《A Misconstrue Affair✔️ ( Completed)》50. Decided?


Maaz sat on a bench in a secluded area of the park. He had been here all day and after coaxing his heart, with a lot of effort, he had managed to believe Anaya was innocent. But her confession broke his trust and his heart. He sighed staring at his fingers. For a second he had given into his mother's provocation, but his father had knocked sense into him; just on time. Now, he believed his mother and Hannah that Anaya has framed him for something he hasn't done; all that for a divorce. But she hasn't even signed the paper yet and why would she lie about being pregnant when she knew that this will just delay the divorce. She was so desperate for divorce that she planned to fake rape then why didn't she go ahead and divorce him right away. Why didn't she take him to court? His thoughts had troubled him before confronting her but after her confession all these logics took a back seat. Maaz's mind was totally boggled. He hadn't thought this much since ever and now his head hurt a bit.

As he sat in seclusion trying to make sense of things, he heard a woman's warm and sweet voice. Slowly, he looked up and found a familiar-looking middle-aged woman standing in front of him and smiling. She had worn a simple salwar suit and her long tresses were tied in a neat bun.

He frowned, - 'Yes?'

'Maaz,' – she sat beside him and he shifted, - 'I am Shabana, Anaya's mother.' She informed him. Realization dawned upon him and he nodded awkwardly.

'Beta,' – she placed a hand on his shoulder, - 'I heard about the whole chaos that just happened at your place.' She said calmly. Maaz was taken aback.

Shabana sighed and looked front, - 'I heard Anaya and Azlaan speaking with each other. Your mother,' – she looked at Maaz, - 'threw her out of the house and she was talking about going back to her apartment, but I insisted she came to our place.' She looked away again while Maaz kept observing her.

She looked away and spoke, - 'Anaya had always been a very obedient child. She did everything we told her without questioning us. Her father, always, intimidated her. That is why she doesn't object when we fixed her engagement with Sheeraz and pressurized her to marry him. She didn't want to, never, but she agreed for us and...'


Maaz felt sudden coldness as Mrs. Hussain revealed everything about Anaya. Her supposed engagement with Sheeraz, the scandal with him, then them forcing her to marry him only to divorce him. With shocked eyes, he looked front towards the bushes. He began sinking in everything. He was startled upon feeling Shabana's warm palm, but he doesn't look at her.

She sighed, - 'Beta, I know what Anaya did is unforgivable, but she was in under immense pressure, she wasn't thinking straight.' She was at the edge of crying.

Slowly, Maaz turned his head and looked at her. His eyes were moist as well, - 'Anaya was under pressure, indeed, but she and I had become friends. Why didn't she tell me? I told her everything. Didn't she trust me?' He said in a hoarse quivering voice.

Shabana let out a shaky breath, - 'Anaya is an introvert. She always hated talking to someone, share her problems. Since childhood, she never shared any of her problems with us. She is very close to Azlaan, but she doesn't tell him anything either. It is just not in her nature.' – Shabana stopped speaking and held Maaz's palm tighter. 'But she can do anything for people she loves and you, you are one of them.' She added with a sad smile.

Maaz looked sharply at her and she nodded, - 'She told me this morning, Maaz. She really loves you, a lot. And for the first time, she confessed her feelings to me. Also for the first time she was adamant to confront her father.' She completed.

Maaz kept staring at her. His heart skipped a beat upon knowing Anaya's feelings for him, but it would have been best if he heard it from her. Then, he wondered if he would survive that.

He gulped softly and looked away. Anaya loves him. She loves him. A small smile crept on his lips, but he quickly suppressed it. The hurt of what she did to him overpowered every feelings and thought. He sighed clasping his fingers together again. He doesn't look at his mother-in-law as he said, - 'Please give me some time. Everything is very overwhelming.'

Shabana nodded slowly, and moved back, - 'Okay, beta.' She took out a piece of paper and forwarded it to him. She told him that was their address and he will find Anaya here.


'My husband has gone to Sceaux for a week.' She added while standing up and bid goodbye.

'Khuda Hafiz, beta.'

'Khuda Hafiz.' Maaz muttered staring at the paper in his hands. Shabana smiled sadly and patted his shoulder. This was for the first time; she had done something without her husband's knowledge and permission. She mustered this courage only for her daughter. She had coaxed herself enough but seeing her daughter in such a miserable state was the last straw for her.


Anaya sat in the balcony on a grey Sherpa round chair, facing the city view. She sighed while fidgeting with her toes. As November ended, it was getting chiller day by day. She shivered little pulling up the ivory furry shawl and let out a breath. She felt the vapor from her mouth. Then, she got back to recollecting events from two days earlier. Still, she shuddered whenever the thought of Maaz instantly divorcing her came to her mind. She blinked her eyes trying to push back her tears.

Just then she heard the balcony door open she doesn't look away, instead, she keeps staring into oblivion.

'Beta.' She felt her mother's warm hand placed on her shoulder. Anaya quickly wiped her eyes with the back of her index finger and blinked rapidly.

She sighed, - 'Yes, Ma.' She avoided looking at her as she felt her grip tight on her shoulder.

'It has been two days since you are sulking. And,' – she checked her daughter, - 'You haven't changed from your PJ's since last night and,' – she held her loose messy braided hair, - 'You haven't combed your hair too.' She sighed.

'Stop it, Ma.'- Anaya pulled her hair from her mother's grip and shifted, adjusting her shawl. Shabana pressed her lips tightly and sighed deeply.

'Anyway, there is someone here to see you.' She informed.

'I am not interested.' – Anaya replied dryly, and she added, - 'I have submitted my resignation letter yesterday.'

There was a silence between them for a moment. Shabana suppressed her smile as she said, - 'I think you would like to meet this person.'

'Ma!' Anaya looked annoyed. Shabana raised an eyebrow and she sighed looking away.

'Fine.' She spoke through clenched teeth and got up. Tugging her shawl on her shoulder, she walked into her room and then into the living room.

'Hello, Hassan.' A familiar masculine voice boomed in the room. Anaya's head shot up and her eyes widened upon seeing Maaz in her living room.

'Maaz.' She breathed out, her eyes instantly pooling with tears. Her slightly open mouth curved into a tremulous smile.

'Missed me?' Maaz smiled his charming dimpled smiled.

Anaya gasped covering her open mouth with both her palms. Maaz opened his arms and she dropped her shawl as she ran to him. She flung her arms around his neck and hugged him. The next moment, Maaz wrapped his arms around her and held her in a tight embrace. Anaya held him tighter and broke down crying.

'Hey, Relax, Anuksha.' Maaz teased her whilst caressing her hair.

'Uh, excuse me.' – Azlaan's voice interrupted them and they broke apartbut still held each other,


'Miss. Has—Hussain, will you marry me?' He proposed to her. He kept his gaze locked with Anaya but inside he trembled with fear and anxiety. He knew what her answer would be, yet he was dying with nervousness. He could hear his heart beating erratically in his ears. He hoped she didn't notice he was sweating.

A slow smile crept on Anaya's lips and she nodded, - 'Yes.' She breathed. Maaz could feel his heartbeat calm down and he smiled. He stood up and they kept admired each other.

'You proposed to marry me, but we are married.' She asked. Maaz smiled and pulled her by her hand. Anaya stopped smiling and looked nervous again.

'Because I want to marry you again. This time it won't be a hush affair, but I will make sure it will be on the front page.' He said excitedly.

Anaya smiled lowering her head briefly. Maaz slipped the ring in herfinger and sighed in relief. She asked him why and he was relieved and hereplied by saying he wasn't sure if the ring would fit right.

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