

11 ᴀᴍ

"Who is it—?" Jimin narrowed his eyes as he heard a knock on the door.

"Stop being lazy and get the door." Sora scoffed as she un packed the little amount of clothes she had.

Jimin loudly groaned before slipping off the edge of the bed. Sora jumped back at the loud bang and let out an irritated breath.

"Fine, I'll do it myself." She mumbled, stepping over him to reach the door.

To her surprise, Jungkook stood by Faye with a worried smile on his face. Sora tilted her head, not expecting them to visit anytime soon.

"I have to t—

Jimin quickly lifted his head as he heard his best friends voice. "No no no—you're supposed to be in there, having sex with her." He casually pointed to Faye.

Jungkook rolled his eyes as he waited for Jimin to stop ranting. "Listen, I made a mistake okay."

"Yeah, we know." Jimin sarcastically snickered.

Sora gave Jimin a warning glare before giving Jungkook soft eyes. "What do you mean?"

"Well." Jungkook licked his lips as he scratched the back of his head. "I—

"The whole party's here—!" Randy shouted after appearing out of no where. "So—" He winked at Jimin and Sora. "Are you guys ready to mingle?"

"Yeah." Jimin pursed his lips as he rested his elbow on Randy's shoulder. "While the two problematic love bird are doing their counseling shit, could you maybe send us up a few drinks?"

The man broke down into tears, laughing as he left Jimin and Sora feeling confused as hell. "H-He's funny." Randy slapped harshly Jimin's shoulder, before receiving an unamused glare.

"Jungkook, this trip is for you and Faye—" Sora lowered her brows. "Right?"


"Well, I mean." Jungkook gave a guilty smile as he shrugged his shoulders. "It was supposed to be."

"Supposed to be—?" Jimin repeated his words as his mouth hung open.

"Jungkook fucked up and took us to a counseling program, where every person has to do some kind of couple therapy activity as long as they want to enjoy the resort." Faye explained, all in one breath.

"Way to go Jungcock." Jimin played the blame game as he threw his arms up.

"Hey, it's not his fault." Sora stepped in to defend him. "He didn't know this would happen?"

"Maybe if you'd stop defending him, we'd actually be having a decent vacation." Faye suddenly attacked.

Jungkook and Jimin slowly glanced at each other with shocked expressions.

"Well maybe if you weren't such a indecent human being he wouldn't have to babysit you all the damn time." Sora angrily snapped.

"Maybe if you weren't all over my husband, we wouldn't be at this resort in the first place!" Faye took a step forward.

"You're just jealous because I know how to treat men with respect." Sora lowered her brows.

"Jimin doesn't even like you." Faye squinted her eyes, as if it was an obvious fact.

"Fuck Jimin and his opinion." Sora shouted.

Jungkook's solid lips, soon curved into a smile as he silently laughed to himself. Jimin slowly looked to his side as he heard the quiet snickering.

Jungkook tried to get rid of all the laughter as he realized this was getting out of hand. He stepped between the two girls, keeping them apart. They both continued to frown with hollowed eyes.

"This needs to stop." Jungkook's playful smile disappeared, and his voice grew harsh and cold.


"You two are old enough to know that this isn't how you deal with jealousy. Both of you are constantly on each other's backs, and not once did you talk about the problem like two grown fucking woman. You two should be ashamed of yourselves."

"Fucking ashamed." Jimin slowly shook his head as he narrowed his eyes at Sora.

Jungkook pushed him back, before he continued to scold them. "All of us are going to couples therapy whether you like it or not, because we clearly need our marriages to be fixed."


"No more fucking excuses Jimin. I saw you stare at Fayes ass four times already." Jungkook casually exposed Jimin, watching his face turn pale.

"Let's just get this over with." Faye muttered as she pushed past Jungkook.

Sora followed shortly after, crossing her arms the whole time to let the world know she was angry.

"What the fuck did you just get me into?" Jimin whispered as he walked beside Jungkook.

"It's for your own good." Jungkook sternly spoke.

"What do you fucking know?" Jimin squinted his eyes. "Your own wife would rather fuck your best friend than you."

Jungkook gave Jimin a warning glare, silencing him before he said anything more. "Jimin, for my sake, just please try to fix this with Sora. I didn't bring you both here to ruin your marriage."

"Uh, you didn't ruin shit buddy. I did it all by myself." Jimin proudly boasted.

"Congratulations you dipshit." Jungkook scoffed as he tried to catch up with the rest of them.

Randy suddenly made a floor screeching halt and turned to face the two couples. He gave them a devious smile as if this were supposed to be fun.

"Which couple would like to go fir—

Jimin shoved Jungkook to the front, before fleeing from the scene.

"I was gonna volunteer anyways." Jungkook lifted both his shoulders as he confusingly scratched his head. "idiot."

"Alright, misses and mister Jeon." The man gave a weak smile as he pushed the door open. "Miss, can you please find your husband before he breaks something he has to pay for."

Sora raised her brows after he slammed the door in her face. She sighed before stepped into the lobby, hoping he'd be around somewhere.

"Jimin." She muttered his name as he sat at the bar counter with two drinks in his hands.

Jimin looked over his shoulder, giving her a guilty smile, patting the seat next to him. "I bought you a drink."

"Would you stop lying." Sora slid the drink to the opposite end of the counter.

"What shit in your pants this morning?" Jimin muttered as he finished a glass of vodka.

"What?" She lowered her brows.

"What." Jimin blinked a couple times, before reaching for another drink.

Sora quickly laid her hand against his, stopping him from grabbing the glass. "Jimin, we're literally going to therapy in thirty minutes and you decide now's the time to get drunk?"

"Fuck couples therapy, I need sex therapy." Jimin smiled as his eyes were closed.

"Snap out of it!"

Jimin's eyes widened, and his hand gently brushed against his red cheek. "You just slapped me." He calmly stated with confused eyes.

"It worked, didn't it?" Sora folded her arms.

Jimin bit down on his lip as he slowly glanced down at his lap, looking back up with a smirk. "Nope."

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