《A Misconstrue Affair✔️ ( Completed)》T e a s e r


'I am sorry, Maaz.' Anaya pressed her palms together and apologized. Zainab's thin lips curved into a triumphant smirk.

'I had—to—I am really ashamed. I was about to tell you.' She grabbed his hand and held it tightly. Maaz jerked his hand and Anaya stopped crying. She looked up at him, but he kept staring front. She looked down at his clenched fist and closed her eyes letting more tears fall.

'Maaz, don't just stand there.' – Zainab intervened, - 'Just divorce her.' – Anaya looked up sharply. Zainab looked menacingly at her and then lovingly at her son, - 'Now.'

'Zainab what are you—' Rashid interrupted but Zainab looked angrily at him and he stopped mid-sentence. She walked to her son and held his arm.

'This girl was always behind your money,' – Anaya shook her head but couldn't say anything, - 'She wanted to frame you in a false case and extort money.' She said firmly.

'No!' Anaya mustered courage and spoke loudly. Zainab was taken aback by her tone. Anaya stood up and held Maaz's other arm.

'Maaz, I agree. That I tried to—but not for money. I was being pressurized to divorce you. Just for divorce, I didn't want a penny from you.' She confessed.

'She is lying, Maaz.' Zainab said angrily and pulled her son to her side but Anaya gripped Maaz's sleeve tightly.

'Maaz, just divorce her. And give her whatever she wants, in fact, give her more. Maaz,' – she shook him slightly, - 'Just say Divorce thrice and free yourself from this wretched woman. Just divorce her now.' Zainab provoked him.

'No, no, no, no, Maaz, please.' – Anaya cried, - 'I know I have done you wrong but please don't.' she pleaded. Maaz looked sternly at her and she leaned back, her lips tightly zipped.

'Maaz, Anaya is right. Don't act in haste.' Rashid tried to make him see sense, ignoring his wife's glares. He took a deep breath and tried to speak calmly, - 'This can't be reversed, and you will regret badly.' He added. Anaya nodded and looked at Maaz who was now looking at his father.


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