《Affair with a married man》Chapter 4


I woke up in his bed. I rolled over and was met with a kiss. It startled me but I quickly kissed him back. He broke the kiss and admired my naked body. "Last night was great." He said lustfully. I looked up at him with a smirk. "Yes it was." I breathed planting my lips to his again. He rolled over so he was on top of me. I tangled my hands in his hair he started kissing down my neck when we heard the front door open. We immediately broke apart. "Shit." He cursed under his breath. I moved so I was able to grab my clothes and throw them on. I moved towards the door and quickly walked out before Lexi had the chance to walk upstairs. "Hey Lex!" I greeted as she came up the stairs. She looked startled not expecting me to be here. "Hey Jay?" "I crashed here last night I had one of my friends bring me over to bring something to Ben from mom for work. We watched tv and I fell asleep, so I just crashed in the spare bedroom." I quickly explained. She nodded, just then Ben walked out of their bedroom. "Well look at you early riser!" He said to me looking up at me. I rolled my eyes but had a smile on my face. He was good at this. He lent over and quickly kissed Lexie. I looked away.

"Sorry I didn't tell you she stayed. It was just so late when she asked if she could crash for the night." Lexie nodded and smiled over at me. "It's fine. You know this house is always open to you." I nodded with a smile. "I forgot my phone I'll be right back." I said walking back to the bedroom I "slept" in. I walked in and undid the perfectly made bed so it looked like I did sleep here. I turned and walked back out and went back out into the hall and downstairs. I picked up my phone that was laying on the coffee table. I walked into the kitchen to find Ben in there standing at the stove. I walked over to the coffee pot and started some. I stood there staring out the window zoned out when I felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I sighed falling back into his arms. "I can't...we can't..." I shivered feeling his breath against my ear. "We can." I was fixing to answer when I heard Lexie. "Hey babe." I heard her voice from upstairs. He didn't move. "Yes baby?" "Can you come here for a second?" She called back. He sighed and let go of me. He walked out of the kitchen and I heard him head up the stairs. I took a deep breath. He's married. You slept with a married man last night. And this married man is your friends husband. And not only is it wrong it's illegal. My mind sneered. I groaned. I heard them start down the stairs. I tried to make myself calm down and act like nothing happened. I turned when they walked into the kitchen. I smiled at Lexie. "How was the conference for work?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. "A waste of time." I nodded. "Most work conferences are." I said with amusement. "Who's ready to eat?" Ben asked changing the subject. I nodded turning back to coffee pot and grabbed 3 mugs. I fixed everybody's coffee while Ben and Lex set the table and brought the food over. I grabbed their cups first and took them to the table I went back to the counter to grab my cup when I felt a hand slap my ass.


I spun around to see a smirking Ben thankfully Lexie was facing away from us. I playfully hit his chest grabbing my cup a walking back to the table. I sat there eating my delicious breakfast when I felt a hand travel up my thigh. My eyes grew wide and I opened my mouth to protest. Lexie looked at me confused. "I uh..Breakfast is really good." Lexie smiled nodding. "It's great baby." She said looking at Ben and leaning in for a kiss. He quickly pecked her lips. I looked down at my plate awkwardly. Ben must have noticed because I felt his hand squeeze my thigh. I finished the last of my coffee and got up and dropped my plate and cup in the sink. I started the water and added the dish soap. I walked back over to the kitchen table and picked up the empty plates. "Oh you don't have to Jay I got them." Lexie protested. I shook my head. "Y'all cooked I'll clean." Lexie reluctantly agreed. Ben looked over at his wife and planted a small peck on her lips. "Why don't you go unpack and shower. I'll help Jay down here." Ben suggested. Lexie nodded getting up. Ben grabbed his and her plates and came over to sink dropping them in the water. I grabbed a towel and started washing. I heard Lexie head up stairs and then their bedroom door shut. "We can't do this to her. She's my friend." I said quietly. He sighed coming up to the sink beside me and grabbed the clean dishes and started drying them. "I didn't think this would happen. Before last week if someone had said I'd be sleeping with you, one of my wife's closest friends not to mention a minor, I would have laughed in their face. I never planned on sleeping with you." He answered. I nodded in reply. "Are we still gonna do this?" He asked wrapping his arms around me again. I leant back into him. I felt his member against my back.

