《When the Sun meets the Moon》16.


"I don't understand." Nate finally replies after one long minute of silence.

"I have been informed that other creatures have been attacked too." I try to explain, I thought this was clear.

"You mean other wolves ?"

"No. I mean Yetis, gnomes and even vampires." I roll my eyes.

"Come on, everyone knows these are just stories parents tell their kids. I don't have the time to play your games. I'm not the pups."

I look at him in disbelief. Is he serious ?

"You... what...if" I'm at a loss for words. How can he be a wolf and not believe in a supernatural world.

This pack is way beyond saving. I'm not sure I want to help them anymore.

"How can you think there is nothing out there except werewolves ?"

"Hope, stop joking around."

I lift a hand to shut him up and retrieve my phone in my back pocket to send a quick text to Leila, asking her to come meet me in his office. I'm not sure if I'll leave with her once she's here or try and reason with him. This situation is hopeless. I wait in silence, racking my brain around the fact that my supposed mate in a conceited brat. After a few minutes there is a soft knock on the door.

"Hope ?" Leila asks in a whisper.

I go to open the door and let her in, Jared still standing next to it.

"Come on in too, you both are too dumb for my liking." I grumble and am met with irritated growls and glares from the two men.

But I mean, everyone knows that we are not alone out there ! The little green guys and all.

"Explain to me how you can be so clueless when you have a Library full of the history of this world." I demand.

"They are just stories." Jared rolls his eyes at me.

I swear under my breath and extend my hand to Leila who is sizing the two of them with as much incredulity as me.

Marcus really needs to up his game. This is unacceptable. An alpha can't be unaware of the world outside of his borders, that's dangerous.

"Did you never leave this place ?" She questions.

"I'm not as free as you." Nate interrupts her, ticked off. "I have responsibilities, I can't go everywhere I want and just race cars and play cards."

That was definitely aimed at me.

I sigh and grab the files she's handing me. I look at the first one and pick out a few pictures of my own. Pictures I took with other creatures during my recent travels. On them we can clearly see that they are not humans.

'Never thought your holiday in Cancun would come in handy.'

I give them to the boys and wait for their reactions. Nate frowns and squeezes his eyes at them and Jared just looks lost.

"This is the tribe of yetis I was talking about last time, this is Bertha, a goblin I know, and here this is Ralph. He's a dwarf and a great friend of mine." I point at the different creatures on the pieces of paper.

Then I take the box Leila is still holding and open it to show its contents. I turn to Jared wanting to make sure he listens carefully.

"These are the scale and tooth of a dragon, those are a claw and a feather of a griffin." I inform him lifting the gold feather which texture is like nothing else, it's soft and light eventhough it's pure gold.


If he doesn't trust me by just seeing the items I know that their peculiar scent will convince him.

"You mean it's all true ?" Nate questions, a new glint of excitement in his eyes and I nod smiling a little.

I look at Leila and she sighs before turning into her beautiful coyote form. I hear Jared hold his breath.

"Definitely not a werewolf." He mumbles.

"No. She is a were-coyote. And a strong one at that."

"Thanks." She beams as she stands back up on her feet in her human form, completely naked, her clothes shredded to pieces.

Jared's eyes bulge as he racks them over her curves. She lifts an eyebrow at him and he quickly fidgets out of his jacket to wrap it around her shoulders.

"Much better." She sighs as she closes it around her.

'She was always one to show off.' My wolf smirks.

Let's say she's not shy.

'Do the same. I'm sure you'll get Nate's attention.'

Are you crazy ?!

I look at him, expecting to find him ogling her too but to my surprise he is observing the pictures intently as if unfazed by the naked woman in front of us. I feel instantly better and the wave of jealousy dissipates.

"So these clans were also attacked ?" He asks seriously, back to his alpha role.

"From what I've heard the yetis and gnomes were attacked, and Bertha says unicorns and griffins were killed."

"I'm sorry, unicorns ?" Jared cuts in his jaw hanging open.

