

9 ᴘᴍ

"Table for two please." Jungkook nervously sighed as he straightened his shirt.

"Would you like the couples t—"

"No." He snapped. "Just a normal table for two friends."

"This way." The hostess tried to smile as she led them to the back. "Can I start you two off with a drink?"

"Two waters." Jungkook smiled, knowing that's always what Sora ordered anyways.

"I'll be back with those two waters." She smiled as she walked away.

"Okay, Jungkook." Sora cracks her knuckles. "Let's get to real problem here."

"Hit me with any advice you have." He leaned back in his chair.

"Well." Sora rested her elbows on the table. "How do you two talk about these problems usually?"

"I usually just go for it, and start complaining. We aren't the type of couple to keep things bottled in."

"So pretend I'm Faye for two seconds—" Sora slaps his shoulder as he begins laughing. "Jungkook, I'm serious."

"Fine." He sighed, letting out a deep breath. "You want me to pretend you're Faye?"

"Just talk to me the way you'd approach her with a problem or concern." Sora grabbed her phone from her pocket, getting into character.

Jungkook cleared his throat, before looking straight at Sora. "Faye, did I not ask you to clean the kids toys before the guests come? You have ten minutes till they arrive and you're just sitting on your damn phone—" Jungkook's words slowly faded as Sora slowly shook her head.

"What?" He innocently lowered his brows.

"You have to ask her in a kind tone." Sora explained to him. "Don't act as if you're scolding her, ask her in a playful manner maybe, or with a sweet smile."

Sora grabbed her phone. "Try again, but this time with more sincerity."

Jungkook ran his fingers through his hair as a wave of nervousness struck him. "Faye?"

Sora looked down from her phone.

"Do you mind helping me out a little with the kids toys?" Jungkook licked his lips. "I think you look beautiful by the way, red's definitely your color."

Sora squealed as she grabbed his hands from across the table. "That was so cute! She's definitely gonna melt once she hears you say that."

"You really think so?" He softly chuckled.

"I know she's going to fall in love with you all over again." Sora smiled, before letting go of his sweaty hands. "Shall we eat?"

"Let's eat." Jungkook grabbed the plate of nachos, bringing it in front of them both.

Jimin quickly pulled back as they stared at each other in shock. "Holy shit."

"I can't believe I just that." Faye grabbed a fistful of her hair as she paced back and forth. "What did I just do!"


"Well at least we're even now.." Jimin bit his nails from nervousness. "Right?"

"Why'd we have to sink down to their level?" She worriedly looked over at him. "We shouldn't have done something so stupid and careless!"

"We'll just pretend it never happened okay." Jimin said to make himself feel better. "It was a careless mistake." He let out a deep breath.

"I didn't mean that kiss." Faye turned to Jimin, making herself clear. "I wasn't thinking clearly at all. I mean what is Jungkook gonna think of me!"

"That's not the part I'm scared about." Jimin softly chuckled, letting his smile quickly disappear as he wasn't in the mood. "I'm gonna get out of here." Jimin grabbed his duffel bag. "Leave this for Sora."

Jimin handed Faye a plane ticket along with five folded one hundred dollar bills. "Thanks for the invite but I probably won't be visiting Cali ever again." He pursed his lips into a forced smile.

"Jimin." She called his name before he could leave the room. "I'm sorry for putting you through this."

"No." He mumbled. "It's my fault. We shouldn't have come here."

Faye watched him leave, sighing as she sat on the empty bed. Everything unfolded so fast, not giving her time to even react. All she wanted was to speak to Jungkook. She wanted to explain herself. Faye laid the ticket and money onto the side of the table, resting her head into her hands, when suddenly the door pushes open.

"Faye?" Jungkook lowered his brows as he walked in with Sora close behind him. "Where's Jimin?"

"He left." Faye mumbled from her hands, not sparing them a glance.

"Left where?" Sora stepped closer, noticing that his suitcase was gone. "Is he leaving the resort?"

"What the hell is going on?" Jungkook's expression changed. "Faye, were you crying? What did he do to you?" He began to panic, reaching for her hands.

"Don't touch me." She pulled her hands from his.

"Faye." He gently grabbed her face his hands, lifting her head. "Please, tell me."

"You—y." She pursed her lips together, trying not to cry like she did when she say them. "You love Sora, not me."

"No Faye." Jungkook shook his head. "I love you."

"Stop lying to me." A tear rolled down her cheek.

"I'm not lying baby." Jungkook used his thumb to wipe her tear. "Why would you even think that?"

"Y-You were at a restaurant—" Faye sniffled with her soft sobs. "—and you held her hand."

"Faye." Jungkook unintentionally let out a small chuckle. "Come here." He pulled her into a hug.

"We were practicing for when I'd see you again. I wanted everything to perfect, so I was pretending Sora was you." He held onto her hands, tightly.


