《A Misconstrue Affair✔️ ( Completed)》44. Fantasies


Anaya decided to return to the party. She glanced at the grandfather clock placed near the stairways. It was nearly midnight, yet the party was in full swing. This time the guests were plenty, mostly Atif's side of the family. By now, Anaya knew Maaz's family members were few. Rashid's side only had his elder sister- Rashda Appa and no one else. Zainab's family had her elderly parents and her elder brother and his family who were busy with their aging parents.

Anaya looked around and was pleasantly surprised to find Maaz amongst the crowd. She smiled to herself.

'Nautanki.' She shook her head slightly. As she climbed down, she felt her vision blurry, her legs wobbled little. She grabbed the railing with one hand while she held her temple with the other hand. She stood still to steady herself and took a step when she felt better. She blinked several times before letting out a breath. She held the railing tightly as she took slow steps.

She walked towards the bar and got herself a glass of water. Along with the slight giddiness, she felt her throat parched. She took a sip of water and felt refreshed, but her head felt heavy. She hadn't eaten or drunk properly as she was too occupied to make the event perfect. Mehnaz had insisted she helped her with the function, also she wanted to show off in front of Zainab.

Maaz got bored and regretted attending the party, but he did so because his mother had called and insisted, he did. He was Mehnaz's brother and everyone was demanding for him. He got himself a glass of Mojito, took a sip and looked around. Just then, his gaze fell at Anaya and he squinted his eyes for a better look. She was at the bar. He was about to look away when he noticed her sway on spot and he realized something wasn't right. He handed his drink to Rashid, who stood beside him and didn't look pleased, and hurried towards Anaya. He pushed his way through the crowd but before he could reach her, she fell on the ground.

There was a collective gasp among the crowd, but it went unnoticed in the huge hall filled with thousands of people. Maaz shoved aside and kneeled beside Anaya. She was sprawled on the floor, unconscious. He leaned and slapped her face slightly, but she doesn't wake up. He called out her name but no response. He asked the bartender to pass him a glass of water and he sprinkled some water on her face. She frowned, moving her head slightly and her eyelashes flickered. Quickly, Maaz scooped her in his arms. He had a little difficulty lifting her and keeping his balance. Now, they had many heads turning towards them as he carried her towards the stairways.


Zainab hurried to them and held Maaz's arms, - 'Why are you carrying her? Let the butlers do that.'

Maaz opened his mouth to counter her but she doesn't listen and instead called for the butlers. Then, she looked sharply at Maaz, - 'There are reporters everywhere.' She whispered angrily. A butler arrived and Zainab ordered him to take Anaya to the guest room. Maaz reluctantly handed Anaya to him. He asked the butler to get few maids to make sure she was alright. The butler nodded and walked dragging Anaya with him.

Fifteen minutes later, Maaz couldn't take the restlessness and requested his father to let him go see Anaya. Rashid readily agreed. He could understand his son's discomfort. Maaz hurried towards the guest room.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Anaya sitting on the bed relaxed against the bedpost. He cleared his throat and gestured the maids to leave the room. She nodded, lowered her head and walked out of the room. Maaz hurried to Anaya and sat beside her.

'Are you alright?' He asked.

Anaya shifted little to give him a place to sit and nodded, - 'I am fine.' She held her forehead and winced a little. Maaz tilted and poured some water for her. She thanked him and took the glass. He watched her as she gulped down.

'How did it happen? Why did you faint?' He kept looking at her. Anaya handed him the glass and smiled wryly that him. She liked how his anger and trouble melted upon seeing her in stress.

'I am fine. I hadn't had a proper meal and rest so—,' – she shrugged, - 'I guess.'

Maaz looked away, placed his palm over his chest and exhaled loudly. Then exclaimed, - 'Thank God!' Anaya frowned at him.

'Why? What happened?' She asked shifting little to her side for a better look at him. Maaz looked up with guilt in his eyes.

'For a moment I thought that—you—were—pr—pregnant.' He stammered. Anaya's mouth formed a small O and her gaze lowered. She looked away for a moment and then chuckled nervously.

'Come on, Maaz. Not every time a woman faints, she is pregnant.' She assured him. Maaz nodded, then he licked his lips and moved closer. Anaya held her breath as he took her hand in his.

