《Affair with a married man》Chapter 13


"I have to tell somebody. This being a big secret is killing me." I said laying in my bed. He raised his head off of my bare stomach and looked up at me. "I could go for that...within reason." I nodded. "What about Chelsea?" I asked. He put his head back on my stomach but this time he was facing me. "If you can make her swear not to tell a soul." He answered. I nodded with a smile. I brought my hand up and ran it through his hair. "I love you." I said. He smirked and moved up so he was on his hands and he brought himself over so he was hovering over my naked body. "I love you more." He answered with a smirk before planting his lips on mine. I wrapped my arms around his neck. I broke the kiss hearing my phone ring.

I made him move so I could grab my phone. I picked it up off my side table and looked to see who was calling. "Speak of the devil." I mumbled before answering my phone. "Hey Chels." I greeted. I heard Ben grunt into the pillow behind me. I turned over and he had his face buried in the pillow. I stifled a laugh. "What are you doing tonight?" She asked. "Nothing. Want to do something? I have some...stuff...to tell you." I said glancing over at Ben running my fingers down his back. "Wanna meet about 6:30?" She asked. "Sure. See you then." I answered before hanging up. I placed my phone back on the table and rolled over to come face to face with Ben. He pulled me closer until he was back on top of me. I giggled and brought his face down to mine.

I woke up in his arms. I stretched and heard him breathe a deep breath waking up. I rolled over and came face to face with the brown eyes I fell for. "Did you have a good nap?" He said half asleep. I smirked and inched myself up in bed where I could kiss him. "I slept great." I said and planted a quick kiss on his lips. "Sex makes for a great nap." He chuckled. "Yes it does." He agreed. I giggled. He bent down and placed his face in the crook of my neck. I tried to shove him off. "No sir. I have to get up." I objected trying to push him off of me so I could get up. He wrapped his arms around me forcing me to stay in bed. "Bennn! Let me go you big oaf!" I whined. He shook his head. "I don't want you to get up. I want you to stay in bed with me." He said picking his head up and looked at me. I ran my fingers through his black hair. "I have to go meet Chels and you have to get home..." I whispered bringing my hand down to his chest. He took a deep breath when I finished my sentence. "I didn't mean to upset you." I mumbled bringing my hand up to his cheek and pulling his face up so he would look at me. "You know most mistresses don't care to talk about the wife of the man she's sleeping with." He answered. I felt sick.


His expression changed as soon as he saw the look on my face. "Baby..I didn't mean it..You know I didn't mean that." He bent down to kiss me, but I turned my head so his lips landed on my jaw instead of my lips. I moved out of his grasp and got up. "Baby!" He said reaching out for me as I got up wrapping my robe around me. I went into the bathroom where i completely lost it. My tears turned into anger then I punched the wall. He came to knock on the door but I ignored him. Eventually I heard the door close, so I opened the door so I could grab some clothes for tonight. As soon as I opened the door he appeared in front of me. I tried to move away from him but he brought his hands up and cupped my cheeks wiping a stray tear out of my eye. "Baby girl, I love you. I did not mean it. I was having a good time laying in that bed over there with you, and it irritated me to even think about anyone else but you and I let my mood get the best of me and I said something that I wish I could take back." He tried to explain. "Well you can't..Now if you'll excuse me, your mistress has to get ready." I said shaking his hands off of me. He didn't move. "Go home Ben." I told him turning away from him. He didn't move. "Get out of my house Ben!" I screamed at him turning and pointing to the door. He moved towards me. "No. This is not how this is going down. I said something I didn't mean Jayla. You know you are not just some mistress. You are the love of my life, and I need you to tell me you know that." He said putting his arms back on my shoulders.

When I didn't say anything his hands moved up to my cheeks. "Please. Please look at me. I love you. I didn't mean it. What do I need to do to make you believe me?" He asked. I looked up at him. He was looking down at me fear in his eyes. I sighed. "You can't do this. You can't talk to me however you want and expect me to just be okay with whatever comes out of your mouth. If I'm nothing more to you than just someone that sleeps with you, then I'm done. I'll leave and you can find some other girl to have sex with." I answered. "No! You are so much more to me than that. I love you. I never meant that Jay. Please believe me." I could feel myself caving. I looked away from him. "Sometimes I wonder why I love you." I mumbled more to myself than to him. "I'm thankful you love me anyways...even when I'm an ass." I looked back up at him. "You are an ass." I answered and gave him a quick kiss. I heard my front door open and glanced at the clock. "oh shit." It's 6:15. I heard Chels holler from downstairs. get in the closet and wait until you hear us leave then sneak out and lock the door on your way out." I instructed him and gave him a quick kiss which he took the opportunity to heat it up. I forced him to stop and get in the closet. "Jayla!" I heard Chelsea scream. "Up here!" I hollered back. I quickly threw on my clothes. She came waltzing through my bedroom door. "What took you so long?" She asked walking over to my desk. "I was asleep. I needed a nap." I explained. She smirked. "Where did this come from?" She asked holding up a picture I had just put on my wall. I walked over to her. "It's from last month when I went out with mom, dad, Ben, and Lexie." I said. She nodded but had that look on her face that I knew all too well. "I see you were standing awful close to Dr. Hottie." She said with that smirk on her face. I rolled my eyes. "It was the seats we had the tickets for." I tried to give an explanation. She just shook her head. "Yeah. That's why he's looking at you like that." She said pointing. "Like every girl dreams of being looked at." She said dreamily. I rolled my eyes, but admired the picture on the wall. "Let's go." I said suddenly and grabbed her hand and drug her down the stairs and out the front door. Tonight should be fun.

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