

11 ᴀᴍ

"Pack your bags, we're flying to Cali." Jimin sternly made the decision, looking at Sora's widened eyes.

"We're not going anywhere." She grabbed his arm, siting him on the couch as he sighed.

"Sora, listen to me—if we spend winter break together, I'll be sleeping on the couch every other night." Jimin tried to explain. "Come on, don't you understand?"

"Running away from our problems doesn't solve anything Jimin." Sora pressed the back of her hand to her forehead, feeling a headache starting to arrive.

"It'll be good for us." He bargained. "We never see people anymore. It's time to explore the world and see something other than shitty Brooklyn."

"He just invited you, just like that?" She narrowed her eyes.

"Yeah, I was honestly surprised as well, but he wouldn't take no for an answer." Jimin shrugged his shoulders. "He's my best friend—I haven't seen him in years."

"So I'm supposed to be a third wheel, while you and your friend hang out and recall old memories?" Sora air quoted.

"I was getting to that part." Jimin smiled, holding onto both her shoulders. "He's married, and I think his wife is your age."

"Really?" Sora shifted from one foot to another, starting to actually not find the idea to be that revolting.

"She's like you, except with two kids." Jimin raised a brow.

She took a stack of papers and hit his chest. "It's not time for pregnancy jokes."

"Too soon?" He pursed his lips together.

"Yeah." She whispered, nodding her head.

Sora turned back to the kitchen, forgetting the eggs she left out on the table. "So—um, when are we going?" She asked, taking a sip of water.



Sora viscously coughed, leaning over the sink to spit the water out. Jimin scrunched his nose as she faced him. "Did you say tonight?"

"wow, Alzheimer's already?" Jimin mumbled.

"It's not funny Jimin, how are we going to be ready by tonight?" She harshly bit her lip.

"Jungkook bought the plane tickets for me, and all I have to do is print them off." He grabbed the remote, switching through channels.

"When do we have to be at the airport?" Sora stood in front of the screen, trying to gain his attention.

"Uh—" Jimin looked down at his watch and back at the television screen. "About an hour."


8 ᴀᴍ

"Do you think the house looks nice enough?" Jungkook focused on the dimmed living room, biting his fingernails as his wife raised her brows.

"Aren't they poor?"

"Faye, what the hell?" He gave her a look, watching as the maids snickered. "You can't just say that."

"But you told me they were low class m—

Jungkook put his hand over her mouth, signaling her to shut the hell up. He let go of her, straightening his tux. "They've has some financial problems, but that's not to be mentioned, got it?"

"Why are you treating me like I'm your fourteen year old daughter." Faye scoffed, turning away on her heels.

"Why do you act fourteen." He muttered under his breath.

"I set up the guest room, Mr. Jeon." A servant approached him.

"Which floor?" Jungkook curiously asked.

"The fourth floor sir." She sharply spoke.

"Ah—that won't do." Jungkook ruffled his hair. "Put them on the second floor so that they don't have to walk as many flights of stairs."


"But there's an elevator."

"Chul messed with the door, so as of now it's not working." Jungkook corrected her.

"I'll get the guest room ready— second floor."

"Thank you Sue— I'm so grateful to have someone other than me do something productive in this house." He averted his eyes to Faye, who sat on the marble counter, painting her nails a soft pink

"Things will work out for the better." Sue smiled, leaving Jungkook and his thoughts alone.

"Amina, where's your brother?" Jungkook stopped his daughter as she ran around the living room. She shrugged her shoulders, pouting as she couldn't get past his arm.

Jungkook narrowed his eyes as he heard the sound of oil sizzling. He looked over his shoulder, nearly knocking Amina over as he ran towards the stove.

"Chul, no!" Jungkook made it just in time, pulling the small boy in his arms.

"What happened?" Faye let go of the nail polish, quickly rushing towards them.

"How the hell could you leave the stove on, without watching it?" Jungkook shouted, louder than he usually does. "He could've burned his whole hand!"

Faye stared at him with tears in her eyes. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean—

"Sorry doesn't cut it." Jungkook interrupted, lifting the boy up. "This isn't the first time you've been careless like this." He walked outside, with the child in his arms.

"Mommy, w-why's daddy mad?" Amina grabbed onto her mother's pants.

"It's okay baby, don't worry about it." She ran her fingers through her daughters hair. "I love you so much." She placed a kiss on her soft cheek.

"I know mommy." Amina jumped a little. "Do you love daddy."

Faye gulped, closing her eyes as she felt tears start to form. She couldn't act this way in front of her daughter, especially at an age like this. Faye forced a smile, brushing Amina's hair back.

"Of course I love your dad."

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