《EUDEMONIA;; ie orion.》23


kiss, kiss fall in love (not)

feat. mikado deadass being your worried mom


the boys cheered as they all went inside the bus one by one. you watched them from behind with crossed arms, smiling softly.

“we sure are a lot...” natsumi stepped beside you, handing you a wide brimmed sun hat (“oh, thanks”).

“yeah... well, it was supposed to be us girls only but the boys heard we were going to an onsen and kept asking if they could come as well.” you sighed, looking at the other boys (not yours) from the corner of your eyes.

“... and they ended up inviting a lot of friends.” natsumi commented as you nodded with a sigh, “... well, i couldn't say no.”


you turned to sakanoue (who's with mansaku) with raised brows. “do you think all of us would fit in the bus?” sakanoue asked as you looked at natsumi before smiling. “don't worry, i already made sure of that. natsumi here was the one who got us this bus, it's good for at least 40 people.”

“but i heard we were supposed to go on a private plane...” mansaku mumbled as you blinked before nodding, “yes, the girls and i initially decided for us to ride a plane but then i remembered hiroto doesn't like riding planes (he has aviophobia) so we chose to go with a bus.”

sakanoue and mansaku blinked before nodding with a smile (“manager really takes good care of us, doesn't she..?” “yes, i want to cry...”). the two of them went inside the bus leaving you and natsumi.

“actually, when you decided to ride the bus, i was surprised, you know.” you only hummed at natsumi as she chuckled: “you don't like riding buses a lot after all.”

you only smiled, “well, i can do it if it's for those idiots...”

“oi! natsumi! what are you standing there for?” the two of you turned to see endou shouting with a grin. you laughed as natsumi hid her red face. “well, i didn't expect that you were in that kind of relationship with one of my children.” you teased as natsumi jokingly slapped your arm.

“oi, idiot y/n! hurry up and get your lazy ass in!” you immediately popped a vein and glared at fudou.

“well, i also didn't expect that you were in that kind of relationship with one of your children.” natsumi teased as the two of you laughed.

the two of you entered the bus and found your seats at the back, together with the girls.

as you follow natsumi from behind, you slowed down when passing by fudou's seat.

“do that thing again and i'll your gallbladder out and make you lick it like a lollipop until your tastebuds are rotting and your teeth are falling off.” you whispered in a low voice as you faced the front with a sweet smile.


sakanoue, who was sitting behind fudou and overheard you, shivered. “sakanoue, are you okay?” you asked as you flashed him a small smile (the “keep your mouth shut or die” smile ;-;). sakanoue gulped and stiffly nodded.

“that's good to hear.” you said as you proceeded to the girls. you sat beside the window, and on your left was mikado. you smiled at the female as she smiled back.

“do you..?” mikado trailed off as she offered you one of her buds. you giggled and took the airpo* from her hand, “thank you.”

the both of you leaned on your chairs as you tilted your head, staring out the window.

“please fasten your seat belts, everyone. we will now take off and head to gunma.”

“we have arrived, everyone.”

natsumi said as she smiled and gestured for the boys to get off the bus (“yay! yay!” “we're here!” “woohoo! onsen!”).

the girls stood and began to leave. mikado stopped when she noticed you weren't moving. she turned just to be surprised, “eh... y/n is... asleep.” she mumbled, blinking. she was about to wake you up until–

“don't wake her up yet, mikado (san).”

nosaka gave her a polite smile as mikado blinked before nodding with a small smile, “okay, please just make sure to take care of y/n.” nosaka only nodded, “of course.”

“hah... this woman, how can she fall asleep in a two hour travel.” haizaki spoke up as he neared you. “her insomnia might have come back, she looks pale.”* nosaka said as he sighed.

haizaki stayed silent as he gently picked you up, careful not to wake you. nosaka gathered your belongings in your seat before following.

“seriously? you rented the whole place?”

endou gasped as sakanoue shrieked (“no way!”). natsumi only blinked with raised brows, “why? is it wrong of me to do that?”

kidou chuckled as he looked around the boys, “endou, do you expect them to rent just one room for all of us?” endou blinked before laughing, “oh right. i forgot we're over thirty people in here.”

“should we go to our rooms first? i think we should rest first for a bit before going to the baths.” kazemaru suggested as everyone agreed.

“that's perfect, our little sleeping beauty here is completely knocked out. we need to lay her on her bed first.” haizaki spoke up as everyone chuckled.

“looks like your manager is always either knocked out or drunk whenever i see her.” froy said as ichihoshi laughed, “well, she's not always like that...”