"I wish I could say yes..I want too..maybe if I wasn't 17 and you weren't married.." I reluctantly answered. He spun me around making me look at him. "You think I care how old you are? We both know you have always acted older than you are. I don't care about age or any of that stuff. Jay it's something about you. You drive me crazy, but you just make me want you more." He mumbled the last part planting his lips on mine. He walked us backwards until we were at the counter. He pressed me against it still kissing me. He broke the kiss. He placed his forehead against mine trying to steady his breath. "Say yes." I closed my eyes trying to make myself say no. I nodded my head yes. He smirked and planted a steamy kiss on my lips. "I've got to go home." He nodded and moved so I could move. I went upstairs and went to the spare bedroom and remade the bed. I was fixing to walk out of the room when Ben came in. He shut and locked the door behind him. I smirked at him as he came over with a goofy grin on his face. I rolled my eyes and wrapped my arms around his neck. "You have to give me a ride home." I said after a few minutes. "I forgot I didn't drive here." I added. "Oh yeah." He answered laughing. I laughed too. I moved out of his arms and unlocked the door and walked out of the room. "Bye Lex!" I hollered through the door. She came to the door and hugged me before I started down the stairs. "Hey I'm gonna take Jayla home I'll be back soon." I heard Ben say following me down the stairs. Once in his truck I brought his face to mine. I could definitely get used to this. I broke the kiss much to his disapproval. "I have to go home." I mumbled. He groaned starting the truck. We rode to my house in comfortable silence. He pulled on to my street and pulled into the empty driveway of the house for sale a few doors down from mine. He put the truck in park and glanced over at me. I moved over and lent in for a kiss. I gave him a peck on the lips and turned to get out of the truck but he grabbed my arm stopping me and turning me back around. "Did you really think you were gonna leave like that?" He asked crashing his lips into mine. I moaned and he took the opportunity and slipped his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues moved together in a sensual dance. He broke the kiss and started kissing down my neck. "Really in the truck?" I asked. "Mhm." He said against my neck. I moved so I was straddling his lap. He kissed down my body unbuttoning my shirt as he went down. He was fixing to take my bra off when my phone rang. I fished it out of my pocket and groaned when I saw flash on my screen. "Hey mom." I answered Ben stopped kissing me so I moved off of his lap. "Honey where are you?!" My mom asked worried. I sighed. I forgot to call last night. "It was late so I just crashed at Chelsea's last night so she wouldn't have to drive and I wouldn't wake y'all up coming home." She breathed relieved. "I'll be home in a few minutes okay?" I said into the phone. "Okay see you soon. Me and Dad went out to town for a while be home sometime tonight. You have your key don't you?" I smirked over at Ben. "Yeah I do. See you tonight. Love you." I answered my mom hanging up. I grinned at Ben. "Wanna come over? I'll be home alone until tonight." I said with a wink. "Oh definitely." He said huskily. He pulled out of the driveway and pulled into mine. I hopped out of the truck and he followed me inside. I shut the door and locked it. I turned around and he attacked my lips and pressed me up against the door. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he brought my hands up above my head trapping me between him and the door. I broke the kiss and unwrapped my legs from around him. He started to whine. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his hand and brought him upstairs to my bedroom and shut the door. He smirked. I pushed him down on the bed and climbed on top of him. "Is this better?" I asked seductively. "Yes." He breathed grabbing my face and bringing it down to his. I started to unbutton my shirt but he grabbed it out of my hand ripping it open. I took the ripped pieces of clothing off and threw them on the floor. I started on his shirt. He grabbed it and threw it off. We started kissing again and he flipped us so I was laying on the bed. He started kissing down my body pulling my pants down with him and he kissed my body.



I woke up in my bed in Ben's arms. I looked over at the clock and saw it was just 2 in the afternoon. I looked back up to be met with Ben's chocolate brown eyes. "It's just 2 o'clock." He gave a slight nod. "What are you gonna tell Lexie?" I asked running my fingers over his bare chest. He propped up on one elbow and grabbed his discarded pants off the floor and got his phone out of his pocket. He texted her. Hey they called me into work. Sorry I'm just now texting you. I'll be home as soon as I can. Xo he sent the message and put his phone on the bedside table and laid back down with me. I rested my head against his chest hearing his heart beat in his chest. He ran his fingers through my hair. I could lay like this forever. I heard my phone ding indicating I had a text. I groaned rolling over to find my phone. I looked at the floor and saw my ripped shirt in the floor. I gave half a laugh. "If it wasn't ripped because we were having sex I would have been so mad at you." He laughed beside me. I grabbed my phone out of my back pants pocket and checked my phone. It was Lexie. Hey chick! Do you and Chelsea want to come over for a girls night? Ben is working. I sighed reading the text message. I glanced back at Ben who was reading over my shoulder. He took a deep breath and bent down and kissed my shoulder. I texted Chelsea to make sure she was free before texting Lexie back. Hey! Yeah, me and Chelsea will be over about 5 if that's okay. I put my phone on the table and rolled over to face Ben. "How am I supposed to face her when I've just slept with her husband?" I said resting my head against Ben's chest. "You don't have to go." He answered twirling his fingers in the ends of my hair. "But I want to go. She's my friend." I answered. He sighed. "I know babe I know." I looked up at him and then pecked him on the lips before rolling over and getting up. I grabbed some clean clothes and went to start the shower. I took a quick shower and jumped out and dried off and threw on my clothes. I came back out of the bathroom to find Ben had picked up our clothing from the floor and put his clothes back on. I walked over to him and sat down on his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck resting my head against his. "You have to go soon. Chels will be here at 3:30." He sighed. "I know." We sat there in my room until 3:15. I got up and walked downstairs with him. I walked him to the door. I planted a kiss on his lips before opening the door. "I'll text you later." He said before walking out. I nodded smiling. I stood in the door watching him walk to the truck and jump in.

When he pulled out I shut the door and went back upstairs to my room to pack a quick overnight bag. I heard Chelsea open the door downstairs. "Up here Chels!" I hollered zipping up my bag. She came up the stairs and threw herself down on the bed. I looked over at her amused. "Does someone need a nap?" She rolled her eyes. "No! I'm just waiting for you to decide to get ready!" I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room turning the light off. I got to the stairs and called out to her. "Come on Chelsea I'm ready to go!" She groaned and stormed out of my room. I laughed and started down the stairs followed by Chelsea.

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