'Still, it won't hurt to—be sure.' He held her hand tighter and Anaya's eyes widened. He looked intensely into her eyes, - 'Please.' He said seriously. Anaya gulped.

There was silence for a while before Anaya slowly slipped her palm from his grip and shifted away from him, - 'Maaz, I—don't think so. I am sure I am not pregnant.' She assured him again. Maaz looked skeptical. Anaya bit her lip and looked away briefly, - 'Maaz, I recently had my periods, so—' she lied.


'Oh!' Maaz said in a soft tone and moved back. He looked away; his cheeks flushed. Anaya too looked away drawing circles on the bed with her index finger.

'Um, you rest. I will see the party.' Maaz said and got up but stopped when Anaya held his arm. He turned to look at her, she simply smiled at him. She wanted to ask him what was bothering him but decided to drop the topic and instead thanked him. Maaz smiled back and leaned. Anaya watched him come closer. He held her face and hesitated before planting a kiss on her forehead. She closed her eyes and her lips curved into a small smile. He lingered his lips for a moment before moving back.

'Take care.' He said.

'I will.' She whispered. They looked at each other as Anaya's hand slipped from his grip. He turned around and walked out of the room. She watched him in awe.

How can their equations change so much? When they had met, he was nothing to her, but now slowly he was becoming someone special; someone very special.


Anaya groaned and shifted in her place. She felt sunshine on her face and winced covering her eyes with her arm.

'What the!' She opened her eyes and sat up.

'Good morning.' Maaz smiled at her. His dimple was visible from the distance. He was dressed in checked pants and loose Tee. His hair tousled. Anaya blinked and smiled back. Maaz walked towards the bed and sat at her feet.

'Just look at yourself.' He chuckled, - 'one minute.' He leaned and grabbed a hand mirror from the bedside table and handed it to her. Anaya grabbed the mirror and gasped. Her mascara was heavily smudged and her lips dry.

'Oh!' she exclaimed touching her cheeks. Maaz leaned on his arm and smiled while observing her.

He grabbed the mirror from her hand and stood up. He held her hand and tugged on her arm encouraging her to get up and get ready.

'I am waiting for you at the table.' He tapped his wrist, - 'in half an hour.' He said pretending to be serious. Sleepily, Anaya brought her hand to the side of her head and gave him a salute. Also, she covered her gaping mouth with the back of her palm as she yawned. Maaz shook his head and turned around, walking away.

Anaya selected Flute sleeved, high slit coral long Kurtha and white cigarette pants, bathed and got ready for work in front of the mirror. She combed her hair and tied some with a banana clip, leaving the rest on her back. She recollected last night, how Maaz had adjusted her hair. She smiled to herself and she brought half her hair on her shoulder. After she applied kohl and nude lip-gloss, she wore sneakers. No Rashid and so no need of formal shoes; heels were a pain for her anyway. Maaz entered the room when she was tying the belt of her watch.

'I thought you were different from other women. But you are also taking so much time to get ready.' He commented. Anaya sighed and turned, she smiled.

'I am ready.' She said, then picked up her hand purse and walked towards him.

'Like always you leave by the car and I will take the taxi.' She said and was about to walk away but he stopped her by holding her arm.

'Today please come with me.' – Anaya shook her head, but she was silenced when he placed a finger on her lips, - 'in a taxi.' He completed his sentence. With their gaze locked, Anaya nodded.

Slowly, Maaz removed his finger from her lips. His gaze fell to her parted quivering lips. Her gaze dropped to his lips briefly before looking up. He was fixated to her lips. She licked her lips and pressed her lips tightly for a second before parting them. Cautiously, she leaned closer, looked up at him. His eyes met hers, she lowered her gaze to his lips and leaned further. Maaz inhaled sharply as he felt her lips approaching his lips. Anaya closed her eyes and he was about to do the same but just then the event from last night flashed before his eyes. He took a step back and Anaya's eyes sprung open. Stunned, she looked at him, but he avoided her gaze.

'I am waiting at the gate.' He said turning around and without waiting for a reply he walked out of the room. Anaya stood wide-eyed and breathing heavily. She was shocked by her actions. What the hell was she doing? Going to kiss him? What he must be thinking of her? He is her friend and nothing more, yet why? She let out a breath deeply and sat down on the edge of the bed. She stared at the flooring recollecting their moment.

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