"Hope, let me handle this." Leila offers before turning to Jared and showing him her pearly smile. "Beta Greg," She makes the mistake on purpose and I have to fight not to laugh. "let the adults discuss, it's not play time yet."

I see him grit his teeth annoyed. I ignore their banter and concentrate back on Nate who observes them with an amused smile on his face. He seems to be enjoying it as much as I do.

I can hear the other alphas growing impatient, the commotion getting louder in the other room.

"We should go back." I inform the three of them. "I will explain everything to everyone."

Nate nods and him and Jared exit the room, the latter still shocked.

"Unicorns, can you believe it ?" He shakes his head.

I wait until they are out of hear shots before starting.

"Thanks for the help."

"No problem, I always feel better in the nude." She winks at me.

"Did Jordan show you my room ?" I ask her.

"Yes. And let me tell you, I will try that bubble bath before I leave."

I laugh at her.

"Well, if you remember the way you can go up there and grab some of my clothes."

"I don't know," She poses taking a whiff of the jacket. "I think I like that smell."

"I don't think Jared will take it back." I smirk.

"Never intended to give it back." She smiles back.

She hesitates an instant before continuing.

"So, that Alpha"

"Nate." I help her.

"Right. Alpha Nate. He seems nice."

"Kind of cranky." I shrug avoiding her eyes.

"You seem to like him though."

"Wha... absolutely not." I lie, really badly at that.

"Still, I think that's good. You seem happy."

"I'm happy about this war." I pretend.

"If you say so." She answers not believing me for a second.

"I'll see you back inside." I flee the room not leaving her the time to question me further.


The room is eerily silent when I enter. Everyone deep in thought. The reality finally hit them. They are going to war. Most of them never had to fight. This century has been peaceful, most of them are too young to know the battlefield, they probably only heard the stories of their fathers or their fathers' fathers.

But as the books say I am a Colonel of war.

'They shouldn't be that stressed out. With us on their side they can only win.'

Except, I can't show them my fur.

'So we won't fight ?' My wolf inquires dejected.

I don't know yet. What will you do if they turn on us ?

'I'll kill them all.'

Then this war won't have a meaning anymore.

'Maybe we should wipe out everyone and start all over again, like the Sun wanted.'

I let my wolf ponder on that and concentrate back on the discussion.

"I'm saying a vote won't work because everyone will vote for themselves." Alonzo responds to something Talia said that I didn't catch.

I can't help rolling my eyes.

Never mind then.

They are not worried about the war ahead but about who will lead the alliance. Unbelievable.

"Then we can't vote for ourselves." Lincoln offers.

"I won't vote for someone else." Alpha Roman frowns.

"Then let Livy decide." Talia suggests.

"No !" Isanov roars. "This rogue won't have a say in this." He refuses.

"I agree with Isanov." I interrupt them as Alpha Monty from the pack of Toronto puts forward the idea of letting their beta vote in their place which would have the same outcome anyway.

"Then what do you want us to do ?" Lincoln demands calmly.

"You are alphas. Fight for it."

Isanov booms in laughter, more than satisfied with my suggestion. He thinks he will win and he might, but if he does we may have a problem.

"Of course those of you who don't want to fight can refuse. But that means you give up the right to become the leader.

Some of them seem relieved which is comprehensible since they are part of small packs with no fighting experience. Contrary to Isanov who spends his time in battles to gain more territory up north of Russia. He has been at war with the bears of the Arctic for decades, trying to steal their land. Without success of course. I gave them a few tips on how to counter his attacks.

"You'll fight in human form until the last two standing. Then it will be your choice if you want to fight as a man or a wolf." I offer.

If Isanov wins I'll challenge him or something.

'I have two things to say. Firstly, I don't think that's fair. If he wins then it's his right to lead. Secondly, why the hell do you think Nate won't win ?'

I think he will. From what I can see he's more powerful. But Isanov is a cheater. I wouldn't get it past him.

"Can we nominate someone else to fight in our place ?" Lincoln asks raising an eyebrow.

"Sure, if everyone agrees."

"Then my beta Connie will fight in my place."

