《Chubs | KSJ》Special episode:THANK YOU


You're walking through the streets late at night after work, crossing through the abandoned park as a short cut. A new episode of Chubs was coming out in twenty minutes that desperately called your name.

The cold wind seeps through your thin clothing sending shivers to your soul. You quicken your pace, getting to a shadowed area that no light dares to shine in. The shadows welcome you with frozen fingers. The cold holds on to you making every second feel like two.

A rustle in the bushes sends your heart into over drive. With a small yelp you bolt forward only slowing with the lanterns light your path once again.

Every sound grabs your attention, your eyes moving nervously in every direction. But you walk on, powered by the sheer will of getting home to do nothing.

Soon a bright yellow barricade comes into view.

Construction? Are you serious?!

You sigh, half because you're scarred out of your mind and half because it's impairing you're lazy time.

You look around the barricade, not seeing the supposed construction. You take a step forward, debating going through anyways.

"Can't I just-"

"No." A voice interrupts from no where. You jump placing a hand to your heart. "Can't you read? It says CONSTRUCTION" A boy steps out from the shadows with a yellow safety vest on, a hard hat and a mask covering his mouth. "Or do you just have a death wish?" He nods, cat-like eyes wandering around. "I can respect that."

"I'm just trying to get home."you reply, relaxing upon seeing another human being.

He stands up straight, remembering his job. "Right! Just follow the sparkly detour signs" He points in the distance to a sign plastered on a tree. Almost every inch of it is coated in glitter, like a flattened disco ball.


"Why is it sparkly?"You ask the boy, noticing a few messy mint green strands of hair, peeking out from under his hat.

He sighs "Because idiots exist. We tried to tell them detour signs don't have glitter but they insisted and then Hobes and jimi-" He suddenly stops, glaring at you. "NO QUESTIONS! Just follow the signs!"

The way he yelled and moved so casually, almost lazily seemed familiar. Especially that mint hair. "Hey, aren't you-"

"NO QUESTIONS?! are you deaf too? Just GOOOooo" He points to the sign and turns away, walking back into the deathly shadows he came from.

You quickly heed to his advice, feeling scared again in his absence.

In a winding path you follow the direction of the cheerful signs. Ending at a remote building surrounded by the park's woods.

This was such a bad idea. Everything about this screams murder victim.

You stare at the sparkly sign taped on the building's door reading "Enter here friend!"

Yea. I'm definitely gonna get murdered.

You weigh the pros and cons before shrugging with a small "meh" and entering the dark building.

The soft moonlight streams in through the window allowing just enough light for you to walk around but just enough shadows to hide the room's secrets.

Finding a bit of courage in your racing heart you speak out to the void "....Hello?"

Suddenly a bright light blinds you and voices all around you scream out together "SURPRISE!!"

You scream, falling backwards.

Confetti flutters through the air as you look around you. All the cast of Chubs stand around you, smiling, cheering you on.

"What th-" You mutter.

"Hello, wonderful reader! We just wanted to say a personal Thanks to each of you for reading this,...eh what would you call it?" Momo looks for help.


"A pile of shi-"

"YOONGI!" Momo yells to the boy behind you. You turn, recognizing the mint green hair.

I knew it

"Hey, don't say that!" Hobi says with a frown.

Yoongi scowls. "That's easy for you to say, you're actually in the story already. You know how many lines I've had so far? NONE!"

Namjoon steps in, putting his finger up"Actually as of now you've had 6 lines so-"

"THIS DOESN'T COUNT! It's a special episode!" He puts his hands up" but hey, listen,its FINE. I'm used to it. I'm not even the main character in my own life." He says high-key salty.

"I'm the main character in everyone's life. "Jin boasts with a flick of his hair.

"Sorry I can't hear you over the sound of me rolling my eyes." Yoongi, true to his word, rolls his eyes.

While the four go back and forth in an argument, Hobi and Jimin walk over to you, helping you up with big smiles.

"Did you see the signs?" Jimin asks, hope twinkling in his eyes. "Weren't they the greatest, happiest things you've ever seen?"

"Didn't they make the walk here really fun and exciting?!" Hoseok chimes in.

You hesitantly nod with a forced smile, taking a step back.

"See! We told Yoongi they'd be fun!"Jimin slaps his leg.

They step forward asking more questions about their signs, adding to the loud chaos around you.

"OKAY!" Jin yells over the group "let's refocus! I think we're scarring our poor reader.."

"Let's go around and each say our special thanks to them" Tae suggests.

"That sounds good!" Momo agrees "Lets start with Jungkook."

Jungkook who had been silently standing in the corner steps into the group.

He gives you a spiteful smile, glaring. "I know what you've been saying in the comments. I will not tolerate this kind of bullying! I'm not a baby you littl-"

"OKAY!!!!"Namjoon yells covering the boys mouth with his hand. "Moving on!Jin? Can you just wrap this up please?"

Jin steps forward "Yup. Okay! Dear beloved viewer! Thank you so so much for reading, Keeping up with Kim Seokjin, and learning all about my love life."

"That's not-"Momo mutters as Taehyung snorts, causing Jimin to crumble in laughter.

"AND!" Jin talks over them "I hope that we can continue this journey together with smiles, laughter and fun comment conversations for as long as time goes on. Or at least until Author nim runs out of ideas."

Jin looks around at the his friends. "Where we are now wouldn't have been possible with out you. Not only does this book bring you happiness, we hope, but it also brings great happiness to us. Your love gives us great encouragement that never fails to bring a smile to our faces. And so for that, we thank you."

Tae and Momo cheers and Hobi pulls you into a hug.

You laugh, hugging him back.

"THANK YOU!!!" Jimin shouts while joining the hug.

Soon every cast member joins in on the hug even the salty Jungkook and Yoongi. Drowning you in their overflowing love and gratefulness.

"Thank you."The Author whispers from the heavens above you, wiping away a tear of happiness.

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