“where is endou and the others?”

you turned to nishikage, who gulped down his chewed food before answering, “they already went to the baths.” you only nodded and pointed out, “what about you? aren't you getting in as well?”


nishikage only sulked, “i will, i was supposed to follow nosaka (san) to the baths but they don't allow food inside.” you giggled as you grabbed one of the paper bag he was holding.

“i'll help you finish it so you could hurry and accompany nosaka.” you said and left with a wave, as nishikage smiled at you (with tears in his eyes), whispering: “manager, i knew only you could stand beside nosaka (san) other than me...”

you bit on the steamed buns (which you got from nishikage which was probably bought by nosaka ;-;) and hummed as you neared the entrance of the onsen. there were two archways in front of you, separated by a narrow wall where two signs were hung (signs that point which onsen is for the males or females).

you looked around to check for staffs and chuckled when there was none. you peeked into the women's bath and blinked when it was empty.

“huh? they weren't here?” you frowned and then later slapped your head when you remembered the girls telling you that they'd eat first before taking a dip.

you sighed and exited the onsen, now coming face to face with the two archways once again.

and then you were suddenly struck with an idea.

‘those cowards... if you can't even ask girls out then let momma be the cupid for you and help you kids out.’ you chuckled evilly as you eyed the two signs with a dark glint in your eyes,

“let the romance begin...”

you were on your room, eating your potato chips while staring out the open window. the view from your room was great, and the wind blows gently to your direction. it was peaceful.

peaceful, if you ignore the noise from below your room.

you munched on your chips as you listened in with a sly grin.


“aah, wait! please calm down, it's not what you–”

“pervert! you are a bunch of perverts!”

“natsumi, stop throwing the–”

“how dare you bathe in the female's bath!?”

“wait, wait, you're mistaken! this is the male's ba–”

you burst into a laughing fit, “i knew this was going to turn out into a comedy.” you wiped your tears and let out a one last laugh.

you waited until the noise died down before coming downstairs to get more food. “aah, mizukamiya. how was the baths?” you asked as you bumped into him at the dining area.

mizukamiya sighed heavily, looking exhausted (he's dying inside, that's why ;-;). “it was... nice.” he mumbled as you internally snickered, you kept your composure but you were literally wheezing inside.

“.. actually, it's not.” mizukamiya quickly took back his words, fingers brushing through his strands with a sigh (an exasperated one). “hmm? you look drained, i thought the baths were supposed to wash away fatigue and back pains?” you ask with a (teasing) small smile.

“it was but... hah, something so unexpected happened...” mizukamiya sighed and then placed a hand on your shoulder, “anyways, be careful on the baths, manager.” and then he left.

you laughed but felt slightly (a tiny weeny bit bc you're a badass bitch) guilty, ‘aww, he looked so drained... but i got myself a good laugh so meh.’ you shrugged.

on your way back (after getting a flan from fuyuka), you bumped into the girls who had different expressions. but none of it was what you wanted, ‘aah, seems like my romance plan failed. that's too bad.’

“had fun in the baths?” you asked (u'd make a fine actress gosh). the girls only stared at you with deadpan looks, shaking their heads no.

“i knew they were bunches of perverts, i just knew it!” natsumi grumbled with clenched fists as mikado gritted her teeth (oh no), “i never expected them to be a bunch of peeping toms, especially nosaka (san).”

you looked to haruna and ootani, “i'll never marry again, i'll never marry again...” they mumbled in unison. ‘aah, i think i went overboard to this innocent two. good thing fuyuka and yurika didn't join them.’ you shook your head (you're a big softie to the two okay).

you averted your gaze towards the silent two, aki and norika. you smirked to yourself seeing their flustered expressions, ‘seems like ichinose and asuto is down.’ (“it's somehow a success”)

“did something happen..? did i miss something?” you asked as the girls shook their heads and waved their goodbyes to you (“it's better for you not to know it, y/n...” “you might change your views to the boys...”).

you only shrugged and went back to your room. “well, since they're already finished now, i should probably get in the baths as well.”

you've gathered your towel and toiletries and is now heading downstairs while humming a happy tune.

you passed by the lounge and raised a brow at the bunch. “huh? shirou, where's atsuya?” you asked as you counted your boys (just to make sure none of them drowned (?) ;-;).

“aah, he's still in the baths.” you only nodded and excused yourself to go to the onsen.

“eh? did we switch the signs back before leaving?” ootani asked as norika and haruna shrieked, “no, we didn't..!” mikado turned to run after you, “atsuya (san) is still inside..!” she was stopped by a hand around her wrist.

it was natsumi shaking her head with a smirk, “let the romance begin.” (lmao)

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