《EUDEMONIA;; ie orion.》20


the last resort

feat. the whipped boys' reactions when they heard it from endou

the boys stared at you with puzzled looks. you've been staring at the tv screen closely (too close you're actually face to face with it), watching certain clips with curious eyes.

“isn't she sitting a bit too close?” sakanoue asked as endou huffed, “y/n, don't sit too close to the screen. you'll get an eyestrain...” he nagged as mansaku nodded, “and if you don't blink, you'll get dry eyes...”

you turned your head to look at them with teary eyes (that's what you get for not blinking) and glared, “say anything more than that and i'll cut your d**** (peewee) off in the middle of the night and shove it down your a**es (butt).”

they slapped a hand over their mouths and nodded obediently (“i'll never get used to this” “same here”).

hiroto clicked his tongue, “what is she even watching?” they all turned their heads at the screen and gasped, bewildered. kazemaru blinked, “why is she watching–”

“spinning fence!”

“– our matches?”

kazemaru flinched and pointed at himself, (“wait, is that really how my voice sounds like?”), staring at his own self on the screen.

they all averted their gazes hearing the sounds of amazement escaping your lips. “it kinda feels embarrassing now that manager is watching it.” goujin said as he grinned. (“so does that make her our fan now?”) “right...” mansaku agreed, scratching his nape.

afuro suddenly gasped, looking so shocked (which alarmed them). “aphrodi? what's wrong?” he shakily points at the screen with a look of horror.

“what? what about it?” the guys frantically asked.

“my face,, the angle of the camera is– gods, why is my face covered? how disrespectful! oh god.” afuro said as he covered his mouth and sniffled. the guys sighed in disdain (“i kinda forgot aphrodi can become narcissistic too...” “same here”).

“oh? you guys are still there?”

they jumped at your voice. “i thought you'd all have left already...” you trailed off, as the boys stared at the black screen. (“what, why did she..?”)

“i should start preparing food...” you mumbled to yourself and left the lounge.

you cleared your throat as everybody silenced at the table.

“as you saw earlier, i was watching all your matches and i can say you guys are beyond awesome. although it's very late, congratulations again on your matches.” you said and clapped.


the guys all blinked, somehow scared(?) for their lives. “she's onto something again.” gouenji mumbled as kidou nodded, “i'm already praying for my life as we speak and i highly recommend you to do the same as well. the earlier, the better.”

“so, as i was watching your matches, i couldn't help but be amazed by your skills. i remember hiura calling it a hissatsu technique, if my memory doesn't betray me.” you say as you smiled.

the boys raised a brow at you.

“and so, i've decided that i want to learn that too!” you exclaimed as you clapped your hands. the boys widened their eyes,


“manager looks cute wearing the uniform!”

ichihoshi exclaimed as soon as you left the lockers area.

you and the boys (some) are currently at their headquarters. since the dorm doesn't have a soccer field, you went here in order to “learn” the hissatsu skill they've been using. you didn't expect that you would also be needing a soccer uniform yourself so you had to borrow one of the guys' uniform (the one you're wearing right now is hiura's).

“hmm, it's a bit big though...” you said, raising your arms and frowning. “that's the smallest i can find though....” hiura said as endou raised his hand, “i still have the goalkeeper uniform i wore last year, you can borrow–”

you immediately shook your head, “no thank you, i think i'm fine with this.” endou blinked, “eh? are you sure?” you nodded with a smile, ‘ever since that time, i swore not to wear your clothes.’ (refer to chapter one ;-;)

you all went to the field as kidou paused, soccer ball in his hands. “before all, y/n what do you want to learn?” he asked as you looked up and thought for a moment. “i wanna learn a shoot.” you grinned as kidou blinked, (“so manager's a forward...”) “what shoot do you–”


everyone stopped. you only raised your brows, taken aback at their expressions. “manager, since this is your first time, how about try something–” you frowned, “but i wanna learn gouenji's shoot...”

