《A Misconstrue Affair✔️ ( Completed)》46. On a Date


Maaz stood against the railing of his room, a cigarette in his between his index and middle finger. He recollected a few minutes earlier; Anaya had gotten ready for her date. She was hesitant but he kept a strong façade and encouraged her. After the atrocity he has done to her, it was the least he can do. She might have forgotten what happened that night, but he didn't. Even though he hasn't any memory of that night, he couldn't forget how messed up Anaya was the next morning.

Maaz ran his fingers through his hair as he cringed with the thought. To divert his mind, he thought of Anaya from minutes ago. She looked so beautiful in scoop neck, Knee length asymmetric ivory cocktail dress. Her lips adorned with glossy red lipstick, grey eyes rimmed with dark kohl and hair neatly tied in pouf bun.

She was nervous. When he asked why she had reluctantly confessed that she had never been on a date before.

Maaz smiled recollecting their dinner on the terrace of Dubai's hotel. For him, that was a date, his first date. He was disturbed by the knocking at the door. Quickly, he disposed of the cigarette and hurried towards the desk, pulled out the top drawer and grabbed a chewing gum.

He opened the door a little and found Hannah standing. He sighed and then smiled.

'Hi!' He welcomed her. Hannah walked inside with her arms folded across her chest.

'Where was Anaya going?' She asked eyeing her best friend. The color drained from Maaz's face. Hannah raised an eyebrow, - 'it looked she was going somewhere special because she was—'

'She has gone to her parent's home.' – Maaz turned away from her, - 'it has been long.' He added to sound convincing.

'Really?' She taunted him. Maaz fumbled and she caught him.

'Anaya has gone for a, a date.' He confessed. Hannah gasped loudly whilst covering her open mouth with her hand.

Maaz walked towards her and spoke in a soft tone, - 'Don't tell anyone, Hannah. Please.' He said holding her arm. Hannah was terribly confused. Her heart wanted to be happy because it would mean Maaz and Anaya have a very platonic relationship. She took a moment and gave a small nod.


Anaya entered the busy Pizza Hut outlet. She clenched the closed umbrella tightly and looked around. The restaurant had wooden texture with posters of pizza and some witty, praise quotes. The place was jam-packed with customers. The clutters of cutlery, chatters and roars of people filled the entire place, making it very lively. The warm yellow lights and the subtle sound of Soccer game on the TV weren't hurting the eyes and ears of the visitors. Anaya inhaled deeply, the scent of the freshly baked pizzas tantalized her, and she could feel her mouthwatering.


She spotted Gabin quickly as he stood close to the door.

He smiled at her and come towards her. She inhaled holding the golden sling of her clutch bag.

'Hi!' He leaned and air-kissed her cheeks. She smiled nervously. Her heart in her mouth.

'Come, let me help you.' He walked behind her and gestured for her white coat. It was November, the temperature would plummet in the evening and nights. Anaya wriggled out of the coat as he pulled it off her shoulders. Gabin neatly folded her coat and placed it over his forearm.

Together they walked towards a small round table for two at the corner of the restaurant. All the hustle and bustle got muffled there. Gabin smiled at her as he pulled a chair for her. She nodded and took her seat. He hurried to opposite her. Anaya looked away as she remembered Maaz, for the first time probably, pulling a chair for her at the terrace in the Dubai hotel. She smiled thinking about his clumsiness.

'Anaya.' Gabin's baritone brought her back to the present and her smile instantly disappeared.


'I know this isn't something, posh and costly but this is all a humble chef could offer.' He placed his palm over his chest.

Anaya shook her head, - 'No, no. It is wonderful.' – she placed her palm over his, - 'I like fast food than fancy food.' She smiled. She was about to pull her hand back but Gabin held her and she froze.

'It felt nice that you held my hand.' He blinked lovingly at her. She lowered her gaze and slowly pulled her hand from his grip. Then, she looked at him and smiled. He kept looking at her with love and admiration as he smiled back.

The rest of the time Gabin talked about his childhood in the suburb of a village in Paris. He was very close to his grandmother and spent more time with her. That is how he got interested in cooking and learned a lot of delicacies.

Anaya liked how he spoke softly, steadily and narrated everything in the beautiful description. She was impressed by him. He was perfect. Perfect hair, voice, attitude, childhood, everything. But for some reason, her thoughts kept drifting to Maaz.

'You know me more than that Gabriel fellow. So, technically, you should be in love with me.'

Maaz was the complete opposite of this epitome of perfection. He was clumsy, foolish, borderline narcissist, insensitive at times but recently he had shown his caring and sensitive side. Even when they are married, he didn't take anything to his ego, which the older Maaz wouldn't have done, and permitted her to go on a date with another man.

