《A Misconstrue Affair✔️ ( Completed)》43. Troubled Mind


Anaya felt her heart pounding in her chest as she felt Gabin's lips approach hers. But before they could kiss, she snapped her eyes open and took a step back. Gabin was surprised.

'No, no, no, no...' she kept muttering to herself while taking steps backward.

'I am sorry if I offended you, Anaya.' He got worried. Anaya's eyes were wide, and she looked horrified. Gabin took a step towards her but she had turned around and hurried away.

'Damn!' Gabin held his hair in a tight fist. He didn't want to offend her, but he shouldn't have gone for the kiss just after confession. He didn't even wait for her response.

Anaya entered the main hall; the sudden outburst of people made her ears hurt. The silence in the hallway outside the kitchen was now deafening. She walked through the crowds wanting to go to the room, but she stopped when there was a loud cheer and the hall echoed with claps. She looked up and found Mehnaz and Atif making their way downstairs. They looked like the perfect couple together. Holding hands and gazing lovingly into each other's eyes. A bright smile adored their faces. Anaya felt slightly envious for them but more than that she felt happy for them. Zainab, Rashid, and Maaz walked to them. Alia leaped to her father and clung tightly. She gushed happily. Zainab wiped her tears of joy and blessed the couple. Anaya looked around; the reporters were clicking fanatically.

The couple was guided towards the seven-tier cake. The cake looked delicious with vanilla cream and a delicate chocolate design. There was a cute couple on top, they resembled Mehnaz and Atif. Among the resonating sounds of claps and cheers, they cut the cake. Atif was all smiles as he fed his wife and Mehnaz was red with shyness and embarrassment. She fed her husband and hid her face into his chest. There was a roar of clapping.

Among all the happiness there was one person who was being torn from inside. Maaz just wanted everything to get over all this quickly and go to bed. He was having a hard time pushing back his tears and forcing a smile for the cameras. What bothered him the most was feeling of hurt. Why was it affecting him so much? They were married, yes, but just for namesake. The thought of Anaya having romantic feelings for someone else and perhaps meeting him even after marriage made Maaz very uncomfortable.


His uneasiness doesn't go unnoticed by Hannah. She watched him with a scrutinizing gaze. As soon as all the formalities were over, Maaz rushed upstairs. Hannah pushed through the crowd; her eyes don't leave him even for once. She picked up her gown and hurriedly climbed the stairs. He looked visibly upset and she wanted to console him. He took quick steps through the hallways and took steps to the terrace.

Anaya wanted to distract herself. She wanted to erase the recent event from her memory. Though the moment was something she had always experienced in her dreams when it actually happened it disturbed her. Gabin was so close to her that she could inhale his intense musk. She had felt his lip just brush against hers. Many times, her fingers wandered towards her lips, but she distracted herself.

As she attended the guest's someone called her. She smiled at her and greeted politely, - 'Hello, Rukhsar.'

'Hi!' She greeted back happily. The two-woman hugged briefly. After the general exchange of words. Anaya was about to leave and she noticed Rukhsar wanted to say something more but was hesitant.

'What happened, Rukhsar?' She asked placing her palm over her shoulder. Rukhsar bit her lip glanced at her sides and then grabbed Anaya's arm, dragging her to a corner. Anaya gasped.

'I just wanted to know something about—your cousin, Sheeraz.' Rukhsar said. Anaya frowned.

'Why?' She shrugged.

Why would anyone want to know about Sheeraz? She wondered.

Rukhsar shifted uncomfortably and avoided her gaze, - 'Just cause—he is a—weirdo.' She said casually. Anaya folded her arms and eyed her suspiciously with a sly smile lingering on her lips.

'What?' - Rukhsar shrugged, - 'He is my employee. Don't think otherwise.' She folded her arms angrily. Anaya smiled.

'Sure!' – she paused, - 'but I am not that close to him, Rukhsar. He stayed in India while I was here.' She said honestly and watched Rukhsar's expressions drop. She felt slightly bad for her and so she added, - 'He is a good man, only that he isn't much in the looks department.' She smiled tapping her shoulder. Rukhsar looked distracted and mindlessly excused herself. Anaya exhaled as she watched her walk away.


Maaz couldn't remove the image of Anaya kissing another man. He stood leaning against the parapet of the terrace. Hannah was beside him. She kept asking him what was bothering him so much, but he didn't answer her.

Agitated, she held the sleeves of his blazer and shook his arm, - 'Enough, Maaz. Something is troubling you and I am your friend. I can't see you like this.' – she paused, her voice softened as she spoke further, - 'You were so disturbed before going to Dubai that I was genuinely so worried for you. Then, you were fine and then again—' she turned him to face her, - 'Maaz, tell me please.' She requested.

Maaz looked up into her eyes. He could see her eyes were moist and a look of concern on her face. He looked away and exhaled loudly. Hannah clenched his arm tightly assuring him that she was there.

Anaya realized Maaz wasn't there in the function. Rashid had come to her looking for him and it was then she noticed this. He asked her to look for him. At first, she tried calling him, but his phone was unreachable.

'Where could he be?' She thought out loud while tapping her phone against her palm. She turned around and decided to check in their room. Perhaps, he had a headache and decided to retire to the room. She was worried about him.

Anaya's worry grew when she found their room empty. She searched for the other rooms as well but was disappointed. Then, she recollected him telling her once about how he goes to the terrace when he was super-mad. Without wasting another moment, she hurried towards the stairs. Why was he on the terrace? What bothered him? Was he not well?

She stopped in her tracks when she found Maaz and Hannah together. Her gaze darted to their interloped arms and she quickly looked away. Maaz was telling something to her. Anaya felt uneasy. Why did these two come up here? What was the need to be alone? What did they want to talk about? Anaya noticed Hannah's grip tighten and she couldn't stand still anymore. She cleared her throat grabbing their attention. They turned but Hannah kept clinging onto Maaz.

Maaz looked at Anaya and the moment came flashing before his eyes. He scowled and looked away.

'What are you doing here?' He said with irritation. Anaya frowned, confused by his tone.

'I—everyone is looking for you, that is why I have—'

'Tell Dad that my head is aching, and I need to rest.' Maaz said sharply. Hannah couldn't help but smile; she quickly fixed her expressions. Anaya eyed her.

'Hannah, if you would excuse us, please.' She spoke politely. Hannah shifted in place but doesn't let go of Maaz's arm.

'Hannah won't go anywhere. If you want, Anaya, you leave.' He said harshly. Anaya was taken aback because of his tone. She looked at Hannah and her posture, the triumphant smile on her face made Anaya feel offended.

She looked away from her and at Maaz, - 'Maaz tell me if something is bothering you.' Her eyes lingered towards Hannah before moving back to her husband. Maaz turned to look at her. How can he tell that he found her having a cozy moment with someone else and for some reason he didn't like it? He looked away from her and waved a hand,

- 'Nah!' He said

'Anaya,' – Hannah intervened, - 'You may leave. I am Maaz's best friend and I am here for him.' She said with authority. Anaya wanted to burst her bubble and remind her that she was Maaz's wife. But she chose to remain silent.

Maaz let out an exasperated sigh and tugged his arm from Hannah's grip, - 'You know what ladies, you guys hang out here. I am off to bed.' He mumbled and walked away. He paused by Anaya and threw her a glance before walking away. Something about that look didn't feel right to her and she wondered if she was the cause of his troubled mind.

Hannah huffed and walked briskly towards the exit, she accidentally purposefully hit Anaya's shoulder with hers before leaving the terrace. Anaya's mouth hung open. What were the two friends plotting?

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