《EUDEMONIA;; ie orion.》25


disgarsting shat

feat. afuro's nose (rip)

“what the actual fu– adhafshsgs!”

the boys flinched at your scream, as hiroto, the nearest to you, immediately ran to your room.

“what's wrong?!”

you were standing far away from your bed, hair and clothes dishevelled (which is unlikely of you). hiroto looked as you shakily pointed to the corner of your room, “th– there...” you stuttered as hiroto raised a brow at you impatiently.

“.. a cockroach..!”

the male let out a sigh as he went near you, “where is it?” you pointed at the wall, where a tiny (but deadly ;-;) cockroach was crawling on the lofty walls of your bedroom. you hid behind the door and peeked as hiroto approached the cockroach cautiously.

“hey, hurry up...” you whined as hiroto clicked his tongue, “oh, shut your–”

the two of you watched with blank faces as the cockroach moved and flew. the two of you froze before dashing quickly out of the room, “what the actual f*ck, it's flying!”

hearing the two of you scream, the boys immediately went to check.

during the run, you shut your eyes and grit your teeth, “d*mn, this is why i never signed up for the track club before!” as you turn to the corner, you bumped into someone's chest and looked up to see fudou.

“oi, what the hell is happening in here?” he asked with a rough tone as he looked down at you and picked you up by your shirt like a child.

“a– a cockroach...” you whimpered as you heard footsteps behind fudou and looked up, “aah, afuro, shirou...” you nervously laughed, “sorry to bother you all...”

“oh, a cockroach?” afuro chuckled and stepped up, when suddenly, something flew and landed on his face. afuro froze as you watched in horror, immediately hiding your face in fudou's chest with a scream muffled by his shirt.


“disgusting!” afuro yelled, “how dare you touch and molest my nose with your body, you lowly cockroach! i'll tear your wings first and cut your body into pieces and stomp on it!” (ohmyghod afuro's catching your traits oh no)

shirou sighed and picked the roach from afuro's face, dropping it in front of his feet and stepping on it.

you cringed at the sound of crunch (“blehh”) and held on fudou's shirt tightly as he sighed and clutched your shoulders, “it's dead now.”

you slowly looked up and peeked behind fudou, hands still clutching dearly to his shirt. your face twisted into a sour look as you cringed at the sight of the (now dead) cockroach.

and then you suddenly widened your eyes, “oh my god, i think we lost hiroto?”

here's the chapter i mentioned!

stay safe, guys

i love y'all

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