For a second I don't respond. I don't understand why he didn't ask his son to fight, Xavier is the future alpha which means that it would be a great opportunity to show his strength and gain the respect of the other packs.

"Alright. Anyone else ?"

"Ellie will fight for me." George answers while others announce they won't fight at all.

"If everyone agrees on the conditions, we'll have the fights this afternoon." Nate announces while Jared leaves the room probably to give his orders on how to organize the event.

"Meanwhile," I start, "I'd like to say a few things. I have been informed that the werewolf packs are not the only one being attacked, the entire supernatural community is targeted."

"Who ?" Lincoln asks frowning.

"Apparently the attacks are occurring all around the world approximately at the same time. Which means that they have an army."

I see Isanov's eyes shining yellow in understanding. It means the polar bears are weaker than ever. It's the perfect opportunity for him and his pack to attack.

"I would like the alliance to extend to them too." I hurry to add. "I am persuaded that we need all the help we can find."

"Nonsense !" Isanov exclaims. "We are wolves. The strongest beasts."

"You of all people are well aware that there are other creatures as strong as you." I cut him raising an eyebrow and he starts growling at me.

"I also think we need all the help we can get. The stars are crying their warnings. This war is uncertain." Willow interrupts.

"But I don't think they will want to help. How can we convince them ?" George asks.

"I'll take a few weeks to go see them. I don't know if I'll succeed but we need to at least try." I explain.

"Are you going alone ?" Lincoln inquires without letting me the time to answer as he continues. "Xavier will go with you."

"Sure." I shrug. "Leila will come with us too."

I stop talking as I feel waves of restrained anger hitting my back. With a quick glance I find Nate seething, looking at his shoes.

What is it now ?

'You keep talking as if you own the place.' My wolf reprimands me.

"A small lunch has been prepared before we start the fights." Jared informs us as he comes back into the room not giving me the time to ask what's wrong with his alpha.

Everyone leaves the room at once, heading to the dining hall. Ellie stops beside me, jumping up and down.

"This is going to be so fun ! It's been a while since I fought this many strong people. Who do you think will win ?"

"Won't you ?" I tease and she laughs.

"I'm up against alphas." She reminds me. "Are you participating ?"

"No, I don't want to have to lead such stubborn people. That would give me a headache for sure."

"Come on, I know you. You love to give orders."

"I'm getting old, too much hassle." I joke.

"Well then I might have a chance." She tries to persuade herself.

"I really wish you'd beat Isanov." I agree with her.

"We'll see."

I leave her in front of the dining room where we can hear laughter. Early in the afternoon they all walk to the back of the house, half of the pack members are watching outside while the other half observes the scene from the windows. A wide arena has been set up in the grass. The fighters are dispersed all around the ring, their eyes focused in anticipation. Some of the alphas and beats gather in the center of the arena while the others sit on the benches installed for the occasion. We wait. I observe the ones that intend to fight, they all stretch, bend and jump around. I do a double take when I see Nate wearing simple white linen pants and nothing else.


'Maybe you should fight too.' My wolf offers.

I can't divert my gaze from his strong chest, his delectable-well sculpted abs, his low-hanging pants. I hear Jared give last minute instructions but I don't look away from Nate. I see the fight start from the corner of my eyes and I concentrate even harder. Nate's first opponent is Roman. He doesn't wait before launching at Nate, thrusting his legs and punching the air around them. Nate nimbly avoids each of Roman's hits, countering them with his own. In only five minutes two third of the contestants are out and patiently waiting on the benches with the others. There are four contestants left : Nate, Isanov, Alonzo and Ellie.

'She has become stronger.' My wolf whistles impressed and I do the same.

Alonzo is against Isanov and for a second I'm rooting for him because I really don't want Isanov to win. The latter spends a lot of time to defend himself, Alonzo is fast and his punches accurate. Suddenly Isanov starts to fight back. It only happens during a fraction of a second but I see his arm transform into a paw and I frown.

'Cheater !' My wolf exclaims outraged.

