

Yoongi flicks him off "I'm great with kids, thank you."

Jimin raises his hand from the ground.

Yoongi sighs, massaging his temple "What?"

Jimin rocks back and forth, holding his toes "I gotta pee."

"No potty breaks!" Yoongi commands

Namjoon raises his hand as well " I gotta pee too!" He confesses.

"Oh my God! JUST GO!" Yoongi waves us off, every single on of us walking off to go to the bathroom.


The game we decided to play seemed innocent enough, just a nice game of leap frog. But for some reason, Jimin LOVES to take something pure and turn it WILD. Jungkook and Jin were all for it.

But not in the way you're thinking.

Jin stacks himself on top of Jungkook, slightly shaking until he steadily rests on his back.

"OKAY!" Jin gives Jimin a thumbs up.

Jimin looks at the tower in determination, swaying back and forth, getting ready for a jump taller than himself.

Tae cheers from the sidelines, holding a whiteboard that he's been using to rate their jumps. Contrary to his looks, he's a tough judge. The highest rating has only been a flower and a smiley face.

"Yah," Hoseok warns in disapproval "don't hurt yourselves"

Jimin ignores him and runs to the human centipede, placing his hands on Jin's back and launching himself over them. He lands a bit sloppily, tripping over himself and knocking over a self of weights.

We watch in silence as they clunk onto the floor with a loud bang, dispersing the neat stack they were once in.

Whelp. Way to go guys. Really. This was a great idea.

Jin slides off Jungkook's back.

Jungkook claps, standing up "Okay! My turn!!" He announces cheerfully.

"NOPE! That's it!!It's break time! Go eat!" Yoongi yells, done with our destructiveness

"Finally!" Jin and I mutter at the same time.

Jin laughs and grabs my hand, leading me the coffee table. He places me there and grabs a lunch box full of yummy foods. He pulls out some Japchae, sprite, tea, and two brownies.

I grin, clapping my hands in excitement.

Hoseok reaches for one of the sprites. Jin smacks his hand away "BACK DOWN YOU BARBARIAN!" He scolds, protecting the soda from the thief.

I grab a brownie, eating it first.

Yoongi tisks from the side lines, nibbling on his leaves.

"You know, you are what you eat." He snarks

I shrug with a glare "Then, I'll just have to eat a skinny person." I look over "Jin."

He sticks his arm out, ready to be devoured.

"Ohohohohohoho!" Namjoon laughs, winking at us "Spi-cay!"

Tae covers his innocent ears.

"Well, this is where I roll out!" I say, doing a backwards summer-sault to the door.

"Momo" Yoongi warns.

I ingore him and continue my way out the door


I throw up double middle fingers and walk out of the building. Backwards. Like a boss.

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