《A Misconstrue Affair✔️ ( Completed)》45. Tell Me The Truth


The taxi stopped at the entrance of the hotel. Both Anaya and Maaz got down together. The guards welcomed them with a smile. One of the guards opened the door for them. Anaya exhaled, - That wasn't bad at all

As they walked in the lobby together, many people turned to glance at them. No one bothered that they had come together. Anaya realized she had been so stupid into believing people would gossip like last time. She breathed a sigh of relief and smiled looking at Maaz.

'Sir, I will get you a beer and. What do you want for snacks?' She asked. Maaz doesn't look at her and answered,

- 'Anything.' He adjusted his maroon coat and walked away. Anaya's smile dropped. She was reminded of her stupidity. Perhaps, he was very offended by her and she should apologize.

Anaya entered the kitchen fully determined to apologize to Maaz and make him happy again. She got a huge glass of beer and wonderful, colorful macrons. She requested an icing bag from a pastry chef and wrote down S-O-R-R-Y, each word on each macron. She exhaled loudly and smiled widely at her effort. Carefully, she placed the sauce plate on the tray and slowly turned around. She tried to open the door while balancing the tray in her hand. Then, a muscular arm helped her by opening the door.

'Than—' Anaya stopped mid-way upon seeing Gabin standing next to her.

Today unlike always he wasn't smiling but looked concerned. She lowered her gaze and brushed past him. Gabin called her and she stopped in her tracks. He exhaled and walked towards her.

'Anaya.' He stood next to her.

Pooja had seen them together and followed them. She stood at a distance and watched them with her lips tightly pressed, arms folded across her chest. Gabin had just started talking something and an idea crossed her mind. She hurriedly left from there.

Maaz was there in his cabin. He browsed through the Xcel sheet going through the monthly budget. Christmas holidays were fast approaching, and he wanted to wrap everything and request Rashid if he could take a few days off. Maaz exhaled leaning against the chair and adjusted his tie. Just as he was about to close his eyes, the door swung open and a woman dressed in chef's coat dashed inside. She looked haphazard. Maaz was jolted.

'Who are you and how did you get in?' He asked whilst angrily standing up. His chair banged against the wall.

'Sir,' – the girl gulped, she was breathless as she continued, - 'there is something I need show you.' She said.

Maaz scowled, - 'Excuse me. How dare you?'

'Sir, please. I insist. It's—it's about Anaya.' She said and observed Maaz's expressions change.

'I am sorry, Anaya. I shouldn't have come so close that too so suddenly. I am sorry to scare you off.' He said.

Anaya shook her head and smiled a little, - 'No, it is okay.' She was about to leave but Gabin interrupted her. He insisted he took the tray from her. She hesitantly handed it to him. He smiled throwing his head a little back moving the dirty blonde hair strands from his face. Anaya gulped and looked away.


'Anaya, I have expressed myself and I—I want to know what you feel for me?' – He paused, - 'Be free and real, please.' He said softly and caringly. Anaya managed to look at him, into his eyes.

Be Free and Real, Okay. – She thought.

'Gabin, actually. I do like you,' – Gabin smiled, - 'but,'- his smile faded, - 'I don't know you to—fall in love with you.' She replied timidly. He nodded slowly.

'Okay, then we can know each other.' – He thought for a while, - 'Want to hang out tonight?' He asked brightly. Anaya's mouth hung open. She had been dreaming of this day. Slowly, she pinched her wrist and winced slightly. She was dazed as she wrote down his number. Gabin smiled and leaned towards her and she inhaled deeply. He moved back and retracted his arm as well.

'Here.' He handed her the tray and she took it from him.

'When you make up your mind, do call me.' He gestured with his hand brought to his ear. Anaya nodded.

Maaz paced in his cabin. Not able to control his restless mind he stood next to the huge window facing the city. The rain lashed across the windowpane. He watched water droplets trickling down the glass window. He recollected seeing Anaya and the other man; Gabin, the woman had introduced him. Their body language was unlike the last time he had seen them. This time they were friendly. Perhaps, he misunderstood them. Last night, it looked like they were going to kiss. Maybe, he was removing dirt from her eyes.

Nah! - He moved away from the window and walked to his desk. He tapped his fingers on the table. He wanted to believe Anaya isn't in love with Gabin or anyone else. He wanted to be hopeful that maybe, maybe he had a chance to impress Anaya and be the person she falls in love with.

The creak of the door made him look up. Anaya entered the cabin carrying a tray with her. She doesn't smile but keeps a straight face. Maaz watched her, a smile appeared on his face. She placed the tray on the table. He paid attention to the tinkling of her red glass bangle which she wore in the right hand. A silver watch glistened in her left hand. She picked up the glass saucer plate and handed it to him. He looked down and frowned upon seeing letters on the macrons. He looked up and Anaya mouthed, - 'Sorry.' Holding her ear with her free hand.

'Why are you apologizing?' He shrugged. Anaya felt her cheeks burn and she could muster just one word,

'Morning.' She avoided his gaze. Maaz was reminded of the incident from the morning and he nodded.