Anaya sighed, she looked at Gabin. He forwarded her then menu and she took it from him.


'I am your husband and I am permitting you, go on the date.'

She looked up sharply. Gabin had his knuckles pressed against his lips and his gaze moving to and fro. Anaya closed her eyes and shook her head. She blinked at the menu trying to focus on the menu.

I have told you everything about myself. Let my life story lay bare for you. You know why? Because I trust you.

Mag—Mag—Margherita, why was the name of the Pizza suddenly become so hard to think about. Anaya tried hard to distract herself. Suddenly, the memory from the morning flashed before her eyes. The morning when he was shocked to find out about what happened the previous night.

'I am really sorry. I didn't mean to,' – he pressed her knuckles against his forehead, - 'Please, I will do anything. Just, just forgive me. I am really sorry. I am sorry.'

Anaya cleared her throat and shifted in her seat.

'Are you alright, Anaya?' Gabin asked. She nodded and got back to staring at the Margherita pizza option on the menu.

'I know it is tough An—Anaya. After what happened—but I am very ashamed. So much that I can't—can't face myself, look at myself in the mirror.'

Anaya felt her heart heavy. Maaz has changed so much after that night. He was genuinely trying to be his best for her, to make up for something he has never done. His trust and love wouldn't have been with her if she hadn't faked about that night. She flinched wondering what would happen if he found out the truth. She shut her eyes tightly and tried to focus on the menu.

'Hello, sir,' – a waiter's sweet voice brought her back to the restaurant, - 'and ma'am. Would you like to order?' He asked, ready with his notepad and pen.

Gabin smiled passing the menu card to the waiter, - 'One chicken supreme.' He ordered and looked at Anaya.

'Uh, Margherita.' She said politely. The waiter noted down everything, smiled while picking up the menu cards. Humbly, he took their leave.

After they were done with food, Gabin and Anaya had a little talk over the bill. She insisted she paid her bill but Gabin requested otherwise, reasoning that she had come on a date with him. Eventually, Anaya gave up.

Gabin got the door for her. Once they stepped outside, they realized it was drizzling and quickly took a step back taking shade under the pulled-out cover of the restaurant.

'Zut!' Gabin exclaimed as he hadn't gotten an umbrella. Anaya suggested they shared, and he agreed. She opened the umbrella, this time again Gabin insisted he held it, but she bluntly refused and he doesn't argue.

They walked through the alley which would lead them to the main road. There was silence between them. Anaya didn't know what Gabin was thinking, he occasionally kept admiring her. But she knew what she was thinking- Maaz. He was constantly on her mind. His words echoed in her ears and his face flashed in her mind's eyes. She was physically present with Gabin, but her heart and mind were at home; with Maaz.

'So,' – she licked her lips and glanced at Gabin, - 'How was the date?'

'For you?' He asked instead. Anaya smiled.

'It was wonderful for me. I enjoyed the evening.' She confessed.

'I enjoyed the pizza.' – he chuckled, - 'your company was good too, but you—you were really lost. You were here with me on your own will or just to keep my heart?' Suddenly he sounded concerned.

'There is nothing like that.' – Anaya lied, - 'I wanted—' she avoided looking at him, - 'spend time with you.'

Gabin watched her carefully and then stopped mid-way. Anaya continued to walk a few steps before realizing he was left behind. She turned and hurried to him.

'What happened?'

'I was thinking.' – Gabin hesitated, - 'you were right about dating and getting to know about each other before getting into a relationship.' He sighed and gestured for them to walk.

'I think we are good as just friends. I like you, really, but you seem off and lost. Something just doesn't feel right. Please don't take any offense.' He said politely with guilt in his eyes.

Anaya shook her head. She wasn't offended because what Gabin said was right. She looked at him and smiled.

'What are your thoughts? You got to know me as you wanted. So?' He looked hopeful.

I have told you everything about myself. Let my life story lay bare for you. You know why? Because I trust you.

Anaya looked at the wall behind Gabin,

You know me more than that Gabriel fellow. So, technically, you should be in love with me.

Something clicked at the back of her head. Her eyes widened after realization and a smile spread on her face.

'You were right, Gabin. I am glad I came on this date with you.' Anaya couldn't contain her excitement while Gabin was confused. She looked at him with wide eyes and a wide smile.

'So, you like me?'

'I like you, Gabin but I—love—love someone else.' She huffed looking away. This realization hit her hard. But what she felt for Maaz was strangely very different. It elated her. Gabin looked at her with an amused smile.

'I am glad I was of some help.' He chuckled. Anaya nodded, a smile notleaving her lips

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