《Chubs | KSJ》Theme Park Finale: Playa's be Played


"TAEHYUNG!" I scold the younger boy "you CANNOT and WILL NOT take a kid home with us!!"

"Come on, my mom had like nine of us, she won't even notice one more!" He tries to convince me "I can keep her in the chicken coop!"


Tae pouts. Upon seeing him upset, Vanessa shoves another sucker in his mouth and glares daggers at me, the source of his unhappiness.

"She's not a random child!" Tae reasons, taking the sucker out momentarily. Jimin eyes the sugary treat, mouth watering. "Her name is Vounase"

"Vanessa" The little girl corrects

"funeshea." Tae tries again, just talking faster in hopes that it if it's wrong, she won't notice.

Vanessa cringes with a smile, already giving up.

Tae smiles triumphantly, thinking he got it right.

"Funeshea is not a stranger Momo," Tae says matter of a factly."she's a thug and she busted me out of prison. Now I owe her my life."

Jimin grabs the sucker out of Tae's hand, sticking it in his own mouth happily. Vanessa immediately scowls, snatching it and smacking Jimin's head. His smile disappears, looking back at her with shock. She sticks her tongue out at him, feeling no remorse as she delivers the sucker back into Tae's mouth.

She only gives suckers to suckers. And in her mind, Tae was the biggest sucker she'd ever seen. A grown butt man, in a lost children's center that she swindled into getting her out. Too easy. Next step, overthrow the government.

"PRISON? YAH!That is my CHILDHOOD your insulting! Take that back!" Jin yells from beside me.

"Wait-" Namjoon interrupts, disregarding Jin's whinning. He puts a finger up in thought "so Tae's nickname is V and Vanessa-"

"Funeshea" Tae corrects


"Gesundheit" Namjoon blesses Tae's sneeze and continues " Vanessa also starts with V. So they're,..... doubble V!" Namjoon's eyes disappear in his laugh as he hits Jin's shoulder.

was that a,........... joke?

Jin brushes off his shoulder in disgust, getting rid of the Namjoon trash.

I turn my attention back to the kidnap situation.

"We need to put her back Tae, her parents are probably worried."Hobi speaks up.

"FINALLY!" I look to him in appreciation. "Someone sane!"

"NOOoooo!" Tae whines, cuddling the child to him. She pushes his face away, WAAYYYY too close for comfort.

"Vanessa we are gonna bring you back okay?" Namjoon tells her in english. She shakes her head no with sad eyes, sticking her bottom lip out in a pout.

"Good rid-ens." Jimin leans in close. "She's the devil" he glares at her. She rolls her eyes to the back of her head, pretending to be possessed. Violently thrashing around in Tae's arms, trying to move to strangle Jimin.

Jimin gasps, jumping away from her.

"Oh, CUUUTE!!" Tae exclaims.

"SEE! What did I tell you!!" Jimin cowers away in fear. Jungkook pushes forward finding sudden interest in the girl.

"Can you curse people?!" Jungkook whispers, eyes glancing at Jin.

"EXCUSE ME?!" Jin yells, getting ready to neck slice him. Jungkook blocks him easily, throwing his own karate chop to his neck.

Jin steps back, baffled. His eyes grow wide in anger and he takes an aggressive step towards Jungkook. I hold his arm back.

I mean, someone has prevent Jin from further hurting himself.

"Okay Vanessa, we're going back NOW" Namjoon tells her in english

"Listen man, I'll give you all my life supplies of suckers if you don't take me back."She gambles.

Namjoon squints, thinking it over. "How many?"

Vanessa pulls all the suckers she has out of her pockets "Three"


"Deal." Namjoon grabs all the suckers in a flash. "Hey guys lets check out the rides over this way!" He begins walking.

"THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!" Vanessa cries, wriggling out of Tae's arms and following after Namjoon, holding his hand.

Tae watches them, hurt. "Funeshea,....." He holds out his hand dramatically as a breeze comes through, flowing his beautiful mullet in the air.

Vanessa stares at us through the glass window of the Lost Children Center, a mix of anger and respect in her eyes.

"You played me." She says to Namjoon. "You played me good."

Taehyung puts his hand against the window "FUNESHEA!!!" He cries, sliding to the ground.

Vanessa looks Tae up and down in judgmental disgust. She adverts her gaze back to Namjoon, giving him a final salute. She runs her hand across her neck, pretending to cut her throat and falls to the ground 'dead'.

"Hallelujah." Jimin mutters."Go back to where you belong, demon."

Namjoon just shrugs, sticks a sucker in his mouth and walks away.

"Well,..." I say awkwardly as we walk to the exit of the theme park. "That was,..fun? right,...family?"

"LeT's Go On A fAmIlY tRiP. It'Ll Be FuN!" Jungkook mocks as he drags a resilient Tae, trying to claw his way back to his friend.

I grimace.

I skip up to Jin, grabbing his arm "You had fun right?" I look up at him with hopeful eyes.

Jin smiles, pinching my cheek. "Oh Momo." I giggle in relief, thinking I knew his answer.

His smile suddenly drops "No."

I push him away with a huff.

Liar. Last time I do anything for these ungrateful brats.


Jin reaches down, sticking a googly eye on a fallen ice cream cone.

Jin looks up at Momo who stares bewildered at him.

"What?" Jin says casually "It's an eye-ce cream cone." He smiles waiting for a reaction.

Momo suppresses a grin, a small laugh breaking out as she tries to cover it by shaking her head disapprovingly.

"That's not funny." She says, changing her facial expression to that of a rock.

Jin nods, feeling challenged." Okay,..." He stops a random guy walking past. "Sir, do you have an Iphone?"

"Jin, what are you doing?" Momo whispers, embarrassed. Jin just waves her off.

The man nods.

"May I see it?"

The man hesitantly pulls it out, showing it to Jin.

Jin tsks, flipping the phone to the back. "It's not official."

"What do you mean offical?" the man asks

Jin sighs, pulling out his googly eyes from his coat pocket. He takes one off and sticks it on the phone. "There." he hands it back to the man "NOW it's an Iphone."

Jin turns back to Momo as the man walks away confused.

"I can't believe that guy wasn't even official-eye-zed." He shakes his head "Fakes be everywhere."

The gang drives down the highway with all the windows down, trying to drown out the sound of Tae's whines over returning his friend.

Still salty, Tae spits out the window.

The spit yeets mid air, flying back into the car through the next open window, hitting Jimin square in the forehead.

He looks out the window surprised, wiping the moisture from his head. "Hey guys, I think it's raining" Jimin says, sticking his hand out to check.

Tae's eyes widen in realization. He bites his hand and slides down in his chair, trying to stop from laughing and giving himself away.

"Really?" Hobi puts his own hand out the window.

A single tear rolls down Tae's crimson face.

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