'It is okay.' He said. Anaya didn't like the cold response. She had brought this with all her heart and was expecting the "Maaz response". Some teasing, a bright smile, excited and over-dramatic dialogues. But she just received a classic and dry "It is Okay."

Maaz took a bite of the macron and spoke as he walked around the table, - 'So, I wanted to know something.' – he sat on his chair and pulled himself closer to the table, - 'Tell me, Hasan. Was there anyone in your life before we got married?' He asked, straight-forward.


Anaya was taken aback and all she could reply was, - 'Huh?'

Maaz nodded and stood up again. He walked up to her and held her shoulder, making intense eye contact with her. She gulped.

'Look,' – he spoke softly, - 'we are friends now, right?' – she nodded, - 'I have told you everything about myself. Let my life story lay bare for you. You know why?' – he paused for dramatic effect, Anaya nodded slowly, - 'because I trust you. And—I want you to trust me too.' He said seriously.

I trust you! These words pinched Anaya's heart. She knew from the way he spoke and not once looked away from her eyes. She couldn't look into his eyes because of her guilt and so she lowered her gaze. Maaz kept looking at her, hoping she would confess if she did love someone.

'Please be Honest, Anaya.' He requested. Slowly, she looked at him and then next second she looked away again.

'I'- she took a step back and pressed her lips tightly.

Maaz realized she won't say him anything directly, maybe she is shy, so he decided to be straight forward.

'I saw you with a man last night—and even today. You guys were—were very close.' – Anaya's head shot up, her widened eyes met his gaze, - 'I don't mean to judge you—I just wanted to know about your feelings.' He took a step closer.

Anaya fidgeted with her fingers while wandering her gaze everywhere but at him. Maaz felt agitated because he wasn't able to get anything out of her. Anaya licked her lips, straightened and took a deep breath.

'I—I liked Gabin. It was a girl-y crush, nothing else.' She confessed then she added how she was disturbed when he fell for Pooja, her best friend. Now, as she narrated Maaz everything she realized how dumb she was to blame on Pooja for back-stabbing her when it was Gabin who proposed her.

Maaz placed a hand on her shoulder and Anaya came out of her thoughts. He smiled, - 'Do you still have feelings for him? Now, that they broke up.' He asked. Anaya sighed.

'Honestly, I don't know.'

Maaz kept a boulder on his chest and said, - 'Well, then get to know him.' He forced a smile. As soon as Anaya looked away, his smile dropped.

'He has asked me for a date tonight,' – Maaz could feel his heartbeat increase, - 'I didn't say anything.' She said.

'Oh!' Maaz responded, with a heavy heart, he suggested, - 'I think you should go.'

Anaya was shocked at his suggestion. Something was up with Maaz today, he was giving shock after shock.

She took a moment and then shook her head, - 'What are you saying, Maaz, sir?' – she paused and lowered her voice, - 'In case you have forgotten, I am married. How can I go on a date with someone else?'

Maaz smiled patting her shoulder, - 'I am your husband and I am permitting you, go on the date.' He said. Anaya blinked at him.

'By the way,' – Maaz went around Anaya and stood on the other side, - He smirked at her. Anaya looked sharply at him. Her heart fluttered with the thought. What if, maybe?

'Anyway,' – Maaz sighed, he got the saucer plate and forwarded it to Anaya, but she shook her head with her palm out, he took back the plate, - 'We have meeting with the Qazi soon, maybe tomorrow. I hope you have signed the papers.' He said not looking at her but walking towards his table.

Anaya gulped. Another shock. This reminded her that she hadn't signed the paper yet. She wanted the divorce then why was she hesitating?


Mehnaz opened the door to her mother's room. Zainab was sitting in the recliner chair, drinking tea. She noted there were five more empty teacups. She dropped her sling bag, hurried to her mother and kneeled beside her.

'Mom,' – she placed her palms over her mother's arm, - 'What is the matter? Why are you thinking so much tea? It isn't good.' She tried snatching teacup from Zainab, but she jerked her daughter's hand away.

'I am frustrated, Mehnaz.' – she rubbed fingers of her free hand, - 'that witch. I am not able to free my son from her grip.' She slammed her fist on the armrest.

Mehnaz clicked her tongue and looked away for a moment before looking back at her mother.

'Stop it, Mom.'

'That stupid chef.' – Zainab ignored Mehnaz and continued to talk, more to herself, - 'he is useless. Idiot is actually in love with her yet he refused to propose to her in public. He says it will embarrass her.' - Zainab held her forehead, - 'what luck. She knows how to seduce men and keep them in her fist.' She finished talking. Mehnaz exhaled loudly.

'Mom,' – she stood up, - 'I am leaving tonight. Please, let me go with happy memories.' She requested. Zainab glared at her and then stood up in anger.

'Fine,' – she pointed at the door, - 'get out. I am busy.' She scolded and turned to face the other side. Mehnaz watched her mother's back and decided to let her be for now. Without answering, she turned around and walked out of the room. As the door closed, Zainab closed her eyes and inhaled deeply. Then, she opened her eyes.

'I must talk to Maaz. He had said he would divorce her soon. Now, it is time for that. I can't bear her anymore.' She thought out loud.

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