《Affair with a married man》Chapter 20


I sat in my chair half listening to the professor. I'm ready to get done with these classes and focus solely on medical classes. Only 2 more year and then 4 years of med. school. Oh the joy. Finally the lecture was over and I was free to go. I grabbed my stuff and headed out of the room and into the hall. My phone started vibrating indicating I had a call. I glanced down to check it when I ran straight into somebody. I dropped my books and bag. I bent down to pick it up but the person I hit was already there gathering my stuff. I glanced up and saw this extremely hot guy gathering my things. "Thank you." I muttered grabbing my stuff. I stood back up. The guy stuck his hand out to me. "Will Hunt." I took his hand in mine and shook it. "Jayla Ray." I answered. "Sorry I ran into you." I said with a smile. He smiled back. "It's totally okay. Go out with me tonight and we'll call it even." He said. My phone started vibrating again...it was Ben. "I'll have to check my schedule." I said with a smirk clicking my power button ignoring the call. He grinned. "6:30 work for you?" He said. I gave a slight nod. "Fine. Here's my number." I said writing my number down on his hand. He looked at it. "I'll call you and get your address...Chinese okay with you?" He asked. I nodded. "It's my favorite." "Good. See you tonight."


I stood in front of my bedroom mirror examining myself. "You look hot!" Chelsea stated from my bed. I smiled. "That's the idea." I said. I was wearing a red sleeveless shirt with black skinny jeans and red pumps to match. I got a text from Will saying he was on his way. "He should be here soon." I said to Chels locking my phone. "So what does he look like?" She asked. I smiled remembering his warm smile. "He has dark chocolate brown hair and a pair of warm brown eyes. And he's tall and buff and just perfect." I said with a grin. She smirked. "You're love struck already." I blushed and looked away from her gaze. "Am not!" I objected. She shook her head. "You're lying! How are you gonna lie to the girl in school becoming a lawyer, someone trained to tell if you're lying or not?" She said shaking her head.


My door bell ringing brought our conversation to a halt. "Jay, Will is here!" My mom hollered from downstairs. "Coming!" I said leaving my room and heading down the stairs. I reached the bottom of the stairs and was met with the same smile from this morning. "Hey" he said handing me a single rose. "Hey" I answered back. "Wow." Chelsea breathed behind me. I just shook my head. My dad cleared his throat. "Oh my apologies. Will, this is my parents Derek and Charlotte...Mom and Dad this is Will."I said introducing them to each other. Chelsea cleared her throat reminding me she was there. "And this is my Best friend Chelsea." I added. Will shook all of their hands. "You ready?" I asked after he introduced himself to my parents and Chelsea. He nodded and opened the front door and held it open for me. He then opened his truck door for me. He ran around to his side and jumped in and headed out to the Chinese restaurant. My phone started ringing again...it was Ben...again


"Dinner was great Will! You're great..." I said with a smile. He grinned. "You're the one who's great." He said and leaned in for a kiss. I met his lips with mine. Sparks flew. I stepped forward to close the gap between us. A truck door slamming crushed our moment. We broke apart and I looked over to where the noise came from. Standing there clearly angry was Ben. I had a sinking feeling in my stomach. "Do you know that guy?" Will asked from beside me. "I do...you know what I've got to deal with something..I didn't want to end the night so soon. I'd love to see you again sometime soon." I said looking back at Will. He gave me a smile and nod. "I'd like that.. I'd like that a lot." He said and placed his fingers under my chin and brought my lips up to his. "I'll call you." He whispered against my lips. "Please do." I answered. He let go of my chin and walked towards his truck that was parked by Ben's. He jumped in it and pulled out of my driveway.


Once he was gone I looked back over at Ben who was seething and leaning against his truck. I took a deep breath before heading towards him. "So he's why you've been ignoring my calls all day." He said as soon as I walked up. I shrugged. He grabbed me and pulled me into him. He flipped us around so I was in between him and the truck, his stocky form towering over me. "He seems sweet. Really charming." He said sarcastically. "But can he do this?!" He said bringing him lips down on mine. I moaned making an entrance for his tongue. His tongue invaded my mouth. I could feel his growing member on my stomach. "You better get out of here before someone sees you." I breathed breaking the kiss. "How about you come with me?" He said kissing my neck. I moaned involuntarily. "Lexie's out of town. You can come home with me." He said. I groaned feeling myself cave in.

"Fine but hurry up so no one sees us." I said pushing on his chest so he'd move and let me go around to the passenger side. He sped off to his house. I quickly pulled out my phone and texted Chelsea. 'Go home. Can you cover for me? With Ben. I'll come over first thing tomorrow morning or you come over there. I owe you!! Xoxo' I put my phone back up in my purse. "You're so ridiculous." I said looking out the window. "Only for you baby." He said over the sound of the diesel. I giggled and rolled my eyes. He pulled into his driveway and got out of his truck and opened my door and pulled me out. I had to practically run to keep up with him. He got us in the front door and slammed it and drug me upstairs to his bedroom where he threw me down on the bed and pinned me there with his body. "Now let's get you're mind off ole what's his name." He growled and planted his lips on mine.

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