“which one do you want to learn?” gouenji suddenly spoke up with a small smile, making you brighten (‘she looks like yuuka, so cute just like a puppy’).

you wracked your brain, trying to remember that one shoot that looked so cool. “hmm... i forgot the name but it's the one with a dragon?” (“or was it a serpent?”) you said and grinned.


the guys gasped with wide eyes, “manager, you don't mean ‘last resort’, right..?” kazemaru asked as you blinked, “so that's what it's called?”

“... what do you think, gouenji?” kidou asked as gouenji looked at you for a moment, before smirking. “why not?”

kidou only grinned and passed the ball to gouenji, who caught it perfectly and went to you. “you think you're ready?” he asks as you slyly smiled, “oh please, i was born ready.”

the guys backed away to watch from the sidelines as ichihoshi stepped up, “i can help with the adjustments.” gouenji nodded as you high fived ichihoshi (“that's my babie!”).

the two of you started with warm ups (led by gouenji ofc), afterwards, gouenji suggested for you to watch him do the shoots a few times before teaching you step by step.

you watched with keen eyes as gouenji did the first shoot. no matter how many times you watched it, it always took your breath away with how powerful it was.

the second time he did it, you began to notice what angle each foot has to be and how much strength he was using with his legs step by step. ‘oh, so i won't just use strength on my legs, but my arm too so i won't fly off while doing the b-boying step...’

the third time he did it, numbers began to appear in your mind as you predict the amount of strength you're supposed to use. ‘the second step is the tricky one... in order to have the perfect balance for the rotations, i have to know the correct amount of strength each leg would need. if that's the case then the ratio would be...’

the guys stayed silent and watched you stand, looking lost in your thoughts. “you think you can do it?” gouenji snapped you from your thoughts as you blinked, “of course. i'd like to ask for one more shoot but you look exhausted...” you mumble as ichihoshi only nodded. “pulling off hissatsu three times without breaks take a lot of energy, manager.” he explained.

“okay. i'll start teaching you the basics.” gouenji said as he drank from his water bottle. “uhm, sorry but please wait. let me think for awhile.” you said, holding a hand up in front of gouenji who only blinked but nodded anyways.

‘i'm not sure how many strength he used at the final kick. i want to confirm but gouenji's drained... should i just make a gamble?’

after a few moments, you clapped your hands and faced gouenji with a smile. “i'm ready.” you said as he nodded, smiling. “firstly, this shoot has three–” you raised a hand once again, cutting him off.

“no, i meant i'm ready to do it now.”

the guys gasped with wide eyes, as gouenji blinked before chuckling with a nod. “if you pull it off perfectly, i'll make you your favorite takoyaki. go and make me proud, y/n.” he said as he patted you in your back like an older brother would to his younger sister.


you took a deep breath and stared down at the ball in front of you. you kicked the ball upwards and smiled.

‘first step, 87%. next step, right foot, 74%...’ data continued to flood your mind quickly, as the guys from the sidelines widen their eyes. “... she's doing it,, she's actually doing it...” hiura whispered with awe as they watch.

‘the last one... please be right! left foot, 98%..!’ you kicked the ball and landed on the ground. you watched as the ball bounced (albeit harshly) and went through the net.

you grinned widely and turned to gouenji. your smile grew (impossibly) wider seeing his proud smile, you ran to him, jumping like a child. “heh, did you see that? i did it!” gouenji patted you on the head as he would to yuuka, “yes, you did.”

“what about my takoyaki, don't forget about the takoyaki! i want to eat that now!” you said as gouenji chuckled and nodded, “then let's hurry and go home now.” you nodded and rushed to take a quick shower and change back to your clothes (“yeah, just wait for me!”).

“manager,, she did it... with just watching you...” ichihoshi gulped as gouenji huffed with a proud smile, “she did.”

the guys came with looks of surprise. “amazing... our manager really is amazing.” endou said with a grin as he laughed.

“did you expect this already?” kidou asked as gouenji shrugged. “still, without having to teach her and just by calculations, she managed to do it. truly a feat.” kidou added as kazemaru nodded.

“well, that's our super manager, after all.”

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