《EUDEMONIA;; ie orion.》04


tomatoes (red ones like your blood please)

feat. fudou's eyes

“hmm?” you raised a brow at the sight of tomato leftovers on one of the dirty dishes on your right.


ever since you've become the boys' manager, you noticed that someone– who's definitely a picky eater, was leaving their tomatoes aside every time. you didn't know who it was but now you were getting curious (bothered).

shrugging, you threw the leftovers on the trash bag and proceeded to wash the dishes while occasionally humming a few little happy tunes to yourself.

“oi, i'm off to bed.”

a deep voice came from behind you as you hummed, “hmn. sweet dreams, akio.” you said as you rinsed the plates. it was very silent, so you assumed that the male had already went upstairs. but–

“... will you be fine here alone? ... should i call one of the idiots to accompany you here?” he asked. you blinked and paused, turning a bit to look at fudou.

“aww, how sweet of you. but it's fine, i can't bother those big babies already. besides, they're probably already knocked out in their bed.” you said as you quickly dried the cleaned plates.

fudou, unsure, was about to ask you once more before you gave him a look (you're gonna be the appetizer we're eating tomorrow for lunch if you don't go to your room kind of look) which pushed him to give up.

“really, that big babie...” you chuckled while untying the apron and discarding your disposable gloves. turning off the lights to the ground floor, you made your way to your safe haven and prepared for bed.

“akio, you lousy retarded sh*t.”

you cussed as you glared at the deep voiced male. “manager is angry...” sakanoue frowned, hiding behind the door (“no, she's beyond angry”).


“so you were the one putting tomatoes aside, huh.” kidou snickered from the sidelines as fudou clicked his tongue. “shut up, googly eyes.”

“hah... i don't get why you don't like tomatoes, babe, but for your hairstyle's sake at least tell me so i won't give you them because you're wasting food.” you massaged your temples and leaned closer to fudou.

“as punishment, you'll have to eat tomatoes for dinner and if you don't eat them, i'll make you eat your own pretty little eyes instead.” you said while giving his forehead a flick.

“why do you always want to make me eat my own eyes...” fudou grumbled, caressing his red forehead. “because they're pretty like jewels and i love to eat pretty stuff.” you shrugged and grabbed your keys from the stand. (“but why do i get to eat them?” “shut your mouth before i do it to you right now.”)

“nishikage, mansaku, can you tag along and help me buy groceries for dinner later?” you called, pulling your hair into a ponytail. “aah, manager, mansaku is out with hiura and asuto.” ichihoshi said as you internally sighed. “then can i go with you two instead, manager?” nosaka asked, closing a book and grabbing his coat from the stand. “let's go then.” he said as you only blinked before sighing.

“you didn't even wait for me to say something...” you mumbled from behind the emperor, who paused and flashed a smile (what do you mean?).

“... what do you want for dinner, akio?” you asked as fudou blinked, “huh?” you only gave him a bitter smile. “hurry up before i change my mind.” (‘good thing your eyes are pretty, or else i really would've made you eat tomatoes as punishment.’)

“.... yakisoba.. please.”

“got it.”

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