Faye's eyes slowly widened, as she nervously looked around the room, and back at him. "What?" She said with watering eyes.

"It was all a misunderstanding." Jungkook brushed her hair behind her ear. "Where's Jimin, baby?"

"He's going to the airport." She nervously bit her nails.

"What—!" Sora and Jungkook both yelled at the same time.

"He saw me crying, a-and I told him." She glanced at Jungkook, before biting her lip. "He thinks you cheated on him, and—" Faye's words quickly faded, as she didn't want to mention the fact that her and Jimin kissed, since it'd make the situation worse.

"He thinks you like Jungkook and not him." Faye turned to Sora, watching her exploding reaction.

"Oh my god, we have to go find him." She grabbed her jacket and ran out the door.

Jungkook looked over at Faye, sighing. "I'll deal with you later." He grabbed her hand and pulled her as they followed Sora out the hotel.

"Taxi!" They heard Sora yell as she waved her hands on the sidewalk, like a lunatic. A taxi finally pulled over, as she stepped into the car.

"Sora wait—!" Jungkook put his arm through the closing door, wincing in pain as it slammed on his hand. "Fuck."

"Jungkook!" Sora's eyes widened as she pulled the car door open. "Are you crazy?"

"We're coming with you." He panted whole holding his swollen arm.

Jungkook sat in the passenger seat, as Faye sat in the back with Sora.

"Santa Monica airport." Jungkook gave the man the address. "And make sure you're stepping on the gas pedal." He handed him extra cash.

"I'm sorry for everything." Faye whispered as she broke the silence between her and Sora. "You don't deserve this."

"Faye." Sora grabbed both her shoulders. "I should be the one apologizing for not listening to you when you told me to stay away from Jungkook. He's not my husband to have dinner with, and hold hands across the table."

"You didn't mean to." Faye wiped under her puffy eyes. "It's not your fault, it's mine."

"It's none of our faults." Sora pulled Faye into her arms, as they hugged. Faye let out a deep sigh, knowing the truth would have to come out sooner or later.

"I appreciate it." Jungkook thanked the driver before he rushed out of the car. "Come on—!"

They ran through that airport like the police were right after them. The flight to New York had just began boarding passengers, and luckily, the one person they were looking for, was waiting in line.

Sora eyes glistened as soon as she saw Jimin. She threw her jacket to the floor and raced over to him, jumping into his arms. Jimin was startled, but his hands instinctively held her thighs, holding her so she wouldn't fall. The people around them stared, thinking they were some long distant type couple.

"How could you leave me." Sora whimpered as she laid her head onto the crook of Jimin's neck, who was still very confused.

"I thought—

She cut him off with her lips, harshly pressing them to his. "Don't ever do that again." She sniffled as he just blinked at her.

"But you were with Jungkook." Jimin muttered as he scratched his head, before quickly holding her thigh again.

"I don't like Jungkook, you idiot, I like you." Sora shouted, kissing his lips again before pulling away.

A sudden guilt hit Jimin, and he couldn't think the same. He just kissed his wife, after kissing another woman. This was something he could never find a right explanation for. He was wrong for giving in.

"Sora, I'm so fucking confused." Jimin rubbed the back of his neck after setting her down. "Faye saw you and Jungkook together, holding hands."

"It was a misunderstanding." Sora gently touched his shoulder. "I was helping Jungkook with giving compliments to Faye, so we pretended I was her."

Jimin nervously glanced over at Faye, not knowing what to do about this whole situation. He fucked up real bad this time, and there was no way out of it.

"Let's go back to Jungkook and Faye's home so you can rest for a little while." Sora took his hand hers.

Jimin laid in the guest room alone, not wanting to see or talk to anyone. His head lifted up from the pillow when a knock was heard on the door. "I'm busy."

"Doing what?" He heard Jungkook's voice.

"Sleeping." Jimin mumbled onto his arm.

Jungkook took that as an invitation to come in and opened the door. He couldn't help seeing Jimin all sad and depressed, even though the problem was cleared. "I'm sorry for doing this to you man."

"Fuck off Jungkook. Do you know how much stress you put me under?" Jimin hid his face underneath the blankets. "I can fucking eat or sleep because of all this shit."

"Jimin, I don't understand" Jungkook sat on the edge of the bed. "It's all over, I told you it was a misunderstanding, and you know Sora loves—"

"That's not the fucking problem." Jimin quietly mumbled as he shut both his eyes.

"Then what is it?" Jungkook rested his hand on his friends shoulder.

Jimin sat up before glancing over at Jungkook's hand. "You might wanna step back, cause you're gonna fucking kill me."

Jungkook raised his brow. "Jimin, what the hell did you do, you're scaring me."

Jimin sighed, before pushing his hair back. "I can't believe I'm telling you this."

"Fucking tell me." Jungkook got off the bed as he stood with his arms crossed.

"I kissed Faye."

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