Alonzo is sent out of the ring and eliminated. The Russian smirks at him. I watch Ellie to try and calm myself before I decide to participate and put the alpha in his place. However my jaw tenses as I see the young beta put her hands on Nate's chest. I don't miss how her eyes briefly shine with interest. My heart stops beating as I panic, imagining that she's his mate. When he doesn't react I relax a little but only a little. He wraps his arms around her so that her feet don't touch the ground anymore. My heart is in a frenzy at the sight. I really don't like them being so close to each other. In a swift movement she shoots her leg in his shin and he lets her go with a loud groan. She stands back up in a defensive stance, her fists high in front of her.

'If she wins it's your fault.'

What ?

'You taught her that move.'

Are you sure ? I don't remember. I lie.

'Your. Fault.' My wolf insists.

I roll my eyes. Nate is strong, he can handle her. I think.

As agile as a dancer, Ellie jumps around Nate and hits him in the left side of his stomach before running the other way and kicking his right knee making him fall. Nate springs back to his feet and lifts his right leg high to hit her in the face and when she counters it, protecting herself with her hands he rotates on himself bringing his leg back to her stomach. With a loud grunt she is sent in the grass. I find myself breathing more easily knowing that they will finally stop touching each other so much.

The tension is at its highest as everyone contemplates the last two contestants. Isanov and Nate are silently facing each other, trying to read the other. This time the Euro-asian alpha doesn't hesitate between defense and attack. He sends a hard fist into Nate's shoulder and doesn't wait to hit his stomach and his face too. Nate protects himself with his hands, contracting his abs and I start drooling.

'Hope !'

Come on ! I whimper. You can't tell me you don't like seeing all that scrumptious skin and sweat and this abs and shoulders, those strong arms, that hot ass... And those deep green eyes staring at me.

'Why would he look at you during a fight.' My wolf laughs.

But he is looking at me. Staring at me really. And then I understand. My eyes are shining a bloody red. I grimace as I close my eyes. I didn't even notice they turned to their deadly color. I hear someone gasps and force myself to open my eyes again. Nate is sprawled on the floor with a big-heavy-black wolf hovering over him, his paws on his chest to keep him in place.

'You and your stupid eyes ! You distracted him.' My wolf complains in a growl.

I roll my eyes, she always blows everything out of proportions.

'Me ? ME ? Who was the one who started the French Revolution of 1789 because her coat was wet and her hair frizzy ?'

And who convinced me to start it because King Louis the XVIth didn't give them some of his vanilla cake ?

Nate successfully extricates himself from under Isanov's wolf and after two more big bites at his forearms decides to transform into his own wolf. Just like last time I stop breathing and marvel at the sight. The reaction is unanimous. Everyone contemplates the powerful white beast with its bright yellow eyes. Its imposing paws stretch, swallowing the distance between the two alphas in mere seconds and it waits for Isanov's next move. Move which never happens because the wolf respectfully lowers its head in front of the white wolf. The winning beast proudly stands over it and howls in victory, triggering the frenzy on the benches. The fighters all start to applaud Nate and his wolf.

"That's something I thought I would never see." Lincoln confesses beside me.

I jump startled, I didn't hear him come closer, too focused on the snowy picture in front of me. It stands out like the oasis in the middle of the Sahara, like the horn in the middle of the unicorn's forehead.

"Beautiful isn't it ?" I breathe out in a whisper without realizing it.

This beast is mesmerizing.

"Indeed, it is. I've heard a lot about it." He answers, his eyes shining like those of a small child in front of a candy store containing all his favorite sweet and even more.

I don't have the time to react. I expect Nate to turn back to his human form but the wolf lazily trots to us and stops in front of me. Staring straight into my eyes, observing me, trying to decipher me. I have to fight with myself not to lower my eyes in embarrassment. The wolf frowns as I don't cower in fright and lose myself in his deep yellow orbs which suddenly turn back to green. Nate bring his wolf's snout millimeters away from my face, sniffing the air around me. He stands on his four paws, at least two heads over me. His underlying command in crystal clear. Bow.

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